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Author Topic: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 3/19/2007)  (Read 74996 times)
Posts: 2365

ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 10/16/2006)
« Reply #25 on: 2006 October 15, 19:12:06 »

You know, I'm still not clear on whether humans sleeping in coffins is a bug or feature. I know sometimes I would try and have them click on it and they couldn't at all but the vamps could. Autonomously was a different story. They'd hall ass down 3 flights of stairs to the basement to get to that thing.  Roll Eyes

I've seen people on other boards complain too that they wanted their human 'goths' to sleep in the a coffin and I think someone made a hack over at MTS2 that was supposed to allow it which was somewhat puzzling as they already seemed to. *shrug*

It probably isn't a bug. There is a line of code in the Sleep - TEST BHAV that actually checks if Sleep is "available" to that sim. This line calls another BHAV, Test - Sleep Available which checks on the sims personality and motives, like if they are super lazy or if their energy is below certain values (it varies per personality and what not). So this is probably why the option seems to be inconsistently available to non-vamps. Vamps should pretty much always have the option available to them.

Also, I think the coffin treats non-vamps slightly different as far as recuperating motives go. I believe Carrigon or Monique made hacks related to this. I probably linked them in my first post above. I personally don't use those hacks tho, but last I checked, the ones I linked should be compatible.


OFB version is now available. Again, if you're using OFB you should use the new version or you may experience some quirks. I think there were some Servo checks again and other minor changes. I did not include the Comm Lot test, so your sims (at least your vamps) should be able to use coffins on a Community Lot. I think Echo made a hack to enable the use of all other beds on Comm Lots over at MTS2. Smiley

Necromancy, schmecromancy. Tongue

Update - 10/15/2006

:new: Minor updates for OFB version. Also available, compatible version for use with twojeffs Smart Beds hack in testing. Subject to change should further updates be needed. Make sure this loads last after twojeffs' mod.


Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 10/16/2006)
« Reply #26 on: 2006 October 15, 23:56:12 »

I made a special folder for this one so it loads after twojeffs.

I got really confused when I read a OFB version was now available, I've been using it with OFB/FFS/GL all along Cheesy
Posts: 2365

ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 10/15/2006)
« Reply #27 on: 2006 October 16, 00:11:36 »

lol. sorry bout that sleepycat Smiley Lately, what I've been doing is, to avoid double posting, and still update the thread, I delete my last post (if I was the last poster of course) and merge the contents of that post with a totaly new post. So... I avoid double posting, which is a pet peeve of mine (I'm just weird and anal like that heh Tongue) and still refresh the entire thread so it gets bumped up and is noticeable for all who might casually peruse the Peasantry and/or get email notifications for updates.

The newer info, I put a second Update header with today's date. Hehe. Perhaps I should be clearer and deliniate older messages from newer ones.  Cheesy


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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 10/15/2006)
« Reply #28 on: 2006 November 25, 21:17:22 »

I hate to be dumb, but is this safe for Pets? It doesn't say, so I'm assuming not, but it was updated close to the release of Pets... :}

Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 10/15/2006)
« Reply #29 on: 2006 November 25, 21:52:42 »

it's on syberspunks list as compatiable with Pets.
Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 10/15/2006)
« Reply #30 on: 2006 November 26, 09:39:27 »

How is it's compatibility with the new vampwerefixes by JMP? Will this make it so the "ware" part doesn't work?

Oh, and the "plus smart beds" version is just compatible, right? It doesn't include it?

Or I could be totally wrong...
Posts: 2365

ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 10/15/2006)
« Reply #31 on: 2006 December 01, 05:39:52 »

I haven't had a chance to check this... I probably should. Ok fine. I'll do it now... but I suspected that the update to include werewolf stuff in the vampfixes most likely did not alter anything that had to do with vampire coffins. At least I hope not.

As for the Smart Bed stuff... yeah, it only includes the portion that conflicts so that it is compatible. Whenever I find a conflict between one of my hacks and someone else's hack that I like to use, I only incorporate their changes to the BHAVs that are in my mod. In this way, I can provide a version that is compatible for other people who want to use both hacks. In most cases, such compatible versions require that you still use the other person's hack in your game, but make sure that my hack loads last.

It probably would make sense to include the entire hack, just merging them into one package... but this can be impractical, at least for me. Because in some cases, if the other modder updates their hack, and changes other BHAVs not actually related to my hack, then that means I can be lazy and not have to update anything. If I did it the other way, that is combining both files with all BHAVs, then I will always be forced to update whenever they update, which I obviously don't want to be forced to do.

This mod is actually a good example, since the vampirefixes include other stuff not related to the coffin, and whenever Pescado updated those other BHAVs, I won't ever have to update again so long as nothing is changed in the BHAV that is also actually in my mod. With Smart Beds, you must use the Smart Beds version of the vampirecoffinmod, otherwise you will lose the functionality that Smart Beds adds. If you don't use Smart Beds, then use the regular version. I hope that all makes sense.

Okay... after checking vampwerefixes and the latest version of Smart Beds, I did not see any new changes that would affect the vampirecoffinmod.


The New "Gay"
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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 10/15/2006)
« Reply #32 on: 2007 February 10, 15:56:34 »


I just installed this mod, as I wanted to let my vamp sims sleep in their own clothes. Since it is a complete waste of time to make them change into their everyday, or make them take a shower when their needs don't go down.

Anyways, my vamps are unable to select their coffins to sleep in. The little cursor doesn't even light up. I do have JM's vampwerefixes installed, but none of the other hacks you list as incompatiable are in my game. I DO have your hack loading last, as yours and JM's hacks are in seperate folders, but I still can't make my vamps sleep.

Attached is an error log I get when I force errors, not sure if it helps or not.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Quote from: reggikko
Quote from: J. M. Pescado
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Posts: 2365

ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 10/15/2006)
« Reply #33 on: 2007 February 11, 12:02:20 »

Hrm. I'm not sure if the error log will help... I'll have to check in game, but just let me know a few things:

1) What is your configuration? i.e. what EPs do you have?

2) What version are you using of the hack?  OFB should be ok for OFB and later... but it's been awhile since I've tried.

3) If you remove my hack, do the options come back? If you remove all other hacks and leave just my hack, are the options still disabled?

I'll fire up the game and check it shortly.


The New "Gay"
Whiny Wussy
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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 10/15/2006)
« Reply #34 on: 2007 February 11, 12:06:52 »

I have all EPs, only Glamour for the Packs, unpatched Pets. Removing the hack brings back the options. I haven't tried JUST your hack. I have too many that would break if I took them out. (Phone hacks and ACR and whatnot.) I could check without JM's vampwerefix, but I don't have access to my pc right now.

Quote from: reggikko
Quote from: J. M. Pescado
Why are all these damn hippies on my website?
We are on your forum, taking over your world and making your children gay.
Posts: 2365

ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 3/19/2007)
« Reply #35 on: 2007 March 20, 03:28:46 »

Ok... I just tried it in my game and it works for me. Huh For both playable/selectable "humans" and vamps.  The only thing was, I had to drag their energy bar down (with debug mode on of course).  Otherwise, sims with full energy bars won't get the option.  Which... makes sense to me, no?

I tried it both with the regular OFB version and then with the Smart Beds version, and in both cases, the Sleep options only appeared if their energy bars were low enough.  I'm not sure what the exact threshold is, but the options definitely won't show up if their energy bar is 100%.  The OFB version also checks if the current lot is a comm lot or not.  WIth lots that have businesses (comm lot or residential), the business should be open in order for sims to use it.  Unless the sim is the business owner or family member of the business owner (they should still be able to use the coffin even if the business is closed).

I have Pescado's vampwerefixes and twojeffs' Smart Beds.

ETA: 3/19/2007
Minor update to allow vampires to user-directed access for coffins


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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 3/19/2007)
« Reply #36 on: 2007 March 20, 13:18:55 »

Just to clarify -- the smart beds version is if you have smart beds in the game, right?  It doesn't replace it?

Excelsior, you fathead!
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Posts: 2365

ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 3/19/2007)
« Reply #37 on: 2007 March 20, 13:46:18 »

Just to clarify -- the smart beds version is if you have smart beds in the game, right?  It doesn't replace it?

Correct.  You still need twojeffs Smart Beds hack if you want to use both my vampirecoffinmod and the additional features his hack provides.  I did it this way so that, if he ever makes changes to the other parts in his hack, I wouldn't have to update my hack all the time.  I only ever have to update if he actually changes the one BHAV that is also present in my hack.  Less work for me lazy self.  Cheesy


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