Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 929
Unrepentant Inteenimator User - Kitten Killer.
But I don't get this ' if you don't know what it is, leave it alone' thing. If I don't know what something does, I click on it immediately to find out. I guess that's how I learned to use programs to start with (when I went to school there weren't no such thing and 'round my neck of the woods, manuals are for wusses - only to be resorted to in major desperation.)
When I got the game, I found out all the codes I could and clicked on everything (along with going through all the menu options I could find and trying as much as I could) and I do the same thing with each new EP, including opening all the codes I know and clicking on all the new menu items I can find.
Exactly - that's how people learn. Well, it's how I learn anyway. If I don't know what it is, poke it. You generally can't mess up computer programmes too much (unless you have a major poke about) and, as Rainbow says, if you're going to do this, back up first. And then you can always reinstall if you really bugger it up.
Inteen for AL, yay!
Breakfast of Champions!

Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Trouble is, you don't always know when something is stuffed, sometimes you go on playing for a while before anything bad happens. I think I was one of the early ones to use Tom's Clothing Tester, It took me ages to figure out the career stuffups were connected to the clothing tester.
Mind you, it hasn't put me off debug mode, I just do what everyone else does and have a test hood.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1035
Still they're marching on...
Of course, we know the answer to all life's problems is buying a new computer.  Really? Whatever happened to 42?!
Let the Beast inside you free!
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 929
Unrepentant Inteenimator User - Kitten Killer.
Trouble is, you don't always know when something is stuffed, sometimes you go on playing for a while before anything bad happens. I think I was one of the early ones to use Tom's Clothing Tester, It took me ages to figure out the career stuffups were connected to the clothing tester.
I admit I haven't tried that one myself. I have had the 'I wonder what that does?' thought though.
Inteen for AL, yay!
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 532
Just another shitty day in paradise
Of course, we know the answer to all life's problems is buying a new computer.  Really? Whatever happened to 42?! That's the answer to life, the universe, and everything. Has nothing to do with life's problems. 
Werewolf?<br />There! There wolf! There castle!
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 480
Trouble is, you don't always know when something is stuffed, sometimes you go on playing for a while before anything bad happens. I think I was one of the early ones to use Tom's Clothing Tester, It took me ages to figure out the career stuffups were connected to the clothing tester.
I admit I haven't tried that one myself. I have had the 'I wonder what that does?' thought though. I played with that one a few months ago, and realised a few hours later that Christy Stratton was completely invisible and unselectable. It was fun trying to figure out how to turn an invisible townie back into a visible sim, I did fix it though with a combination of the TL&D and lots of trial and errors. I scrapped that hood shortly after nightlife came out so didn't notice any career problems. Don't forget your Towel!
Breakfast of Champions!

Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Don't Panic
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1035
Still they're marching on...
Don't Panic
I've yet to see that phrase written in a friendly and reassuring way...
Let the Beast inside you free!
Breakfast of Champions!

Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Don't Panic
I've yet to see that phrase written in a friendly and reassuring way... What on Earth do you mean? It's written in large friendly red letters...
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1035
Still they're marching on...
Let's just say it affected me more than the caffeine I'm greedily consuming to try to wake up! Research can be soooooooooo boring sometimes! Thank the gods for MATY! Now where's my bloody coffee...?
Let the Beast inside you free!
*Flowerchile serves coffee for all*
I went outside once...the graphics were shit.
Don't Panic
I've yet to see that phrase written in a friendly and reassuring way... What on Earth do you mean? It's written in large friendly red letters... Red is the universal WARNING color...thus my reaction above. 
More coffee anyone?? 
I went outside once...the graphics were shit.
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1035
Still they're marching on...
More coffee anyone??  Hell yeah, preferably served with an IV kit! The bugger takes AGES to get absorbed and redistributed by the gastrointestinal tract! Or so it seems to me...!
Let the Beast inside you free!
One coffee and one IV kit coming up, I hope you don't take milk, it may clog the tubes.. 
I went outside once...the graphics were shit.
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1035
Still they're marching on...
One coffee and one IV kit coming up, I hope you don't take milk, it may clog the tubes..  Bah, all the years of consuming gyro and pita and alcohol have rendered my vessels immune to clogging!
Let the Beast inside you free!
If that's the case, do you have any vessels left?
I went outside once...the graphics were shit.
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1035
Still they're marching on...
If that's the case, do you have any vessels left?
I'm replying, which means I'm able of coherent thinking and acting. Which means I'm alive. Which means blood is still surging through my veins. Dunno, I guess I have a couple of'em left... And hey, gyro and pita is MUCH healthier than McDonald's (and American fast food in general) crap!
Let the Beast inside you free!
If that's the case, do you have any vessels left?
I'm replying, which means I'm able of coherent thinking and acting. Which means I'm alive. Which means blood is still surging through my veins. Dunno, I guess I have a couple of'em left... And hey, gyro and pita is MUCH healthier than McDonald's (and American fast food in general) crap! SUPERSIZE ME...Isn't that the Macca's way.. Give me pitta over them anytime. You're making me hungry over here!!!  Would you like fries with that?
I went outside once...the graphics were shit.
MMMMMMM...foood...*flowerchile gets in her car; off to Maccas* I can't resist that greasy shit!!  (How ironic that Supersize me is on TV at this very moment!) You guys want something?
I went outside once...the graphics were shit.
Do ya like salad with M&M's sprinkled on top? Thats what I got ya! SURPRISE.. 
I went outside once...the graphics were shit.