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Author Topic: OFB Community Lot Car Bug  (Read 48095 times)
Asinine Airhead

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Re: OFB Community Lot Car Bug
« Reply #50 on: 2006 March 14, 23:38:48 »

I had this bug, but apparently solved it by exiting, turning on the testing cheats, and re-entering the lot (since that fixed the Orb problem, I figured it would be worth a try). 
Querulous Quidnunc
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Re: OFB Community Lot Car Bug
« Reply #51 on: 2006 March 15, 03:06:30 »

Well I cannot get it to happen!! After going back to John and buying him a sportscar and trying saving/unsaving etc still no good.  So I
* went to CAS and made a new sim with custom hair, eyes and clothes
* bought sports car
* Bought Amelias closet (someone mentioned getting stuck there)
* made custom content uniform

Tried various methods of leaving and rentering to no avail So I then tried

* bought an open / closed sign
* installing a car alarm in her car
* saving after she closed store but before she left

Nothing seems to work....

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Asinine Airhead

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Re: OFB Community Lot Car Bug
« Reply #52 on: 2006 March 15, 04:18:49 »

My Sim was leaving a community lot with his wife which he owned and ran a business from, upon leaving in his car, the lot hung as time ticked on, the car never fully left the lot. I used the InSiminator options 'Other'-'Enable Save' and the car happily went back to the Sim's residential lot. Upon visiting the affected business lot again in a car, there seems to be no bad side-effects and the lot plays as normal.

1.Tykes Toy Store
2.CAS Sim [husband] Hybrid CAS/Maxis Sim [wife]
3.Custom car- Vampcat's Audi

Husband and wife arrived and left together with gamesaves in between.
« Last Edit: 2006 March 15, 04:36:43 by Morlock » Logged
Asinine Airhead

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Re: OFB Community Lot Car Bug
« Reply #53 on: 2006 March 15, 04:43:37 »

Now his community shop is in "pause" with only build/buy mode available. Debug mode shows no errors. I can't load his home in the neighborhood, since he's stuck in his store.

Do you have christianlov's All-In-One and Nanny NPC? The same happened to me and I suspect it could be related to this, ie kind of stuck in pause mode, but like the pause button is being clicked on and off.
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: OFB Community Lot Car Bug
« Reply #54 on: 2006 March 15, 07:59:48 »

Something similiar happened to me the first day I played OFB. I had my character drive to work, and at the end of the day I told her to drive home, and the car drove off the lot.... and thats it, nothing else happened. I waited a minute or two, then clicked on the debugger and selected "retrieve missing sim" and she came back to the lot, sans car. I had her get a taxi, and when she got home her car was there waiting for her.

Hasn't happened since though.

Blathering Buffoon
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Re: OFB Community Lot Car Bug
« Reply #55 on: 2006 March 16, 01:15:28 »

My Sim was leaving a community lot with his wife which he owned and ran a business from, upon leaving in his car, the lot hung as time ticked on, the car never fully left the lot. I used the InSiminator options 'Other'-'Enable Save' and the car happily went back to the Sim's residential lot. Upon visiting the affected business lot again in a car, there seems to be no bad side-effects and the lot plays as normal.

1.Tykes Toy Store
2.CAS Sim [husband] Hybrid CAS/Maxis Sim [wife]
3.Custom car- Vampcat's Audi

Husband and wife arrived and left together with gamesaves in between.
i can't believe it! this WORKED. i didn't even remember insiminator had this option-woooo-hoo! it went right to the home screen-like you said. i went back to the lot, saved and left-no problems  Grin  after all this time of being stuck there-geesh! i tried the lot debugger, to see if it gave me the option to retrieve missing sim, as someone mentioned, but it didn't. i guess it didn't think she was missing-lol! Anyways-thank you VERY much for saying this. Hopefully now my sims can drive to work again. Smiley  i don't know if this would work for everyone since the bug seems to act differently for different people, but it's definately worth a try. Now i'll see if it does it on ALL my lots or just a few or just this one...

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J. M. Pescado
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Re: OFB Community Lot Car Bug
« Reply #56 on: 2006 March 16, 05:12:24 »

The debugger should also have an enable UI option that does the same enable save. You can then see if the lot transitions on its own, and if not, try saving and exiting, then applying the Crowbar.

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Re: OFB Community Lot Car Bug
« Reply #57 on: 2006 March 16, 10:09:19 »

I have a neighborhood that is pre-OFB.  This kind of problem happens quite a bit.  There are other little "bugs" in the game, one is detailed in the QA discussion forum about old townies crash my game.  My work around is this I go into debug mode after entering the neighborhood and before entering any lots. 

It would appear that for some reason this entire neighborhood wasn't updated by the OFB expansion pack.  Any new neighborhoods I make have no problems so far except for that restocking fridge bug that is complained about a great deal at website.

Blathering Buffoon
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Re: OFB Community Lot Car Bug
« Reply #58 on: 2006 March 16, 14:04:42 »

The debugger should also have an enable UI option that does the same enable save. You can then see if the lot transitions on its own, and if not, try saving and exiting, then applying the Crowbar.

for some reason the enable ui option never came up for me  Huh

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J. M. Pescado
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Re: OFB Community Lot Car Bug
« Reply #59 on: 2006 March 16, 14:05:56 »

for some reason the enable ui option never came up for me  Huh
It's probably a shift-click option because it's not something you want to always see around, since 99% of the time, it'll be useless and just take up space.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: OFB Community Lot Car Bug
« Reply #60 on: 2006 March 16, 14:14:33 »

for some reason the enable ui option never came up for me  Huh
It's probably a shift-click option because it's not something you want to always see around, since 99% of the time, it'll be useless and just take up space.

aaagghhh-lol! i didn't even try it >>bonkin' forehead on desk<<

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Re: OFB Community Lot Car Bug
« Reply #61 on: 2006 March 17, 20:16:20 »

I haven't had this problem, but I never save and exit at business lots. I did notice something, though, that may have something to do with the problem.

My sim was at his business, which is across the street from his house. I noticed that his lot showed his car returning to the home lot even though he and his car were at his business. So it seems to me that perhaps by default since the home lot is saved as returning and the sim is actually not returning home, but to their business, the game can't load either since they can't be in one lot and return to a different lot at the same time.

I am probably way off here, but it makes some sense to me so I thought I would share it.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: OFB Community Lot Car Bug
« Reply #62 on: 2006 March 18, 13:57:57 »

My experience with this has been that if I had  my simmies sleep on the community lot, I was not able to drive my car back home...I was just stuck looking at the empty lot and exited the game.  When I re-entered the game, I could play the lot and everything was normal...

When I drive back after closing the business, I did not have any issues.  I drove back home and everything was normal...but now I'm afraid to try to drive to the lots with all this "bug" talk...

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Re: OFB Community Lot Car Bug
« Reply #63 on: 2006 March 18, 15:42:06 »

It seems that if you drive to the lot and drive home in the same 'day', there's no problem.  The bug crops up if you save while on the community lot, and sometimes if you stay there more than a 'day'.

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Re: OFB Community Lot Car Bug
« Reply #64 on: 2006 March 19, 00:58:08 »

Well, I took my Sim to a community lot.  I pressed Pause just a moment too early, and everyone disappeared.  I've heard this could be caused by the NoTownieChildren hack, but I'm fairly sure I don't have it - I am going to check, though.

I was forced to exit to the neighborhood, and immediately attempted to take this Sim out again.  She sung a bit on the karaoke machine and I told her to go home.  Every time, the action dropped out of her queue.  Again, I exited to the neighborhood without saving.

I'm going to check and see if I have an errant hack - I shouldn't, but y'never know.

-Nope, no NoTownieChildren hack.

This is also a non-owned lot - a restaraunt.
« Last Edit: 2006 March 19, 01:34:43 by Syera » Logged

The BogSims Institute - We've been updating these days...
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Re: OFB Community Lot Car Bug
« Reply #65 on: 2006 March 22, 18:59:46 »

̀ wonder if the patch really fix that issue.  I was lucky and did not end-up with that problem but it would be nice of the people that did and install the patch if they could report if it is fix or not.
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: OFB Community Lot Car Bug
« Reply #66 on: 2006 March 29, 05:07:13 »

Had sim drive to business. Everything was fine until I had him drive home. Off he went, and there I was staring at a clased business as the hours ticked buy. Not able to exit, save, go back to neighborhood. Had to reboot system to get game to stop running. When I went back into game, the only place I could go was the business lot which was at a point earlier in the day. Again, when he went to drive home, he left, but I didn't =/

I am afraid of the patch as it has caused problems with a friends game, such as going to the games loading screen (blue with the hourglass) and then crashing.

Unfortunately I didn't come read here 1st, and I deleted the entire neighboorhood as this was the only family in it, and it seemed fairly broken.

to answer some questions:

It was in my own shopping neighborhood
It was my own business
He was a second generation sim from a CAS and townie
He went solo with no other family members, but I could not play the home lot that still had 3 people and a servo on it. Was sent to the business lot.
Sim closed business, sent employee home, restocked, got in the car, and he went bye bye and game went ka-boom.
« Last Edit: 2006 March 29, 05:21:20 by Minena » Logged
Asinine Airhead

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Re: OFB Community Lot Car Bug
« Reply #67 on: 2006 March 29, 20:40:43 »

I seem to have had a slightly different problem and this is with patch installed.
My sim went solo in the family car to the business she owned and at some point as she was returning home maybe I must of had to stop playing and saved and quit the game.  When i restarted and went to thier house she was mia but I didnt realize it at first.  I thought that she and Dad were going to work at business so I sent Dad to car where I saw her plumbob sitting in drivers seat and sent them off on what i thought was thier merry way. 

When the car arrived at business only Dad got out ( thought this is wierd but...)  so when Dad finished with store,  I sent him home.  Got to family home and realized ohhhhhhh now Dad and Daughter are both MIA and the game was  running, mom was at work. After  a few hours of sim time, the car came home empty. 

So I used the lot debugger and tried to retrieve missing sim and that did not work and thought well maybe if i leave and return so tried that..... nothing. Came here and read and thought well this isnt exactly my problem let me see what happens if i try and enter business and it told me i needed to load a family and bring them to lot.  So my sims were not stuck on business lot. 

So after not so careful thought which happens at 2 am I used the lot debugger to force an error on inworld  and it brought my sims back but the car wasnt playable so i deleted that and everything SEEMs fine right now but I don't know only time will tell  now I guess.
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Re: OFB Community Lot Car Bug
« Reply #68 on: 2006 April 05, 19:04:08 »

It seems that if you drive to the lot and drive home in the same 'day', there's no problem.  The bug crops up if you save while on the community lot, and sometimes if you stay there more than a 'day'.

I have had car problems but not this one.  I have my sims stay days on end to catch up with their friends and have always been able to go home fine.  I know that some games will get bugs that others won't--been on the wrong end of that.  i just wanted to put my 2 cents in.
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