The setting that allows your sims to go through my door wihen they aren't supposed to, is the 'non autonomous' pass override.
So I'm happy that is working
I have set this option in most of the preset access modes.
You can disable this in custom mode if you
realy want to.
I did this to avoid the macro-fighting that occurs when one macro continuously tries to send the sim through the door, while the other continuously blocks the access. As you've seen, that's not fun to watch.
Clicking the toilet roll to 'be used' is a non-autonomous action which should always pass.
I'm not sure if 'power idle' runs at a higher priority or not. If it runs as autonomous there'll be macro fights, if it chooses to use an object behind a locked door.
As Inge says, there's nothing much we can do with the doors to make this better.