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Error: Missing neighbor for data access
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Topic: Error: Missing neighbor for data access (Read 23446 times)
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 434
Error: Missing neighbor for data access
2006 February 01, 17:22:36 »
I recently moved all the Pleasantview families into new homes that I made. The trouble started in the Goth's new house shortly after move in. I keep getting this error message with Cornelia in debug mode and have no idea what's causing it nor how to fix it. The error log mentioned something about 'Lamp - Wall - Pool'. I thought it might be the swimming pool lights, so I tried replacing every one of them, I've even tried getting rid of the swimming pool. I've tried deleting Cornelia with moveObjects, hitting 'Delete' instead of reset, teleporting her back in but everytime I un-pause the game, the error comes up. I haven't tried playing other families in the base neighbourhood yet though. It's been a nightmare
. Could somebody take a look at one of the error logs and tell me if it could be fixed and how to go about it please? Many thanks in advance.
[attachment deleted by admin]
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1355
Re: Error: Missing neighbor for data access
Reply #1 on:
2006 February 01, 17:56:57 »
Try downloading JM Pescado director's cut hack files. In it you will find a package call poollightfix.package. Don't make no mistake there is also a file call poolhack that have nothing to do with your problem, the poolhack is in regards of playing "pool" not the pool light. I cannot guarantee it will solve your problem but it does worth trying it.
That hack in only available in that director's cut package, here is a link to the director's cut post:
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Error: Missing neighbor for data access
Reply #2 on:
2006 February 01, 17:58:16 »
This isn't pool-light related at all, this is some kind of NID error in the attraction system. Not sure why this is occurring...
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Round Mound of Gray Fatness
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Re: Error: Missing neighbor for data access
Reply #3 on:
2006 February 01, 17:59:42 »
I don't think it's to do with the pool lights. I think she's trying to work out some relationship issue with a neighbour who happens to have a neighbour ID that matches the object ID of a pool light. Or maybe she's looking at her own Neighbour ID, and it's changed now she's been moved.
Edit:Well duh! That's it get your message in while I'm writing mine why don't you
\"They\'re here, on the forum. A question riddled, spoiler giving, speculative cancer of sim evil\" -- redearth, Snooty Sims, 2009
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1355
Re: Error: Missing neighbor for data access
Reply #4 on:
2006 February 01, 18:00:29 »
Sorry, I should have shut my mouth.
Anyway it is still good to add that hack in your game since those pool lights are buggy.
Last Edit: 2006 February 01, 18:05:37 by MissDoh
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26292
Re: Error: Missing neighbor for data access
Reply #5 on:
2006 February 01, 18:00:49 »
It looks to me like the NID in question is invalid for some reason. Have you done anything bad, like, say, lotbinning anyone, perhaps resulting in an attraction token being pointed to empty space?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 434
Re: Error: Missing neighbor for data access
Reply #6 on:
2006 February 01, 18:08:44 »
I didn't lotbin anyone, wouldn't dare nor want to, but I've been on a deleting spree of unwanted characters. I looked in SimPE and didn't see any attraction markers (or whatchamacallit) for those that were deleted. I was pretty sure no 'potatoe heads' were left in my sims relationship panels and all memories of the deleted were erased
Quote from: Inge on 2006 February 01, 17:59:42
I think she's trying to work out some relationship issue with a neighbour who happens to have a neighbour ID that matches the object ID of a pool light. Or maybe she's looking at her own Neighbour ID, and it's changed now she's been moved.
I didn't think it was really about the pool lights too. Neighbour ID that matches the object ID of a pool light, huh??
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 434
Re: Error: Missing neighbor for data access
Reply #7 on:
2006 February 01, 18:44:47 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2006 February 01, 18:00:49
It looks to me like the NID in question is invalid for some reason. Have you done anything bad, like, say, lotbinning anyone, perhaps resulting in an attraction token being pointed to empty space?
Are attraction tokens ok to delete then
? [Edit:] Why do sims have more than one towards the same sim?
I have the 'Enhanced NeighborhoodMemory Wrapper plugin for SimPe' installed, pushed the 'Fix Memories' button which fixed over 100 invalid memories, restarted the game to see if it helped anything. The game ran for about 5 seconds then ran into the error again. Sigh.
Last Edit: 2006 February 01, 18:52:40 by CuriousSpurious
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Error: Missing neighbor for data access
Reply #8 on:
2006 February 01, 19:49:11 »
Quote from: CuriousSpurious on 2006 February 01, 18:44:47
Are attraction tokens ok to delete then
? [Edit:] Why do sims have more than one towards the same sim?
As a general rule, you should delete these anytime you start messing with the game: The game will regenerate them anyway, so if you've been deleting anything or anyone, you should delete all of the attraction tokens.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Ancient Sim
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Re: Error: Missing neighbor for data access
Reply #9 on:
2006 February 01, 23:12:38 »
Happened to me when I deleted a load of characters. You need to delete the attraction marker token from her memories (there's only ever one for some reason, the last person who was attracted to them). This is the invisible token showing someone being attracted to them, not any of the tokens that show who they were attracted to. It will be relating to someone who's no longer in the neighbourhood.
The game gets very confused as a result of this, hence the pool lights or whatever they were. I had one Sim who appeared to have had a thing going with a slice of pizza.
Some favourite Sim thingies: Film: Lord of the Sims; Song: Losing My Sim by SIM; Book: Interview With the Sim by Sim Rice; Smell: Fried Simions; Colour: Simple.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 434
Re: Error: Missing neighbor for data access
Reply #10 on:
2006 February 02, 05:00:46 »
I actually deleted some 'Was attracted to [insert name]' tokens before I knew it was safe to do so
. Not counting other non-controllable playables who showed up, the Goths were the only ones I've taken to a community lot for clothes and food. Freewill was turned off to manage the large group, so none of them could have autonomously checked out another sim on their day out. But they had freewill while they were on the original Goth lot when everyone was still living together, and I know Cornelia had checked out Simon and Victor, so I went back to SimPe to delete those attraction tokens 'cos I thought that might be it, the game somehow couldn't 'find' those 2 while they were sitting in the Family bin.
I didn't delete the one attraction marker, will try it later. Pffft, pool lights and pizza, lol.
Edit: Deleting the attraction marker fixed the problem, whoohoo!! Thanks so much, everyone
Last Edit: 2006 February 02, 15:37:07 by CuriousSpurious
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 90
Re: Error: Missing neighbor for data access
Reply #11 on:
2006 March 30, 19:23:35 »
I get the Missing Neighbour Error whenever I want to throw a party. The want for it is fulfilled, the guests arrive, and when the time counter should start...error. Actually, this would be a feature for I don't care about party scores. But, there is this annoying message everytime, and is there some possible bad influence to the rest of the neighborhood?
It occures on all sims on the lot. Do I have to look for attraction markers also? On which sim?
[attachment deleted by admin]
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 434
Re: Error: Missing neighbor for data access
Reply #12 on:
2006 March 30, 22:13:01 »
Deleting sims is possibly only one of the reasons why this error occured. I had an error of this sort happen when
one of my sims was trying to send emails
. Did you delete any sim recently? I went through everyone and deleted all attraction markers (there's only one for each sim if they had one) I found just to be on the safe side, since the attraction markers doesn't tell you exactly who it was that had checked your sim out. You should get rid of those attraction tokens too, those 'Was attracted to so-&-so' ones.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 90
Re: Error: Missing neighbor for data access
Reply #13 on:
2006 March 30, 22:26:01 »
I did not delete any sim, I never do. But because the game did before and I got this error on a sim all the time(like you), I installed a backup of the n-hood which I had overlooked in SimPe before: a continous numbering of character files, so noone is deleted. Then the party error occured. Now, there are 850 sims in the n-hood, that would be a lot of work deleting all attraction-tokens
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 434
Re: Error: Missing neighbor for data access
Reply #14 on:
2006 March 30, 22:35:34 »
Then it's something else, not the attraction tokens/markers causing the problem, I don't think. When I had this problem, I knew who the problem sim was (name mentioned in the error message and not being able to move/do anything also a big clue) so I knew who I needed to fix. The others was just pre-emptive because the sims I deleted could have checked someone else out too. I have no idea what kinds of issue your party controller was having, somebody more awesome would be able to help you with that.
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1358
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing!
Re: Error: Missing neighbor for data access
Reply #15 on:
2006 March 30, 22:39:56 »
When you delete sims, aren't you supposed to edit the wants and fears and genetics as well? Other wise they hang around and mess things up. I've stopped deleting Sims - too dangerous.
Sick of Bluewater? Try Sedona or Meadow Lawns instead. Meadow Lawns is a whole neighbourhood built to explore OFB. Sedona is a sub'hood you can install as a permanent alternative to Bluewater - it's an "out of this world" experience!
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 434
Re: Error: Missing neighbor for data access
Reply #16 on:
2006 March 30, 22:49:27 »
Yes, I deleted those as well. I figured not having to force myself to play those sims is the lesser evil, and I can shift-select multiple lines to delete, so it's not that bad.
Process Denied
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 467
Re: Error: Missing neighbor for data access
Reply #17 on:
2006 April 01, 20:04:12 »
I just had a horrible thing happen. I had a Uni student mysteriously disappear. How does something like that happen. I played for a long time while he was in a deleted state(looking at memories). I was experiencing the signs of over population and I only have 404 sims--well,suppose to have 405. I went to summon him to a community lot to meet a nephew who just turned to a teen and he wasn't on any list including the tombstone. I was thinking that maybe he died and I didn't know(wish that was the case). I went to is house and he was suppose to be painting and the painting was gone and his picture was off his room and his car was unnamed. I went to the painful process of deleting all memories having to do with him(he was a romance sim so there were A LOT). I avoided deleting attraction marker cause I heard that that was bad. It took me 5 days. Last night a remade him put him in his father's house,turned him to a teen,fudged his skills,sent him to a community lot and summoned every sim that he was best friends with and had them tell him a joke--just to get them on his panel. Well,everything was fine till I got to Gvadovian Tricou?? She couldn't tell a joke. She would jump out of it I had her try with other sims. Same thing. When I was done with him. I went to her house and had her try to tell a joke and she couldn't. There are all girls in her house and it was the middle of the night so I tryed all the romantic animations(she is straight)and it didn't take long till she was to the other side. When she no longer liked guys,she was able to tell a joke. I think that I might have deleted one of her attraction markers and when she was no longer attracted to males it stopped looking at those markers. I then use the InSIMinator to fix her preferences to be correct and she still can tell a joke. I guess when it looked at the markers it didn't know that one was missing??? I would hate to go through all those memories again to delete markers. There are so many weird tokens that I have no idea what they are,there were a few that mentioned Unknown in them and I held my breath and deleted them. Maybe she was one that had one--I didn't take note. I'm gunna try to hold on to the neighborhood as long as possible--if I have to start over--well,it certainly wouldn't be the first time.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 434
Re: Error: Missing neighbor for data access
Reply #18 on:
2006 April 01, 21:57:01 »
Oh, horrible thing to happen indeed, sims vanishing like that. I feel your pain.
Well, from what I understood, attraction tokens ('Was attracted to Gvaudoin Tricou' for example) are those that tells you who your sim is attracted to, and there could be more than one even if it's towards the same sim (at least that's what I saw in SimPE), while attraction markers tells you somebody was attracted to your sim but it doesn't tell you who (it simply says '[invisible] Token - Attraction Marker') and there's only one for each sim. Now, I'm not saying it's 100% ok to delete just for fun, but I've deleted attraction markers many times before and the game didn't blow up
. If you didn't delete any sims, you shouldn't have to worry about attraction tokens & markers.
In this case, I would think you should at least get rid of any attraction tokens with any mention of the missing sim. At least you now know where to look, since Gvaudoin's the only one with issues, so you probably only need to check her memories. If nobody else but her had a problem telling the clone a joke, then maybe the problem actually lies with her and not the clone? It may not even be about the attraction tokens/markers. It'll help if you had an error log somebody awesome could look at, then they'll be able to tell you what the problem was.
Last Edit: 2006 April 01, 22:05:31 by CuriousSpurious
Process Denied
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 467
Re: Error: Missing neighbor for data access
Reply #19 on:
2006 April 02, 02:47:47 »
What's really weird is that changing her sexuality than changing it back seems to fix it--at least for now. I'm going to keep my eyes open and if I see anything strange in anyones animations,I'll go back and delete the markers. I wish that I understood memories better. It would really help. One kinda good thing happened,I had made this sim,Katerina that Tybalt always adores,he marries her and they are so cute together,but in this game,the deleted sim(Terrence)had gotten in the way and Tybalt won't put any moves on Katerina because Terrence is his best friend and Terrence is in love with her--now,with Terrence out of the way,maybe Tybalt and Katerina can get together--he better hurry cause Terrence has a higher attaction to her. Terrence made out with her before he officially met her and she accepted--When Tybalt did that(twice),he ended up with a rejected make out memory.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 434
Re: Error: Missing neighbor for data access
Reply #20 on:
2006 April 02, 09:23:36 »
I'm wondering though, the sim that the game deleted, he really doesn't exist anywhere anymore and you can't find him in SimPE? It's just so weird, vanishing without a trace.
There could be more than one attraction token towards the same sim because they may not necessarily be owned by that particular sim whose memories you are looking at. It's passed on through gossip/talking, that's also why you may see sims, as someone put it,
farting hearts
for somebody they aren't really attracted to. As for the attraction marker, I think it points to the last person who checked your sim out, which is tricky because you wouldn't know for sure who that last person was. Just thought you would like to know.
I wouldn't be surprised if there's something wrong with the Tricous' character files.
Process Denied
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 467
Re: Error: Missing neighbor for data access
Reply #21 on:
2006 April 02, 18:14:13 »
I have no probs with the Tricous in Pleasantview but I always have troube with them in Veronaville and Strangetown. The Tricou girls can never marry the guys without hacks. The last game Gvaudovian had a stuck grade bar. I don't know what happened to Terrence???I did do a lot of editing with him. I made him from a different downloaded sim than I usually do. He was so cute as a teen. I used him as a clone for Tybalt. When they became YAs,his nose was too big(didn't check the sim out in CAS--my bad). So I had him do surgery,then I cloned him and made a YA with different coloring than Terrence and Tybalt,then I cloned Tybalt,Terrence,and Chaz Whippler with the new sim that I made. I could of done something wrong but what about the other guys?? I played with him for a semester till he became a Junior then I went to the main hood for quite a while. According to memories,he was a round for a while,then I didn't notice his absence because he was no longer on anyones relationship panel. I now have him back in his greek house as a junior with all of his best friends but without his 5 woohoos. He has never been kissed. He also can't have a relationship with Katerina because in the mean time,his Dad married her Mom. Poor Terrence. I had changed him from having a Dad to being a brother this time. I guess brother is different than son,in the eyes of matrimony.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 434
Re: Error: Missing neighbor for data access
Reply #22 on:
2006 April 03, 12:01:15 »
Quote from: Process Denied on 2006 April 02, 18:14:13
When they became YAs,his nose was too big(didn't check the sim out in CAS--my bad). So I had him do surgery,then I cloned him and made a YA with different coloring than Terrence and Tybalt,then I cloned Tybalt,Terrence,and Chaz Whippler with the new sim that I made.
Um, wouldn't it be less risky and less trouble updating his/their DNA to reflect the new look after plastic surgery if it's only the nose you wanted to fix, than making clones from a clone
? You could change skin colours in SimPE too.
Process Denied
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 467
Re: Error: Missing neighbor for data access
Reply #23 on:
2006 April 04, 20:06:05 »
It's the only way I know how to do it. I don't know how to do it in SimPE. With my attention span, TS2 Enhancer seems to work better for me. No numbers. I don't mind having three incredibly sexy identical sims. Their hair,eyes,and skins are different,so you can hardly tell. I never had a prob before,and the other two sims are fine. I really don't think that I accidently deleted him cause I never moved him and I played with him for two semesters after I fixed him. I think it was some glitch that he got the raw end of.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 434
Re: Error: Missing neighbor for data access
Reply #24 on:
2006 April 05, 09:43:46 »
Well ,if you decided later that you might want to try it, there's a tutorial on MTS2 with screenshots that you can follow
. You'll find it's really not that scary and difficult to do after you've tried it.
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