So, I've been playing a quasi-Legacy style neighborhood. Everything has been running fine, but I've noticed an unfortunate trend in Sim-Conversations.
Sims will talk about memories they have or memory tokens that have been passed to them from other sims. Unfortunately, this is now seeming to include Attraction Tokens.
That is a picture of Melinda Founder with a memory token of her husband's Attraction towards a townie. The amusing side effect is that when she talks about the memory token, she gets a picture of that townie in her speech bubble with stupid hearts farting out of it. The downside is that her youngest Child caught the memory and was discussing it as well.
This wasn't something that was passed on via a gossip conversation. Dempsey actually talked about it in the hot tub with his Wife, Son, and Son-in-Law. His son then started spouting the farty-hearts speech bubble about the Townie in question as well, which I'm sure was quite amusing to his husband sitting in the tub with them. And another Sim picked one up on the phone last night from a friend he was talking to. I actually only clued in because I saw that particular Icon briefly, followed immediately by a random Townie with farty-heart syndrom in the speech bubble.
Is there any way to keep Sims from talking about these kinds of memory tokens, or are we going to be stuck with having to delete these tokens in SimPE constantly?