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Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - (Obsolete for Bon Voyage)
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Topic: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - (Obsolete for Bon Voyage) (Read 67469 times)
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Re: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - NL and OFB (Fix Pending 4/1/0
Reply #25 on:
2006 April 02, 14:35:03 »
So far, the latest version seems to be working just fine. I haven't tried it in the original household yet, but in other households with more than 2 sims, the dialogs pop up fine, and the sims I select get the message to get into the car. I'll give it a try in the house with kids at school next time I play.
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Querulous Quidnunc
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Re: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - NL and OFB (Fix Pending 4/1/06)
Reply #26 on:
2006 April 02, 22:02:54 »
Cool I'll give it a go. Is it the only one that you have under your first post now? I dont see them marked in versions.
Axe murdered since 2006
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Re: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - NL and OFB (Fix Pending 4/1/0
Reply #27 on:
2006 April 03, 01:52:43 »
Lol @CuriousSpurious
Well. It wasn't like they totally forgot him. Well sorta. lol.
They were all tired and wanted to go home, and they just assumed he was already in the van. Of course they went back for him, and course he was upset about it. lol. It's just one of those funny stories now.
As for the game, I've never seen any family members get left behind. I think, at least for comm lots, it forces all sims to board the vehicle. It pretty much forces the vehicle to wait until all passengers are boarded anyways. I tried to dig around the code to see if there was a way that I could make the car wait like this too, on residential lots, but I didn't manage to find anything. Albeit, I didn't do super extensive search, but it was more than a simple one too. *shrugs* Eventually I gave up cuz I'm lazy and I was tired.
@Joe - Ok cool. Let me know if you still get the dialog box to show up when sims are off-world.
@Simlover - I took a look at the code, and the BHAV was unchanged. The only difference was the STR TXT file, which means the OFB version should work for both NL and OFB. So I figured I'd just keep/maintain the one version. You must have NL or OFB (I imagine that cars are available even if you just have OFB only). But this version should work with both.
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Re: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - NL and OFB (Fix Pending 4/1/06)
Reply #28 on:
2006 April 03, 01:54:38 »
Cool I have both NL and OFB
Axe murdered since 2006
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Re: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - NL and OFB (Fix Pending 4/1/0
Reply #29 on:
2006 April 03, 11:48:21 »
Quote from: syberspunk on 2006 April 03, 01:52:43
As for the game, I've never seen any family members get left behind. I think, at least for comm lots, it forces all sims to board the vehicle. It pretty much forces the vehicle to wait until all passengers are boarded anyways.
Oh, that'll be my own doing, really
. See, I'll try to squeeze in as much socialising as I can when they were out, catching up with friends or befriending new ones. I also try to time it (cancel out then re-queue 'Go home' behind an interaction for those who weren't quite done with the socialising) so they don't waste time playing 'musical doors' to get in the car. Sometimes I forgot I had them on macros and when I finally noticed the car waiting an unusually long time, it was too late and the car drove off before the sims could make it
. Didn't screw anything up so far, the sims who were left behind still arrived home safely and got out of the car like they had got on the ride home like everyone else. The times I've had sims not coming home (the Caliente sisters for one) even though they boarded the vehicle same time as the driver was something else, but that's another story.
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Re: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - NL and OFB (Fix Pending 4/1/0
Reply #30 on:
2006 April 03, 13:24:44 »
Quote from: syberspunk on 2006 April 03, 01:52:43
@Joe - Ok cool. Let me know if you still get the dialog box to show up when sims are off-world.
Unfortunately, yes -- the dialog boxes for the off-world kids still show up in the first two slots, and then the wife in the third. And if I click no on the kids but yes on the wife, she never gets the action in her queue to get into the car.
Excelsior, you fathead!
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Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - NL and OFB (Fix Pending 4/1/06)
Reply #31 on:
2006 April 06, 16:53:59 »
I had the same problem yesterday Pescado mentioned earlier: The sim I told to leave with the car stood right beside the car, but did not enter, and the order to do so disappeared from the queue. I took the hack out, and then he could enter. So I'm sure there was nothing blocking him.
But this was with the older OfB version of the hack, but since you didn't mention to have had it fixed, I guess you didn't fix?
Asinine Airhead
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Re: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - NL and OFB (Fix Pending 4/1/06)
Reply #32 on:
2007 April 22, 12:25:11 »
This hack still works with Pets and Seasons installed but there is no option to take along a pet. Any chance that it'll be updated for the last two expansions?
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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - NL and OFB (Updated 4/22/07)
Reply #33 on:
2007 April 22, 22:54:23 »
Ok, so since peeps keep askin for it, I decided to update it. Needs testing tho. Dunno how reliable it will be, but let me know if there are any problems.
Post error logs if you get any.
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Re: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - NL and OFB (Updated 4/22/07)
Reply #34 on:
2007 April 24, 22:10:06 »
Thank you very much !!! I really need it since Pescado's taxi and phone(oldest vers) became unusable.
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Re: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - NL and OFB (Updated 4/22/07)
Reply #35 on:
2007 April 24, 23:22:39 »
Quote from: Alexx on 2007 April 24, 22:10:06
Thank you very much !!! I really need it since Pescado's taxi and phone(oldest vers) became unusable.
Huh? Why aren't you using the latest version?
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 98
Re: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - (Updated 4/22/07)
Reply #36 on:
2007 June 10, 21:06:23 »
In your readme file, you state, "If I ever figure out how to force it so that driver actually waits indefinitely until all passengers are accounted for, I may upgrade this in the future." Try looking for the code that forces the action onto the queues of children. I was trying to drive to a community lot with multiple sims and just deleting the action from the queues of the people that I did not want to go. This worked for adults and elders if they were engaged in a game of chess, but no matter what I did with the children the game continued to put the action in their queue. I guess the game thought that nobody would be left behind to watch the children even though I had the grandparents staying home by eliminating the action from their queues.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 18
Re: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - (Updated 4/22/07)
Reply #37 on:
2007 July 28, 06:12:46 »
This hack has been working well for me and making my 5 Top Businesses LTW much less annoying to complete. However, I've just noticed that it doesn't ever ask me if the family Servo is coming along. Is that by design? The Servo is powered up and at home at the times when I've tried to take him with and not gotten a dialog box for him.
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - (Updated 4/22/07)
Reply #38 on:
2007 July 31, 00:36:36 »
How strange. I took a peek at the code, and I don't see anything that would skip Servos... unless, servos are flagged in some way that they aren't supposed to be taken to comm lots? Although, that wouldn't make sense to me.
How does the game normally work without the hack? If you choose to bring all your sims to a comm lot, does it include servos as well? Or are they also skipped over? Looking at the code, I am not sure why servos would be skipped. *shrugs*
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Re: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - (Updated 4/22/07)
Reply #39 on:
2007 July 31, 13:22:27 »
I have a servo in one family, and no problems getting her into the car with this to head off to the family's business. OTOH, I had a problem with this last night where I kept trying to get 4 out of 5 members of that family (not including the teen, who was skillinating) to head to the family business, but the action kept dropping out of all their queues. I tried to make sure there were no routing problems, and the nearest I can figure is that two of the 4 kept popping up autonomous actions before they got the call to the car that over-rode the call. Ended up having the business owner form a casual group with the other three to get them all in the car and off to run the business. This is the first time I tried to do it with 4 sims -- usually it's only three (husband, wife, servo), but their son just got back from Uni and I plan on passing the business on to him so I wanted him to come along too.
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
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Re: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - (Updated 4/22/07)
Reply #40 on:
2007 July 31, 13:46:42 »
Yeah. I think this was the same problem that Pescado ran into. It's just really strange, and it's very inconsistent. I haven't looked into this in forever, as I had planned to abandon it altogether anyways; but since people seemed to want it, even tho it's like semi wonky, and it didn't take too much effort to update for Pets, I figured I might as well keep it available. Anyhew, when I get a chance, I'll try and see if there's a way to force it so that the waiting. But I'm pretty sure, when I examined other examples, that it is already set that way i.e. the interaction is already supposed to be unstompable.
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Re: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - (Updated 4/22/07)
Reply #41 on:
2007 July 31, 13:50:01 »
Yea, it's not a big deal, and more often than not it works fine. If the Casual Group option didn't exist as a backup it would be worth looking into, but it does, so don't worry too much about it.
They finally got a good review and a Best-of-the-Best award (the first one in my game!) during the session, so it all worked out in the end.
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 18
Re: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - (Updated 4/22/07)
Reply #42 on:
2007 August 01, 22:51:03 »
Well my servo has no problem getting to a community lot if he's the one driving the car, but he never gets a dialog box when someone else drives. Because I do sometimes have the problem with the action falling out of the sims' queues, I always make sure to get them all out there standing right next to the damn driveway with nothing in their way and that usually works well. But not for servo. I guess in the future I'll just have to make him be the driver.
I wonder if this is related to the autonomous Do Chores action that seems to cause so many problems with always stomping everything else.
It's been suggested to me that Do Chores is also the reason my servos glitch the mailbox when they try to get the mail. Servo just has issues.
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Re: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - (Updated 4/22/07)
Reply #43 on:
2007 August 02, 01:47:24 »
Quote from: Toast on 2007 August 01, 22:51:03
I wonder if this is related to the autonomous Do Chores action that seems to cause so many problems with always stomping everything else.
It's been suggested to me that Do Chores is also the reason my servos glitch the mailbox when they try to get the mail. Servo just has issues.
Could be. I suggest you check in Pescado's forums here for his 'noservodochores' hack -- it stops servos from autonomously stomping their queues by going off to do chores. You can then use macrotastics to direct them to do the chores when you want them to.
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
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Re: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - (Updated 4/22/07)
Reply #44 on:
2007 August 15, 17:07:41 »
Question for both of you, just to clarify:
Joe - with this hack, you said you are able to get servos in the car with no problems. In your case, do your servos actually show up in the dialog box, asking if they should be included or not?
Toast - with this hack, just to verify, if some sim, other than your servo, is driving, your servo
even shows up in the dialog? i.e. s/he never even gets an option to be included or not?
I may look at this again, since there seems to be a few other hacks of mine that are having issues. Not sure when I will get to it. This weekend is a tad busy, but we shall see.
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Re: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - (Updated 4/22/07)
Reply #45 on:
2007 August 16, 00:17:35 »
Quote from: syberspunk on 2007 August 15, 17:07:41
Question for both of you, just to clarify:
Joe - with this hack, you said you are able to get servos in the car with no problems. In your case, do your servos actually show up in the dialog box, asking if they should be included or not?
My memory is yes, but I'll double-check next time I rotate around to that lot (should be in the next 2 or 3 days).
ETA: Ok, my bad -- I checked before I got to the lot with the servo, and I found I was still using Monique's version, not yours.
So I put yours in to see what happens. 4 sims, including a servo, going to the family's business. The wife is the driver, and the servo does show up in the dialog box. However, only the first of the other 3 sims actually gets the call to go to the car. I tried it twice -- once with two of the others in the middle of something, and again with all 3 just standing around. Only the first person got the call to go to the car; the servo and their son never did.
I didn't try it with the servo driving, since it was getting late, so I just had her form a casual group to get them all there.
Last Edit: 2007 August 19, 14:46:54 by jsalemi
Excelsior, you fathead!
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Re: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - (Updated 4/22/07)
Reply #46 on:
2007 August 21, 03:16:51 »
Quote from: jsalemi on 2007 August 16, 00:17:35
ETA: Ok, my bad -- I checked before I got to the lot with the servo, and I found I was still using Monique's version, not yours.
Monique has a version of this? I believe she has a hack for bringing people home from work. I wasn't aware that she had one for sending people in a carpool to comm lots?
Hrm. Well, if she managed to figure it out and actually get it working, then by all means, use her version. Lol. Mind pointing me (and others possibly) to a link? Is this on MTS2? I haven't checked there in awhiles. Maybe I missed out on this hack of hers.
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Re: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - (Updated 4/22/07)
Reply #47 on:
2007 August 21, 14:57:42 »
Ok, maybe I'm old and confused. I could have sworn the one I had in the game was Monique's, but it may have been the bring-home friend thing and I switched to your version of that with no-frat. But I couldn't find an older version of this hack in my downloads, yet I was getting the dialog for the car, so now I"m really befuddled. I'll have to look at it again when I get home.
In any case, the problem I reported with yours stands.
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - (Updated 4/22/07)
Reply #48 on:
2007 August 21, 16:41:14 »
Quote from: jsalemi on 2007 August 21, 14:57:42
But I couldn't find an older version of this hack in my downloads, yet I was getting the dialog for the car, so now I"m really befuddled. I'll have to look at it again when I get home.
You and me both joe. lol.
have Pescado's hack. I can't remember exactly what it was called. Something like carpoolfix but not quite. He had it, for like a brief second, either in his experimental, test section, or it might have snuck it's way into a DC at one time or another. He eventually abandoned it, as it seemed more trouble than it's worth. Unbeknownst to me, I attempted to make this hack, not realizing he had already tried it. It appeared to work in my first test run, but as you mentioned:
Quote from: jsalemi on 2007 August 21, 14:57:42
In any case, the problem I reported with yours stands.
It doesn't seem to work consistently, across, or even within the same households. *shrugs* It's a shame, because it looks like it would just be a simple thing to duplicate what Pescado did for using taxis to go to comm lots. Something just seems to be weird and flukey with ownable carpools. Which is pretty much why I meant to abandon this too.
Anyhew, since there doesn't seem to be anything I can do otherwise, I'll just leave it be, as is. I'll continue to update it for future EPs if there is a demand for it, but it would seem that using the Group outing function would be more reliable.
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
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Vacuous Vegetable
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Re: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - (Updated 4/22/07)
Reply #49 on:
2007 August 21, 18:11:52 »
I don't think I have Pescado's version still laying around, but you never know. I did a search for files with 'car' or 'pool' in their names, but didn't turn up any other hacks that were named like or similar to this one. I'll have to run 'comm' later, and see what that turns up.
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
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