Thought I would share this in case anyone else has had the same prob. I recently set up a new shop for one of my sims and after the first day of business when I returned to the shop there was an out of stock tag at the very back corner of the lot, I know I didn't put it there and each time i went into buy mode it dissapeared. I then boolproped it and reset which didn't help and ended up boolpropping and deleting and thought end of problem. Nope I noticed by restocking boy comming back from the back corner the next day and went through the whole scenario again. Thought maybe it might have been customers dropping their bags at the back so I went to great expense to put a nice looking fence around the area. Next morning same thing inside the fenced area so unless the pixies put it there something was amiss. To date all the items were ones I had on the display trays and after removing all the items off the display trays and placing them straight onto the shelves I have not had a re-occurance. So its possible there may be a glitch with the trays.
Axe murdered since 2006
J. M. Pescado
Upcoming Lot Debugger update includes the ability to remove all restocking tags, which will silence both the immediate whining of people who insist on looking at them, and the ones that get lost off-lot.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Upcoming Lot Debugger update includes the ability to remove all restocking tags, which will silence both the immediate whining of people who insist on looking at them, and the ones that get lost off-lot.
I bow at your feet most awesome one!
Axe murdered since 2006
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 825
Super Shooter
Those flying sighs, are they out of stock signs for cc or maxis objects?
Go Away
I only have Maxis items for sale and so far it only seemed to be crafted items although they were the only ones I had on the trays. Not had the problem in any other shop so I'm guessing its the trays or using the trays on the shelf units.
Axe murdered since 2006
I only have Maxis items for sale and so far it only seemed to be crafted items although they were the only ones I had on the trays. Not had the problem in any other shop so I'm guessing its the trays or using the trays on the shelf units.
It's not the trays. I've seen the problem a few times and I have no trays in any of my business lots. I suspect it's the crafted items themselves. Glad to see Pescado has a workaround for this already, it was really getting annoying. Karen
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 825
Super Shooter
I use cc on my shelves and those stocksigns are flying everywhere! So i was thinking it might be a cc issue. Looks like its a maxis issue then!
Go Away
I have this problem, and it's not with craftable objects (I don't sell a lot of craftable objects). I don't sell much in my store that isn't custom content, so I was thinking maybe that was it, but I see others here having problems with Maxis content. I think there was a thread here previously about it, too.
I've been using the invisible object deleter to get rid of them, because if your sim actually does 'restock' them the merchandise won't show back up on the store shelves and you'll be out the cash. I even tried placing a tree over the spot where it happens with no luck. The next day, signs were sticking out from under the edge of the tree.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 197
I know Numenor stated that this was a reported bug to his "place cc on shelves" hack but I didn't know that it was a problem with Maxis crap too. Just another bug to add to the list. OFB is going for the record...
Marvin Kosh
I've seen this happen where an object for sale is itself sitting on top of an object that is for sale (for example, the cheap stereo sitting on top of the desk in the Electronics Supercentre) - when the object on bottom is sold, the object on top has its location (for purposes of customers browsing and buying it) messed up. Hence, a customer was able to buy that cheap stereo outside the store (I had locked the doors) even though its true location was inside the store. So if it can mess up like that, who knows what other weirdities are possible?
I haven't had any out of stock signs show up in weird places yet, but I have had objects pulled out of a Sim's inventory show up on the far corner of the lot. I was able to pick the object up while still in the inventory mode and move it back to where I wanted it.
I may be totally offbase, but I was able to replicate the problem fairly consistently - it seems as though the objects fly out of bounds when I try to place them too quickly, like I click on the picture in the inventory and then immediately click on the ground to place it, before the object has time to fully "load" (not sure how to really describe it). Perhaps that's the problem with the out of stock signs as well. When the object is purchased, the game tries to place the sign too quickly and it ends up flying off out of bounds.
Opera loving chickens. Can't eat them. Can't vote for them. Can't wear them as a hat.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
I got that on my home business lot. It happened when I had used moveobjects on to display robots on shelves, when they got sold the restocking labels appeared in all sorts of strange places. Since leaving my for sale robots on the floor it hasn't happened since!
Well since removing the items off the trays and putting them directly on the shelves the problem has not reappeared and its been quite a few sim days now.
Axe murdered since 2006
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 18
Just had my first runaway out of stock sign...  I only have shelves so the trays can't be the problem and it was a vase of crafted flowers that went awol not cc ... it was odd looking too a tall standing sign post instead of the little card things i normally see 
Yep thats what I had and it was the tulip crafted flower i think (might have been roses)
Axe murdered since 2006
Just had my first runaway out of stock sign...  I only have shelves so the trays can't be the problem and it was a vase of crafted flowers that went awol not cc ... it was odd looking too a tall standing sign post instead of the little card things i normally see  The standing post is the sign you get when the object is displayed on the floor instead of a shelf (things like statues, rugs, etc.). Since there's no shelf there they just revert to those kind of signs. I may be totally offbase, but I was able to replicate the problem fairly consistently - it seems as though the objects fly out of bounds when I try to place them too quickly, like I click on the picture in the inventory and then immediately click on the ground to place it, before the object has time to fully "load" (not sure how to really describe it). That's something interesting to think about. I'm very slow about placing my merchandise, though, because I'm always trying to get everything to look so-so. My sims don't give a rat's patootey if the shelves are so cluttered you can't sort anything out, but I do.  I got that on my home business lot. It happened when I had used moveobjects on to display robots on shelves, when they got sold the restocking labels appeared in all sorts of strange places. Since leaving my for sale robots on the floor it hasn't happened since! What kind of robots were you placing on the shelves? If you had to use moveobjects it must've been the big ones so it would stand to reason, since they weren't supposed to be there to begin with, that the restocking signs would have problems going back. That also brings to mind another thought. Perhaps much of my stock that keeps disappearing is objects that can be placed either on the floor OR on a shelf. I'll have to investigate that more thoroughly.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 227
this has happened to me today for the first time, with the maxis vases of sunflowers and some gnomes, no custom content. the only thing differently that i have done is move a sim into home business (which has a florist on the ground floor and the new sim has kept it as a florist) and then i used trays on the box shelves as i was under the impression that trays allowed you to place more objects. signs are gathering "into" each other in one place at the back of the lot
i removed the trays and placed new stock back on the shelf.....was able to place just as many items as with the trays, but once an item was sold the restock sign appeared as usual, but when the sim went to restock it disappeared and joined the other signs at the back of the lot.
as the last poster suggested as the common theme, both the sunflowers and the gnomes are placeable on the floor or on surfaces.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 88
it's happening to me, now, too. it's in a home flower shop, and it does it with snap dragons and wild flowers. The MOST interesting thing about it is how i noticed it (big lot-lots of trees) CARS (a cheap carpool car, an expensive carpool car and an ambulance)were piled up in the back corner of my lot. i whizzed over there to see what was going on and when i got there-they disappeared-leaving out of stock signs  thought that was interesting.
"I had always felt life first a story: and if there is a story there is a story-teller." ~G.K. Chesterton~
the only thing differently that i have done is move a sim into home business (which has a florist on the ground floor and the new sim has kept it as a florist)
You moved a sim into a home that had already at one point had a home business? Geez, every time I try to do that my game crashes! Every house I've had so far that have previously been home businesses end up getting dozed and replaced with their clone from the lot bin. I believe what those trays are for is placing on top of cabinets that can't otherwise hold multiple objects. The store shelves already have that function, except for with custom content. I didn't even get to turn on my game today--ended up having to run errands this afternoon then went on a date with DH tonight and now I'm feeling just all together too sleepy.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 227
well, how weird is that? there was no problem with me re-using the house as a home business. it was a downloaded house of nengis Factory Living series from MTS2 yeah i was somewhat unclear about the function of the trays, thanks i don't get the impression theres any one item which causes the signs to wander off. i used the debugger and the sunflowers no longer do it but the gnomes still do shezoe...LOL sorry but thats funny, vehicles in a heap at the back of your lot  i can't play huge lots so on a 2x2 there isn't much room left for a traffic pileup
Process Denied
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 467
This is just a thought. I have this in one business. I wonder if it could have anything to do with the hack that allows you to place non-Maxis items on shelves. Personally, it was Maxis things that,that happens with--but it was robots that aren't suppose to be on shelves. The lot debugger works great but it will happen again once the item is purchased.
Nope I don't have that hack and I don't have non maxis items for sale.
Axe murdered since 2006
Nope I don't have that hack and I don't have non maxis items for sale.
Phew! I'm glad you said that, because I was thinking I remembered someone here playing without the mod and without CC and still having the problem. And yet again, I didn't even start up my game today! Instead I re-potted some houseplants (hopefully none turn into MY plumbob!), then spent a couple of hours doing bookkeeping then decided to try out that new hair-binning tool, and that led me out to try to find some new men's hairs, and here I am umpteen hours later, barely found a site from which I really wanted to download about half an hour ago so am downloading away.