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Topic: No Lame Hires (Read 104459 times)
Lord of the Nannies
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3509
Re: No Lame Hires
Reply #50 on:
2006 March 18, 08:08:37 »
Well against your better advice Pescado I tinkered around with this and actually got to to work so I only get townies now. Trouble is, I bypassed the check for age and so I am sometimes getting kids popping up on the list.
As much as the thought of a child labor sweat shop amuses me, I could see a lot of issues caused by hiring one. I wonder if there's any job they could do. Restocking? Waiter? I may just have to try and see what happens for the sheer perverse amusment of it.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: No Lame Hires
Reply #51 on:
2006 March 18, 13:06:24 »
Quote from: Jysudo on 2006 March 17, 17:58:44
Opps. In my eagerness to download and use this, I must have missed out reading that essential part.
Thanks for solving my mystery ...
Yes, townies are always eligible because townies don't earn or even like their jobs.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 529
Re: No Lame Hires
Reply #52 on:
2006 March 18, 20:10:20 »
Motoki, do tell. My experience is kids can't do anything to help business at home. Let's see if they can do more in the community.
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Ancient Sim
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Re: No Lame Hires
Reply #53 on:
2006 March 19, 22:54:26 »
What happens if an employee is laid-off, will they reappear on the list? I have a few I don't need anymore, but I don't want to fire them because they've done nothing wrong. On the other hand, I don't want to lay them off because to me that means they are only temporarily not working and will still retain their jobs. There's no option to simply tell them "Sorry, we don't need you anymore", because that isn't the same as giving them the sack. Where is the "Make Redundant" option???
I am also very keen on a YA element, because I'm using Squidge's mod. I didn't realise there was a conflict, but it might explain why no YA's have appeared on my lists since I installed it.
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Lord of the Nannies
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3509
Re: No Lame Hires
Reply #54 on:
2006 March 19, 23:33:54 »
As far as I can tell, in this game laying a sim off is just a polite way to fire them. At least that's how it seems to work for me.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: No Lame Hires
Reply #55 on:
2006 March 19, 23:59:58 »
Quote from: Ancient Sim on 2006 March 19, 22:54:26
I am also very keen on a YA element, because I'm using Squidge's mod. I didn't realise there was a conflict, but it might explain why no YA's have appeared on my lists since I installed it.
I think that's in the currently uploaded version.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 341
Re: No Lame Hires
Reply #56 on:
2006 June 04, 09:55:20 »
I have a question, I use the MoreEmployeesForHire mod by squinge, along with this mod. I've had no problems with them together, but I wouldn't know of a problem unless it crashed my game.
Now I have a lot of townies and playable sims for hire in the bin, I'm guessing they're all unemployed or with jobs under L6. But I have some playable sims showing up in the hire bin who own businesses. Is this because the game sees them as unemployed? Or does Squinge's mod make this one misbehave?
Maybe the awesome one would consider increasing the size of the hire bin, linked with the no lame hires mod. So I could use less mods. Or maybe I'll shut up and pucker my lips.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: No Lame Hires
Reply #57 on:
2006 June 04, 10:59:51 »
Quote from: blubug on 2006 June 04, 09:55:20
I have a question, I use the MoreEmployeesForHire mod by squinge, along with this mod. I've had no problems with them together, but I wouldn't know of a problem unless it crashed my game.
That's probably a BCON mod and is unrelated to the selection BHAV, so they are likely compatible. I don't have it myself, though, so can't confirm one way or another.
Now I have a lot of townies and playable sims for hire in the bin, I'm guessing they're all unemployed or with jobs under L6. But I have some playable sims showing up in the hire bin who own businesses. Is this because the game sees them as unemployed? Or does Squinge's mod make this one misbehave?
Merely owning a business does not cause the game to consider you "employed", since owning a business does not preclude one from also holding a regular job, running a business is zero-time (due to nonunified time on community lots) and thus such sims remain potentially valid for hiring, or for getting a "regular" job.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 341
Re: No Lame Hires
Reply #58 on:
2006 June 04, 21:35:39 »
Okay, I'm glad everything is working as it should, thanks.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: No Lame Hires
Reply #59 on:
2006 June 16, 14:17:29 »
Update for OFBp2.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: No Lame Hires
Reply #60 on:
2008 February 16, 17:55:14 »
No, certain jobs are specifically best filled by unskilled labor. The Bartender and the DJ (non-player DJs cannot fail under default rules) position are all jobs that do not have any skill requirements, and are thus best filled with cheap unskilled labor.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: No Lame Hires
Reply #61 on:
2008 February 17, 07:44:01 »
I have an undiscovered shiny I tweaked from the Squinge original which displays the entire hiring pool at once, but Fat Gwilly People haven't asked.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
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Re: No Lame Hires
Reply #62 on:
2008 February 17, 09:06:21 »
Oh that would be RLY awesome. Would you mind obliging yet again Gwill?
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 460
Re: No Lame Hires
Reply #63 on:
2008 March 02, 18:56:47 »
I rely on that Squinge mod, myself, and would much prefer an awesome version! Gwill, where are you?
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