Feckless Fool

Posts: 250
I'm so handsome
what would you say if there is a challenge that involves 8 people with max neatness, a coffee machine in the house, and no beds? I dunno, it sounded like hell to me...
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Lipless Loser
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Quirky Liberal Alpha Male
Sounds like my teenage years to me.
How about only one toilet and no maid?
Instant gratification takes too long.
Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
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LOL with the dating/outing feature, plus the coffee machine. most of my romance, pleasure and popularity sims never use their beds! [edit] well not for sleeping in anyway 
what would you say if there is a challenge that involves 8 people with max neatness, a coffee machine in the house, and no beds? I dunno, it sounded like hell to me...
Heh, in my University dorm, I have one coffee machine and no beds (although only 4 Sims currently; I will be playing with 8 on the next round).
I think it sounds like a good idea.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 783
Do you see a midget Hitler?!
Not wanting to be the "partypooper" here, but... shouldn't this be moved into the "Challanges section"? My sims hardly ever drink cofee, I'd rather cheat than having them drink cofee, which takes for ever and most start shaking after and I hardly notice a boost. Would be a nice challange tho... 
Do you need someone to organize your sock drawer?
Feckless Fool

Posts: 250
I'm so handsome
haha, it's not exactly a 'challenge' yet..haven't thought through with it, so I'm waiting to see if some suggestions might come up. haven't given it a test too, might sound fun now, hope it'll be a greater challenge in the game 
Our Creator was bored. Our Creator made humans. Our Creator loves Sims 2!
It wouldn't be hard with Macrotastics Caffeinate option. I haven't tried it with the coffeemaker, but I have with the espresso machine. The coffeemaker is rated 3 for energy, and the espresso machine is 4. They will keep drinking until they have to pee, then if you have the bathroom uses you, they will pee and shower automatically and continue drinking coffee/espresso until their energy and bladder are completely green. The only problem is when their energy gets way down in the red, then it doesn't seem to do much, but if it's not quite that low, it will actually increase their energy rather quickly. JM says this is comparable to one of the expensive beds, I think, I can't remember where it was he said this.
J. M. Pescado
Not wanting to be the "partypooper" here, but... shouldn't this be moved into the "Challanges section"? Off to Planet K it is. My sims hardly ever drink cofee, I'd rather cheat than having them drink cofee, which takes for ever and most start shaking after and I hardly notice a boost. Regular coffee is useless, but the espressomachines were buffed up with Uni so now they're actually worth using (I.E., better than just beds). The drawbacks are that you continue to bleed ASP (irrelevant with perma), and that you need to pee a lot.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 128
And you may shake so uncontrollably that you can't manage to put the ring on your bride's finger.
When Uni came out I practically had my sims live on the community lot. As long as they had expresso (sp?) they could go on forever. I did notice that after NL it's a little harder to get them all boosted up with caffeine.
J. M. Pescado
Naw, they still can. Nothing's changed there. After NL, though, there tends to be larger lines at the coffeebars. I've noticed visitors seem to obsessively drink even when they aren't tired, because visitors can really never be tired since they leave well before energy runs out.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
so then basically sim me should avoid the expresso machine or pee myself to death?? 
I never had coffee or espresso machines anywhere before NL, and now I only have them in the dorm for College Rampage.
I fail to see how this is a challenge though, since it's everyday practice for some.
Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
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I have noticed though that if the sim's energy bar is really low, they just sip at the cup then put it down. It doesn't fill any of the energy bar at all. I am talking about the expresso machine in buy mode, however-not the ones available at the community lots. I think those ones fill a small amount of energy compared to the expresso machines available at home.
Horny Turkey
Grammar Police

Posts: 14042
"So MEAN!"
I think this is only challenging if you forbid the engeriser and make passing out an automatic loss.
It's not even a challenge without the energizer. The espresso machine is almost easier than the energizer as it doesn't require high aspiration, just patience. Refilling energy via espresso takes a shorter amount of time than sleeping in most beds, even accounting for bathroom trips and a meal at the end to refill lost hunger.
Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
To make it a real challenge it should be an email caffeine challenge 
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 565
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yeah, this wouldn't be much of a challenge for me. I use caffeinate a lot. I love macrostatics.
Ditto, Liss! It's nice to meet a fellow Macrotastics fan. I really don't understand why some people don't like to use it! 
J. M. Pescado
Ditto, Liss! It's nice to meet a fellow Macrotastics fan. I really don't understand why some people don't like to use it!  Maybe they just like pushing their sims around by hand all the time to micromanage the most menial tasks.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Feckless Fool

Posts: 250
I'm so handsome
haha! then this won't be a good challenge. forget bout it then 
Our Creator was bored. Our Creator made humans. Our Creator loves Sims 2!
I don't use Macrotastics (although I have tried it) because I use InSIM to play with their needs, they are hungry/tired etc... when I want them to be! *laughs* They do pretty much what I want, when I want, for as long as I want  (pretty much = because I like free will on)
Feckless Fool

Posts: 250
I'm so handsome
haha Sleepycat, Bluecat here plays the same as you do! which is why i thought without the coffee cup hack and OTHER hacks it'll be a challenge haha! but never mind,the idea's starting to grow dull anyway
Our Creator was bored. Our Creator made humans. Our Creator loves Sims 2!
maybe with no bed, no toilet, and only the cheap coffee machine?