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Author Topic: OFB jump bug  (Read 7593 times)
Asinine Airhead

Posts: 23

[See also: Damage Inc356]

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OFB jump bug
« on: 2006 April 06, 05:35:02 »

It's not half as bad as the original, but it is annoying.  As far as I can tell from my own game and what I've seen others post at other forums it started with OFB (though I'm not 100% sure of that) and only happens to female sims.  Affected sims can't use toilets or do most social interactions.  They also can't interact with babies, but the level of this flaw seems to vary.  I've had some who could do everything but put the baby back into the crib and others who jump when they try to do anything involving the baby.  Bed interactions are also only affected sometimes, with some jumpy sims being able to woohoo and others jumping out of the action.

Downloads (incl. hacks) don't seem to cause it, because removing all downloads doesn't cure it.  Resetting the sim with the testing cheat or the debugger also does nothing to fix the problem.  I do have one sim who had the glitch but 'outgrew' it after several sim days, but I haven't played the other sims enough to see if this happens with them too or heard of it happening to anyone else.

Does anyone have any idea what causes this?  I've seen at least 5 other people around various forums who've had sims with this problem and I have 4 or 5 in my own game, so it's not an issolated glitch.  I'd really appreciate any info about what causes this or suggestions about what might fix it.

*edit* Added one of many error logs for one of my jumpy sims.  I can add more for the same sim or for other sims if needed.

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: 2006 April 06, 13:11:40 by GreenEyedHobgobblin » Logged
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Re: OFB jump bug
« Reply #1 on: 2006 April 06, 05:46:42 »

Yes please post your error logs so the expert here can take a look at them.

Simply join them to your original post by clicking on additional option.
Lord of the Nannies
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Re: OFB jump bug
« Reply #2 on: 2006 April 06, 06:08:52 »

Sounds like another variation of the dreaded "too many iterations", which basically means the game goes to check through a bunch of stuff, be it memories or friends or whatever and there gets to be so many to go through that it times out and resets itself causing the jump. The jump is just a reset, like when you turn on testingcheats and do force error and reset on a sim. Only the game is forcing that because something is wrong and it just panics and tries to fix it by resetting the sim to their original state.

How big is your neighborhood? How many characters files do you have in your neighborhood's characters directory? That could be part of it possible, but I also agree with MissDoh posting an error log will help too. But maybe post it as an attachment because they are loooooong. heh

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Asinine Airhead

Posts: 23

[See also: Damage Inc356]

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Re: OFB jump bug
« Reply #3 on: 2006 April 06, 13:07:27 »

It's a huge neighborhood, but... I kinda wonder if that's the problem because it's happened to people with much smaller neighborhoods too.  Relative newbies even.  My neighborhood needs serious pruning, which I've attempted but somehow messed up each time I tried.  871 character files and many of them are 'unknowns' created when I had trouble installing OFB.  I have 4 sets of the same character and only one assigned to anything.  Then there are the extra carpool drivers who were created when the limo was sent for a honeymoon, but the NPC No Revert hack made the game create driver after driver who would stand there, do the 'cry softly' animation, and then freeze.  And there are some NPCs who are just so ugly they shouldn't exist.  I tried getting rid of all of this but took out the wrong files on two tries.  Never open SimPe when you haven't slept well in two weeks.  Bleh!

I'm gonna add one error log to my first post and I'll find the others too.
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: OFB jump bug
« Reply #4 on: 2006 April 06, 16:03:21 »

Yah, I get this all the time now.

It's a problem with Attraction Tokens or somesuch.  Fortunately, it's pretty easy to fix.  Just remove any [invisible] Attraction Token
memories from that sim and you're good to go.
Asinine Airhead

Posts: 23

[See also: Damage Inc356]

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Re: OFB jump bug
« Reply #5 on: 2006 April 06, 17:21:00 »

Thanks.  I'll try that.

*update*  It works!! Cheesy  Thank you soooooooooo much!!  I'm posting this everywhere so people will know how to fix it in their games and I'm giving you the credit you deserve for telling me how to fix it.  Thanks again!
« Last Edit: 2006 April 06, 18:01:58 by GreenEyedHobgobblin » Logged
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Re: OFB jump bug
« Reply #6 on: 2006 April 12, 01:37:14 »

Squige over at made a hacked paint that permits you to delete many memories ingame inluding gossip and invisible memories.  You can find it here:

For people like me that is not using SimPe right now it is very useful.  For people that do use it, it will save them time.
Asinine Airhead

Posts: 43

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Re: OFB jump bug
« Reply #7 on: 2006 April 15, 02:20:52 »

I started having that problem, but I solved it by using Carigon's memory bottle to delete all the memories (which worked but is overkill)
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