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Author Topic: Dumb question about LotCatalog directory  (Read 4268 times)
Lipless Loser
Posts: 658

a red dragonfly

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Dumb question about LotCatalog directory
« on: 2006 March 09, 02:02:38 »

I feel like this is an incredibly stupid question. -.- But I'm asking it anyway, because it's kind of a weird one.

What exactly would I be able to do about it if I moved my entire The Sims 2 directory elsewhere, then installed a new EP, which would add brand new lots to the bin and thus probably ruin the numeric sequence in my old LotCatalog directory? I haven't actually DONE this (luckily I thought of it in advance), but I'm curious whether there'd be anything I could do. (I'm assuming what I ought to do when I install OFB is leave the LotCatalog directory right where it is.)

Troubleshooting info: all EPs and SPs, most hacks Awesome but some not, no inTeen.
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Dumb question about LotCatalog directory
« Reply #1 on: 2006 March 09, 02:38:41 »

I almost did this when moving my Lot Cat to my PC from my laptop, but luckily caught myself.  I'm a bit obsessed with the organization of the lot cat and do all my building and what not on my laptop when away from home.  (It just won't run TS good enough to play compared to the pc).  But, I can tell you that I move my whole lot cat back and forth between systems and have had no problems with that.  yet.

It's a shame that stupidity isn't painful.
Malodorous Moron
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Re: Dumb question about LotCatalog directory
« Reply #2 on: 2006 March 09, 06:10:44 »

Which exactly is stored in the LotCatalog?  I was thinking it was the houses in the lot bin, right?  I could be wrong--never really went about it too indepthly.  At any rate, I'm thinking if that's the case and you moved your LotCatalog out, installed new EP, moved LotCatalog back in you'd over-write any new lots that were in there from the expansion pack.

I was thinking the other day I'm going to take every single lot in my Lot Bin and place them into my Test and Construction neighborhood for my new installation (new PC parts are here and is currently in-process on the dining room table!) because for whatever reason every time I've installed something in the past (and usually end up having to uninstall and re-install at some point anyway) I always forget to make back-ups of my Lot Bin and lose everything I have stored there!

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