Dead Member

Posts: 1026
No kittens within five miles of my house! :)
I just want to double check.....after the problems I had last time.  When we are talking about problems with terrain paints, are we only talking about custom terrain paints being a problem or are Maxis terrain paints also a problem? Is it safe to use Maxis terrain paints? 
I am not expert in this issue, but it seems that the problems arise when you add Custom terrain paints. The game has already the default terrain paints, which are safe.
I would think what gali says is correct Simmiecal...though it might best to wait for clarification from Pescado (if he bothers that is)  or others who are more 'in the know'
Inge: credit to Kewian for educating me as to where my clitoris is and what it does
J. M. Pescado
Built-in non-custom terrain paints are safe. Custom terrain paints are BAD!
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Dead Member

Posts: 1026
No kittens within five miles of my house! :)
Custom terrain paints are BAD!
I got that message loud and clear. Still having nightmares about it. Thanks everyone for the quick responses.
Yep, I think you've already got all the info on custom terrains now, yes? Maxis terrains are fine.
Dead Member

Posts: 274
I'm new to More Awesome Than you and didn't get the memo on custom terrain paints being bad. I downloaded many of them with snow and now I wonder what I should or shouldn't do with them. So far, I haven't had any problems. Appreciate any help. I have all of the expansions. Do not have the Holiday Pack. Didn't want it.
What you should do with them now is leave them in your Downloads folder, and never remove or disable them. If you don't, you shouldn't have any problems.
Edit: Also, never remove the Downloads folder itself either (just to be sure I am clear).
Dead Member

Posts: 274
Thanks Bluesoup for the answer on the terrain paints...expect it will be a real "fun night" when I copy my downloads and then install Open for Business...I downloaded a neighborhood terrain paint too. Just gets better.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 610
Don't look now but they're going to kill you.
I've never had issues with my custom terrain paints but then again I definitely haven't & wouldn't attempt to remove them just for the fact that I couldn't even begin to remember what ones I've used on what lots, ect. I guess if I wanted to start over from scratch I wouldn't care but yeah, right now I don't.
The only thing that makes me mad is a downloaded a lot I really wanted and it came with like 10 custom terrain paints. Just....grrrrrr. I *really* wish people who created lots for downloads would tell you exactly what they many...and what you are going to end up with in your downloads folder. Some do, but far too many don't.
Ancient Sim
Dead Member

Posts: 1931
Back from the dead ...
What exactly is wrong with custom terrain paints and what problems do they cause? Also, why can't they be deleted? I knew I had some so I checked my Downloads folder and I actually have 52 of the things. Maybe if I deleted one per week for a year ... 
Some favourite Sim thingies: Film: Lord of the Sims; Song: Losing My Sim by SIM; Book: Interview With the Sim by Sim Rice; Smell: Fried Simions; Colour: Simple.
If you delete the paints, even if you never used it on the lot and just went into the terrain paint section, you can't package the lot. Ever. I think that's the main problem...
Photobucket has a dirty mind.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 549
I love Pokemon! Thus I am a Heretic!
Can someone please clarify further? How about if you already have custom terrain paints installed, and you go to use a Maxis terrain paint on your lot? Is there still the risk of your custom t.p. finding its way into your packaged lot?
* Pescado is batshit crazy, and thus it's not safe to say what he could or would do.  Pescado: You're a weird and freaky Baratron. Pescado: Also, all Baratrons suck. Read my Sims 2 stories!
If you have custom terrain paints installed, and you use a Maxis terrain, your lot will package the first terrain in the catalogue, and since the custom terrains are at the front, that will obviously be a custom terrain.
I deleted all terrain paints from my game bc they were showing up as flashing blue ground cover. Good thing I dont package houses. I quit downloading houses too.
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1062
INTP - I didn't do it.
I have two user names on my computer, one has custom content that I play in and never upload, the other has none and I use that one to upload. If I delete a terrain paint on my playing user name, will the lot stop loading and keep me from playing, or will it just effect uploading ( which I never do)?
Remember - a bimbo is for life and not just for christmas!
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1012
I reject your reality and substitute my own.
I have permanently disabled my custom terrains with the Clean Installer because I build and upload so much. The older lots that had them I know I can never upload again, but I don't want to upload anything with custom terrains no matter how pretty they are.
If you do a lot of downloading you can use the Clean Installer to disabling the custom terrains from installing to your game. I and many others would recommend that if you see a must have lot with custom terrains to disable them during the install.
Rohina: Motion to Expel Myth from the Senate. Just testing an hypothesis. Nothing to do with the fact that she smells like ass. Flowerchile: Have you be'd norty again Mythie? Mythchick: No, I just followed Rohina around a little and now smell like ass.
As the downloads folder is seperate per user account, it should only affect that account (that is, your clean account should be fine). The custom terrains are a pain, but are something that can be dealt with fairly easily (not like a BFBVFS). If you don't upload and don't ever intend to upload lots, don't worry about it at all. If you do upload lots, and can do so, create your lots on a clean account and don't ever put terrain paints in the download folder on that account. If you can't make a seperate account, create 2 download folders - one called "build" and one called "play" and rename the one you are currently using. Again, don't put any terrain paints in your "build" download folder. Remember to rename the folders before you start building a lot. If you don't upload lots now but think you might want to someday, make a big note (in your mind or wherever) to remember to use a downloads folder that doesn't have custom terrain paints in it  PS - The reason Maxis terrains are ok is because you can't delete them.
I realize I'm probably being too optimistic, but does anybody know whether anyone either in the mod community or at Maxis is trying to fix this problem? It sounds so absurdly simple, but I've heard that it involves parts of the code that can't easily be modified (at least by anyone except Maxis?)
I've talked to Pescado about it, and as far as I know (and he knows), it's hard-coded into the game. Or something like that. My eyes sometimes tend to glaze over when he talks. 