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Game Stopping bug: Object referred to must be a person. HELP grrr
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Topic: Game Stopping bug: Object referred to must be a person. HELP grrr (Read 6683 times)
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 565
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Game Stopping bug: Object referred to must be a person. HELP grrr
2006 April 03, 15:50:40 »
My sims can no longer leave community lots. So far it's been on dates, but I suspect it would happen regardless. If they take thier car, it becomes unselectable. When they use the phone for a taxi, they call and the taxi says it's coming, then they "jump" away from the phone. Then the taxi never comes. I did turn debug mode on, and got the log attached. "Object referred to must be a person." is the error.
I thought at first it might be a conflicting Not Awesome hack, but blew this theory out of the water, because I went to my "clean" game on my other profile, no downloads in the downloads folder except wallpapers, clothes, genetics etc. made by ME. No hacks. This error log came from my "dirty" profile so it's got a lot of crap in it, I couldn't get an error log from my clean game because on that one, I can't even get them to use the phone on the community lot! When I put my mouse over the phone or the car, it's become unselectable.
Anyway, log attached. Thanks.
EDIT: P.S. I *do* have the patch installed.
[attachment deleted by admin]
Last Edit: 2006 April 03, 16:10:16 by Liss
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Re: Game Stopping bug: Object referred to must be a person. HELP grrr
Reply #1 on:
2006 April 03, 17:14:18 »
Liss, it happens to me too, and sometimes I exit and lose all the relationships I made.
From then on, I never take my sims to a community lot by car - only by taxi. The car works fine when it matters going to work.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Game Stopping bug: Object referred to must be a person. HELP grrr
Reply #2 on:
2006 April 03, 19:10:37 »
Is this error from a "clean" game, or is it from the hacked-game? Is the Phone Hack present?
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Super-Deformed Bobblehead
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Re: Game Stopping bug: Object referred to must be a person. HELP grrr
Reply #3 on:
2006 April 03, 19:18:14 »
She said the error was from her dirty game.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 565
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Re: Game Stopping bug: Object referred to must be a person. HELP grrr
Reply #4 on:
2006 April 03, 22:12:06 »
the instance the log came from is from my "dirty" game. Yes, the phone hack is present. On my "clean" game, the sims can't even use the phone. I had them go by taxi, they can't use the phone to call the taxi to go home. If they take their car, once they are on the community lot, the car becomes unselectable, they can't even sit in it. The phone is also unselectable in my "clean" game so I can't even get an error log on that one. If I hover over the phone it says no available actions or whatever that is.
EDIT: It appears that deleting groups.cache in my "dirty" game fixed the problem on that profile. I'm going to test it in the other profile now. If I'm still having a problem I'll check back.
EDIT AGAIN: AAARRRRGGGHHH. Ok this makes no fucking sense at all. In my dirty game, I took a family of sims downtown in their own car. They were all able to go home in the car. When I opened my CLEAN game, I took a family downtown, and once they got there, both the car AND the phone became unselectable. This was after I deleted groups.cache on both profiles.
Last Edit: 2006 April 04, 07:17:49 by Liss
Someone sucks more than I do.
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