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Maxis wants pregnant sims to waste away?
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Topic: Maxis wants pregnant sims to waste away? (Read 48875 times)
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 376
Re: Maxis wants pregnant sims to waste away?
Reply #100 on:
2006 January 18, 03:31:52 »
Practical field experience tells me that when people insist on being whiny babies, the best way to deal with is to berate and insult them until they become enraged. It redirects their attention away from their snivelling and puts them in a more useful, motivated state of mind. Rage is more useful than despair. Depression is just anger without enthusiasm.
Most of my friends are into martial arts and the ones who don't use their fists are armed. Possibly to the teeth.
I agree with you to a certain degree (insofar that rage is more useful than despair) but I don't see the benefit in forcing someone from sadness to anger. Most people make the transition on their own and then you get the fire to move on. Just because you can whip them into a frenzy now doesn't mean they won't cry themselves to sleep in a few hours and then they'll be, like, enthusiastically depressed and they start listening to really awful rap metal and crying at soap commercials.
On the original subject, I killed a pregnant sim for a story last night and it took hours for her to die (which made it even harder to do). I don't understand why accidental pregnancy deaths are so prevalent when the same pregnant sim resists pre-meditated means.
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: Maxis wants pregnant sims to waste away?
Reply #101 on:
2006 January 18, 03:36:56 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2006 January 18, 00:22:39
Practical field experience tells me that when people insist on being whiny babies, the best way to deal with is to berate and insult them until they become enraged. It redirects their attention away from their snivelling and puts them in a more useful, motivated state of mind. Rage is more useful than despair. Depression is just anger without enthusiasm.
LOL. Yeah, Arnold in Terminator 3:
"Anguh is more usefool than despayuh"
Darkerdink -- aide to Dark_Trepie. Now with moar dark!
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Maxis wants pregnant sims to waste away?
Reply #102 on:
2006 January 18, 03:37:38 »
Quote from: Batelle on 2006 January 18, 03:31:52
I agree with you to a certain degree (insofar that rage is more useful than despair) but I don't see the benefit in forcing someone from sadness to anger. Most people make the transition on their own and then you get the fire to move on. Just because you can whip them into a frenzy now doesn't mean they won't cry themselves to sleep in a few hours and then they'll be, like, enthusiastically depressed and they start listening to really awful rap metal and crying at soap commercials.
Maybe not, but at least they won't be doing it in front of me.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Maxis wants pregnant sims to waste away?
Reply #103 on:
2006 January 18, 04:14:57 »
Quote from: faemidwife on 2006 January 18, 03:36:56
LOL. Yeah, Arnold in Terminator 3:
"Anguh is more usefool than despayuh"
I really should see that one sometime.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: Maxis wants pregnant sims to waste away?
Reply #104 on:
2006 January 18, 04:26:30 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2006 January 18, 04:14:57
Quote from: faemidwife on 2006 January 18, 03:36:56
LOL. Yeah, Arnold in Terminator 3:
"Anguh is more usefool than despayuh"
I really should see that one sometime.
Yeah, like you haven't!
Inge: credit to Kewian for educating me as to where my clitoris is and what it does
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 731
Re: Maxis wants pregnant sims to waste away?
Reply #105 on:
2006 January 18, 08:17:31 »
JM, about women who've lost babies--motherhood is a very bizarre thing. Most of us have high nurturing instincts and from the time we know that little clump of cells is there, we want to do everything we can to protect it and have a healthy child. Unfortunately, as you say, sometimes nature doesn't work out right and things don't turn out as we hope. But also as said, sometimes it's a problem with the mother herself, and not the baby. As a mom who carried 5 children to term and had two of them stillborn, let me just say it isn't an easy thing to go through. Now, couple the loss of a child with the hormones that start running rampant right after birth and let me tell you, it is utter emotional chaos.
I think most people who haven't experienced the loss of a child at whatever stage wouldn't understand and honestly I hope they never have the opportunity to understand it.
BogSims Institute
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Re: Maxis wants pregnant sims to waste away?
Reply #106 on:
2006 January 21, 16:56:11 »
Quote from: Batelle on 2006 January 18, 03:31:52
Just because you can whip them into a frenzy now doesn't mean they won't cry themselves to sleep in a few hours and then they'll be, like, enthusiastically depressed and they start listening to really awful rap metal and crying at soap commercials.
Finally. Someone else who knows the awful truth about soap commercials. Damn soap . . . I've never considered metal rap particularly depressin, though. Linkin Park, for example, is more funny than depressing.
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 907
Re: Maxis wants pregnant sims to waste away?
Reply #107 on:
2006 January 21, 23:44:28 »
Forget metal rap, if you are depressed and want to milk it for a bit, Scottish or Irish music is the way to go. Half of the songs are about people loosing their love or their life or both.
Chorus (after each verse):
Cold the wind on the moors blow
Warm the enemy's fire glows
Black the harvest of Culloden
Pain and fear and death grow
'Twas love of our prince drove us on to Drumossie
But in scarcely the time that it takes me to tell
The flower of our country lay scorched by an army
As ruthless and red as the embers of hell
Now mothers and children are left to their weeping
With only the memory of father and son
Turned out of their homes to make shelter for strangers
The blackest of hours on this land has begun
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7469
Re: Maxis wants pregnant sims to waste away?
Reply #108 on:
2006 January 22, 04:07:41 »
Plus anything by Sinead O'Connor!
Zephyr Zodiac
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Juvenile Jackass
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Re: Maxis wants pregnant sims to waste away?
Reply #109 on:
2006 January 26, 19:48:00 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2006 January 18, 00:22:39
Quote from: Batelle on 2006 January 17, 20:37:34
However, I think the key to being an outsider in any loss situation is to let the person most closely affected deal with it the way they feel they should, as long as they are not acting in unhealthy or dangerous ways. Grief is irrational and nonsensical and it doesn't help anyone when you try to force it to be.
Practical field experience tells me that when people insist on being whiny babies, the best way to deal with is to berate and insult them until they become enraged. It redirects their attention away from their snivelling and puts them in a more useful, motivated state of mind. Rage is more useful than despair. Depression is just anger without enthusiasm.
I somewhat agree with you JM but if a person is prone to be whiny-- then they are also sensitive and a good berating will not be affective in that case. Tact might be in order.
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 861
Robotic Baby Harp Seal!
Re: Maxis wants pregnant sims to waste away?
Reply #110 on:
2006 January 27, 16:41:32 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2006 January 18, 04:14:57
Quote from: faemidwife on 2006 January 18, 03:36:56
LOL. Yeah, Arnold in Terminator 3:
"Anguh is more usefool than despayuh"
I really should see that one sometime.
Eh. It's not as good as the other two. Personally 2 is my favorite. (Not that the end sequence no-flesh Terminator isn't AWESOME, but there aren't any of those romance type scenes and having a killer robot that has to do whatever some kid tells it to is funny.) 3 just tends toward sillyness. Like, they never explain why massively powerful electromagnets cause the evil robot to stick to it but don't totally fry her systems. And the older version of Connor is an idiot. (On the other hands, the "good" terminator apparently has "knowledge of human psychology," and this entirely revolves around hitting them to make them stop being idiots.)
They really are your kind of movies, though. Massive explosions, killer robots, incomprehensible European accents . . . Hey, d'ya think Boris is maybe some kind of alternate universe Terminator where the Skynet has an inexplicable fixation on Russian accents rather than Austria ones?
EDIT: Tact? Feh. Tact is for silly people who seem to think it's a good thing to not say what they mean.
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 128
Re: Maxis wants pregnant sims to waste away?
Reply #111 on:
2006 January 27, 18:26:11 »
Anger can be used very constructively. I've cleaned my whole house on a fit of rage.
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1459
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Re: Maxis wants pregnant sims to waste away?
Reply #112 on:
2006 January 27, 21:32:09 »
Quote from: Muisie on 2006 January 27, 18:26:11
Anger can be used very constructively. I've cleaned my whole house on a fit of rage.
My hubby will pick a fight to get me to clean because when I'm in a furious state I clean, clean, clean. He can tell just how mad I am getting by how deep the cleaning goes. "getting out a toothpick to clean the grit out of the shower drain?" Watch out!
Darkerdink -- aide to Dark_Trepie. Now with moar dark!
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 128
Re: Maxis wants pregnant sims to waste away?
Reply #113 on:
2006 January 27, 22:20:13 »
See, and they say cleaning is not excercise. Pfft!
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