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Changing Dominant/Recessive Values on Skin and Eyes
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Topic: Changing Dominant/Recessive Values on Skin and Eyes (Read 156673 times)
Lord of the Nannies
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Re: Changing Dominant/Recessive Values on Skin and Eyes
Reply #100 on:
2006 March 16, 05:47:56 »
Quote from: Jelenedra on 2006 March 16, 00:02:55
Touche! I love my Enayla defaults. All of my simmies have been using her skins. Pretty much anything NOT Enayla is a celebrity skin, which I will set to lighter than .10 because I don't want children with Angelina tats.
LMAO, now that would be funny.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
The New "Gay"
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Re: Changing Dominant/Recessive Values on Skin and Eyes
Reply #101 on:
2006 March 16, 05:56:23 »
Whoo! I got all my hair and skintones binned. Love it. =)
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Asinine Airhead
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Re: Changing Dominant/Recessive Values on Skin and Eyes
Reply #102 on:
2006 March 27, 00:58:15 »
So what's the genetic values for the eyes?
Not the DNA line with a bazillion values, just the XML one where it says genetic = 0.
So far all I know is that Brown is genetic = 1.
What about the 4 other colors?
Pinheaded Pissant
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Re: Changing Dominant/Recessive Values on Skin and Eyes
Reply #103 on:
2006 March 27, 13:53:56 »
Quote from: wyrmking on 2006 March 27, 00:58:15
So what's the genetic values for the eyes?
Not the DNA line with a bazillion values, just the XML one where it says genetic = 0.
So far all I know is that Brown is genetic = 1.
What about the 4 other colors?
It's actually dominant/recessive values, not eye color per se. 1 = dominant, 2 = recessive, 3 = super recessive, 4 = you'd more likely win a lottery than inheriting this eye color! So if you want to make a grey color dominant just go ahead and do it. I've classified most brown and some blue that I really like as dominant, most blue and green and some few browns as recessive (2), and only a few, rare colors as 3 or 4.
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Re: Changing Dominant/Recessive Values on Skin and Eyes
Reply #104 on:
2006 March 28, 01:29:51 »
I have finally binned the hair files that OFB didn't include, y'know, that onw with the messed up animations. Anyway, I am so glad to figure this out. I have my eyes geneticized. And then I am downloading Enayla's skins right now, which I will geneticize.
Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: Changing Dominant/Recessive Values on Skin and Eyes
Reply #105 on:
2006 April 02, 06:34:03 »
I fixed the Texture Overlay XML mistake.
Wyrmking, as far as I know, brown and green are set as 1 while blue, dark blue, and gray are set as 2.
The BogSims Institute
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Re: Changing Dominant/Recessive Values on Skin and Eyes
Reply #106 on:
2007 July 01, 21:20:11 »
ya ya ya old but people still refer to this thread
so I'm adding the text file Syera made (link got broken when BogSims moved, I believe)
I'm also adding files that let you change the Dominant/Recessive Values on
(edit to say - just unzip and place in your Downloads folder)
these are my already edited versions that make the 4 maxis/ea hair colors and the 5 maxis/ea eye colors
all dominant.
which means if your sims has the genes for a hair or eye color then their kids have a chance of getting that color. Normally if you pair up a black haired sim with a blond, their kids will
have black hair. That won't happen anymore with this file, the kids will have a chance at getting blond hair. same deal for eye colors. You can easily test these files in CAS (make two sims and use the pacifier to make some kids)
I have no idea who made these files, they were given to me and my friend dosen't remember who made them or even where she got them. They work good and you can edit them to suit yourselves.
The only issue is the eye file makes your custom default replacement eye colors deleteable - don't delete them like that, thats BAD!
(5.41 KB - downloaded 7974 times.)
(1.06 KB - downloaded 7776 times.)
(0.69 KB - downloaded 8067 times.)
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 18
Re: Changing Dominant/Recessive Values on Skin and Eyes
Reply #107 on:
2009 January 21, 22:00:49 »
Ok, so I know this is an old thread, but my question seems to fit in perfectly.
I was geneticising skintones, but instead of SimPE converting my .35 to 0.35, it converted it to 35. Is that something new, while it still works?
Because every info I can find states that the decimal point is really important, yet SimPE gets rid of it.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
Re: Changing Dominant/Recessive Values on Skin and Eyes
Reply #108 on:
2009 January 22, 03:52:11 »
Quote from: Syera on 2006 April 02, 06:34:03
Wyrmking, as far as I know, brown and green are set as 1 while blue, dark blue, and gray are set as 2.
Are you sure you wrote that right? Brown and Dark Blue are 1 while Light Blue, Gray and Green are 2.
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Re: Changing Dominant/Recessive Values on Skin and Eyes
Reply #109 on:
2009 January 23, 02:53:30 »
Quote from: AlbinoBambi on 2009 January 21, 22:00:49
Ok, so I know this is an old thread, but my question seems to fit in perfectly.
I was geneticising skintones, but instead of SimPE converting my .35 to 0.35, it converted it to 35. Is that something new, while it still works?
Because every info I can find states that the decimal point is really important, yet SimPE gets rid of it.
Yes, that is very important. I believe the skin will still work, but the game will put it on the darkest possible end of the scale, which I'm sure you do not want. Try the SimPE forums, as they can advise you best.
Quote from: Waveblade on 2009 January 22, 03:52:11
Quote from: Syera on 2006 April 02, 06:34:03
Wyrmking, as far as I know, brown and green are set as 1 while blue, dark blue, and gray are set as 2.
Are you sure you wrote that right? Brown and Dark Blue are 1 while Light Blue, Gray and Green are 2.
True, but not particularly relevant anymore, considering that the post you are quoting is almost three years old.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
Re: Changing Dominant/Recessive Values on Skin and Eyes
Reply #110 on:
2009 January 23, 03:10:34 »
I don't know how I missed that. Fuck.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 177
Re: Changing Dominant/Recessive Values on Skin and Eyes
Reply #111 on:
2009 January 27, 19:15:17 »
Since this has already been gravedug, I have a question. Does anyone know if there's an exact value the hairtone line has to have to make it custom? For instance, I'm trying to remove the binning from some Peggy hairs, and make them Custom. Just making the hairtone line all zeros doesn't work; the hair shows up in a random bin. I've looked at hairs that come custom from the creators, and there doesn't seem to be a common code.
To summarize: Does the hairtone line need to be a specific line of code to make it custom, or can it be gobbleygook?
Goopy Lover
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Re: Changing Dominant/Recessive Values on Skin and Eyes
Reply #112 on:
2009 January 27, 19:17:18 »
Just clone in Bodyshop then re-import. They will show up in the custom bin then. Just delete the binned ones once you've finished.
Illusions of Grandeur
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Re: Changing Dominant/Recessive Values on Skin and Eyes
Reply #113 on:
2009 January 27, 19:23:55 »
Use Wardrobe Wrangler on the file, and select 'Custom.'
Quote from: reggikko
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Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: Changing Dominant/Recessive Values on Skin and Eyes
Reply #114 on:
2009 January 27, 19:31:52 »
@Jelendra: That method always just puts them in a random bin for me.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 63
Re: Changing Dominant/Recessive Values on Skin and Eyes
Reply #115 on:
2009 January 27, 20:52:12 »
I have read that if you remove the single digit that determines the color in the hairtone line it will treat the hair as custom.
-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 (Black) to
-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 (custom)
Since I have not had the chance to try this method myself I pass it along as gossip.
Then cat rang his own bell. I ate food.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 177
Re: Changing Dominant/Recessive Values on Skin and Eyes
Reply #116 on:
2009 January 28, 01:16:04 »
That method also puts the hair in a random bin. I tried putting in the custom line from another hair, and it didn't work, either, so I guess I have to do it Emma's way. Baaa for everyone's suggestions.
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Changing Dominant/Recessive Values on Skin and Eyes
Reply #117 on:
2009 January 28, 01:41:11 »
Quote from: tryclyn on 2009 January 27, 20:52:12
I have read that if you remove the single digit that determines the color in the hairtone line it will treat the hair as custom.
-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 (Black) to
-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 (custom)
Since I have not had the chance to try this method myself I pass it along as gossip.
custom is 6, right after grey. i changed all those streaked hairs from the store to the custom tab.
opportunity may knock once, but temptation will bang on your door forever.
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Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 177
Re: Changing Dominant/Recessive Values on Skin and Eyes
Reply #118 on:
2009 January 28, 03:12:31 »
Huzzah! It worked. Custom Hairs still don't show in CAS, but since that only messes up genetics anyway, I'm very happy. Baaa!
The New "Gay"
Whiny Wussy
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Re: Changing Dominant/Recessive Values on Skin and Eyes
Reply #119 on:
2009 January 28, 14:25:34 »
If the hair isn't showing up in CAS, you might check the flags on the file. If it has a value, change it to 00 to get it to show in CAS. There are a few custom hair creators that think that hiding duplicate greys means that they can claim that there is "Only one in the grey bin!"
Quote from: reggikko
Quote from: J. M. Pescado
Why are all these damn hippies on my website?
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Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 63
Re: Changing Dominant/Recessive Values on Skin and Eyes
Reply #120 on:
2009 January 28, 16:51:52 »
Quote from: aubreylaraine on 2009 January 28, 01:41:11
Quote from: tryclyn on 2009 January 27, 20:52:12
I have read that if you remove the single digit that determines the color in the hairtone line it will treat the hair as custom.
-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 (Black) to
-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 (custom)
Since I have not had the chance to try this method myself I pass it along as gossip.
custom is 6, right after grey. i changed all those streaked hairs from the store to the custom tab.
That makes things easier.
Now I just have to figure out how to make the whole set into one package file.
Then cat rang his own bell. I ate food.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 602
Re: Changing Dominant/Recessive Values on Skin and Eyes
Reply #121 on:
2009 January 28, 17:33:42 »
Currently, the binning tool puts a random guid in the hairtone field(¹) of custom hairs. This used to work a few EP's ago, but now I've noticed that it causes all sorts of odd behaviors, such as wrong color in the custom hair thumbnail, and a few selection oddities.
Setting the hairtone to
doesn't cause all this trouble,
it will remove them from BodyShop and CAS bins, making it visible only when you change the sim's appearance in the mirror.
(¹) - In this context, it is equal to the family guid.
Cheese Nazi
Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: Changing Dominant/Recessive Values on Skin and Eyes
Reply #122 on:
2009 January 28, 21:27:59 »
Quote from: Theo on 2009 January 28, 17:33:42
Currently, the binning tool puts a random guid in the hairtone field(¹) of custom hairs. This used to work a few EP's ago, but now I've noticed that it causes all sorts of odd behaviors, such as wrong color in the custom hair thumbnail, and a few selection oddities.
Setting the hairtone to
doesn't cause all this trouble,
it will remove them from BodyShop and CAS bins, making it visible only when you change the sim's appearance in the mirror.
(¹) - In this context, it is equal to the family guid.
That's peculiar, Theo, I haven't noticed any thumbnail oddities and I still use the tool all the time. Does refreshing the thumbnail help when it happens?
Quote from: tryclyn on 2009 January 28, 16:51:52
That makes things easier.
Now I just have to figure out how to make the whole set into one package file.
Open the folder where all the recolors are located. Start SimPE and select File/New. CTRL+click to select all the recolors you want in the single file in Explorer, and drag them into SimPE's Resource List window. This will copy all the contents of those files into the new one, which you can then name and save as you prefer.
Then move the originals to a safe temporary location outside the EA Games folder, test in game to verify that the new file works as expected, and if it does, dispose of the originals in the manner of your choosing.
Last Edit: 2009 January 28, 21:33:49 by AmberDiceless
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Lipless Loser
Posts: 602
Re: Changing Dominant/Recessive Values on Skin and Eyes
Reply #123 on:
2009 January 29, 01:31:34 »
Quote from: AmberDiceless on 2009 January 28, 21:27:59
That's peculiar, Theo, I haven't noticed any thumbnail oddities and I still use the tool all the time. Does refreshing the thumbnail help when it happens?
No, but it's really just a small quirk, considering all the other bugs that we have to deal with. You can see here what's happening:
It may be just another case of tight pants, and I wouldn't be surprised if my sims suddenly started singing in falsetto.
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