Now I don't want to start an argument on this, I just said on the 1st line of my post that I found it interesting to check. In no way I said it is safe to use.
I notice JM enquire about this directly to Squinge, if JM say to stay away from this because it can cause problems I will believe him and stay away from it, I posted this exactly for this reason so he can take look and give us an opinion on this new mod. I also read to stay away from things that could mess-up Mrs. Crumplebottom but I would like an opinion of an expert since I am no modder and I am definetely not awesome as Pescado or other modders.
I thought he and others would find this interesting. This is the only reason why I gave the link.
I don't think Pescado as anything against this and if he does well he can surely speak for himself about this matter.
Now let us all smile, hug and enjoy our game shall we.