Some problems I've been having since OFB, and I'm wondering whether you're seeing these, too. I haven't installed the patch yet, but I don't see any mention of a fix for these specific problems included with the patch. So, I'm wondering if maybe it's just my game with the hacks I have, or if this is a universal problem since OFB.
1) The "Party Timer" disappears after the first few interactions with guests on the lot. This has happened both in Pleasantview and on Uni lots. So no party score is possible. Sims can no longer get a Good or Bad Party memory. The Party has no end.
Related to this, guests no longer leave -- they stay forever until told to leave.
2) Grad Party no longer works. The Sim who's just graduated doesn't get the option to throw a Grad Party until AFTER you have him call a taxi to move back to original hood. Then you get a "Are you sure? Sim can still throw a party before returning...blahblahblah" The only grad-related hack I have in my game is gradpartymemfix, and I don't think this is causing the issue, because I've had it in my game since pre-OFB.
3) Sims who have graduated OR who have left their home lot to go to University make a reappearance in some weird place on the lot they've departed from sometime later (as in a couple or 3 days later). Which scared me; I thought maybe they didn't make it to their destinations. But when I went out of the lot to go back to Uni or back to Pleasantview, the Sim in question actually WAS in the bin, ready to move in. So maybe if, once a Sim has taxied off to Uni OR back home, if you don't go right away and move the binned Sim into his/her new digs, then the game sometimes is messing up and thinks the departed sim is still around??? Bizarre!
4) Then an unrelated bug: When Sims return from a Community lot, I'm getting "Congratulations! Your Sim has just purchased a new electronic game, and now they just need.... blahblah" ...
In not one case did my Sim purchase the game, and in every case, there were already both TV's and computers on the home lots. Has anybosy else seen this happen?
Should add that I have all EP's!

Thanks for your feedback,