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Author Topic: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 3/19/2007)  (Read 74994 times)
Posts: 2365

ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 3/19/2007)
« on: 2006 January 06, 02:56:51 »

Vampire Coffin Mod v1.15 for TS2GLS v1.0p0
Made by: syberspunk

This mod was originally inspired by XPTL297's Coffin4VampiresOnly mod found at VS. I wanted similar functionality, and I was determined to find out why there were problems with the option showing up for other sims. I'm fairly certain I found the issue (see Compatibility below for further details). In anycase, this mod is different in that it features the following:

  • Autonomy for Sleeping in the coffin is restricted to resident Vampires Only (i.e. Vampires who live on the current lot)
  • Visiting Vampires who are invited to spend the night may still use the coffin
  • The user can still direct non-vamped sims to sleep in the coffin if they wish.
  • There are two additional options: Sleep (which allows you to direct your sim to sleep in the coffin regardless of what outfit they are wearing i.e. they won't change into PJs or Underwear) and Sleep Naked (which allows you to duh! Wink).
  • There is now a 20% random chance of death via the Peek interaction.
Original requirements still remain (at least 4 motives must be in the red, and one of them must not be bladder - if bladder is in the red, the sim will piss themselves instead)
  • Vampires will no longer be creeped out. They should just shrug instead.
  • Knowledge sims will no longer be creeped out. They should approve instead.
  • Best Friends who are NOT Knowledge sims or Vampires will watch distressed, while all other sims should worry in general.
  • If the sleeping Vampire in the Coffin scares the Peeker, and the Peeker is a Vampire or Best Friend, they will react differently based on personality.
  • If the sim is playful, they will get a relationship boost, otherwise they will react negatively and take a relationship hit.
  • The sleeping Vampire will always take a relationship hit, because they are sleeping! Why would you want to disturb a sleeping vampire? Wink
  • If the Peeker is a Best Friend, the relationship hit should be smaller.
  • If the Peeker is not a best friend, they will most likely sob and will always take a relationship hit.
  • :new: Includes Bug Fix from J.M. Pescado's vampirefixes Critical bug fix (See below for more details).
This is a global mod that affects all Coffins.

:new: Minor updates for OFB version. Also available, compatible version for use with twojeffs Smart Beds hack in testing. Subject to change should further updates be needed. Make sure this loads last after twojeffs' mod.

Note: Instructions for changing the the % random chance of death will be included in a README.

This MUST be in your Downloads folder, typically found under:

C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\Downloads


Obviously this only affects you if you have an older version.

:!!: Nightlife ONLY, tested and approved. Feedback appreciated! Please let me know if sims do not behave as expected.

This hack is NOT compatible with XPTL297's original Vampire Only mod. Since that is what I based it on, but decided to change much of the functionality. His mod completely disables the Sleep interaction for non-vamps.

This hack may have a minor conflict with Crammyboy's nudist hack. It is this conflict with XPTL297's Coffin4VampiresOnly mod that was causing the error where the option will still show up for certain sims. If you use Crammyboy's nudist hack, to prevent any potential conflicts, you should rename your hacks so that this one loads last (Hacks load in alphabetical order - a first to z last).

:new: This hack has a minor conflict with J.M. Pescado's vampirefixes Critical bug fix. This mod has been updated to include the critical fix (see Version History below) and has been renamed so that it will load after, and thus override J.M. Pescado's fix. If you use J.M. Pescado's vampirefixes (which I highly recommend that you do Wink), then this hack Must load after, otherwise you may experience unexpected behaviour (most likely, you will only lose the ability to Sleep in any outfit).

I have tested this in my game and it appears to work fine.

This hack is compatible with most, if not all mods by MATY crew (Pescado, TJ, and CBoy), dizzy, and probably more. Again, up to you to help me determine any possible conflicts.

:!!: REMINDER and fine print (to cover my ass ) :
Remember to ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR DATA BEFORE INSTALLING NEW HACKS. By using this hack, you agree to absolve me of any responsibility or liability for any potential loss of or damage to your data. You have been warned.

:!!: HOW TO REPORT: Conflicts, problems, or errors
I would appreciate any constructive criticism and feedback that is actually helpful. With that in mind, it would be helpful, when reporting any conflicts or issues, that you include the following:

1) thorough but reasonably brief description of what you were doing
2) clear, comprehendible explanation of your problem
3) list of hacks that may be related vampires or coffins
4) archived (.rar or .zip) of log produced by error

Posts which do not include a clear description of what your problem is will be pretty much ignored. (i.e. posts such as "This does not work! I am taking it out! You suck! Nice try! etc.") I can't and won't help you if you don't explain what's wrong.

Please be nice when trying to explain your problem and I might be nice and help you.

:grouphug: Finally, my Thank Yous go to:

XPTL297 for inspiration and his original mod. J.M. Pescado, twojeffs, dizzy2, and jase439 for being excellent tutors and providing excellent models in their mods. As always, thanks to those creators who've put out some excellent modding tutorials, Quaxi and co for SimPE, and dizzy2 for disaSim2, and the finally letters T and S, and the number 2, all of whom, without which this mod would not be possible.

If I left anyone out, I apologize in advance. You know who you are and you deserve my thanks.


There is a minor issue with the get Creeped out animation for Vampires and Knowledge sims. The coffin will open after they walk over to the side. If I ever figure out how to properly do animations and sync them, I may fix this in the future. But for now, I'm too lazy to dig deeper into this. I feel that this minor enough to overlook. Tongue

Version History:
v1.10 - Includes Bug Fix from J.M. Pescado's vampirefixes that "... eliminates newly discovered potential 'vampire killer' that can result in the death of sleeping vampires if they were last seen fleeing from the sun at some community lot." Forcibly resets motives back to sleeping-decay rates.
v1.11 - Fixed bug involving test for Knowledge Aspiration
v1.12 - Updated for OFB - only OFB users should use new version (adds some Servo checks and other minor code changes)
Note: :!!: Community Lot use enabled :!!:
v1.13 - Minor tweaks to OFB version. Sleepable on community lots with businesses only if business is open.
v1.14 - Compatible version for use with twojeffs' Smart Beds.
v1.15 - Minor update to allow vampires to user-directed access for coffins

More options for sleeping in the coffin:

A fellow vampire doesn't get creeped out:

A playful sim who is best friends will get scared, but find it fun AND funny!  :haha:

* NL - (6.21 KB - downloaded 948 times.)
* OFB - (7.08 KB - downloaded 1278 times.)
* OFB - vampirecoffinmod plus Smart (7.08 KB - downloaded 1401 times.)
« Last Edit: 2007 March 20, 03:22:51 by syberspunk » Logged

Goopy Lover
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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod
« Reply #1 on: 2006 January 06, 09:19:52 »

This looks great, but I was wondering if this makes the vampire automatically go to the coffin to sleep when it is daylight?

Posts: 2365

ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod
« Reply #2 on: 2006 January 06, 10:41:26 »

This looks great, but I was wondering if this makes the vampire automatically go to the coffin to sleep when it is daylight?

Nope, and although that would be a cool thing to do, I would rather leave that up to the user because there may be more than one vampire on the lot, so that would require a bit more programming. Can I always assume that the # of coffins = the # of vamps? Do I have to asssign coffins to a specific vamp? What if there are visiting vamps? Additionally, I'd have to handle cases where a the coffin is already occupied. If I don't handle these cases, do I just fail dumbly? If so, then that's no better than not pushing the interaction automatically. Anyways, all this would require a bit more overhead in research (on my part, since that would be more difficult to do, at least for me) and maintenance in the long run.

Besides... there's always the More Awesome Than me Sleep Clock.  Grin Which has been updated to handle vampires. THe sleep clock should help you assign vamps to a coffin (I think) and handle sending your vamp to bed "on time" and keeping them in there I suppose, until the appropriate time. Additionally, there is a "Smart Coffin" mod that allows vamps to sleep later in a sense, keeping them in bed (or in coffin as the case may be Wink) until 7pm. I haven't tried this yet personally, but someone pointed it out to me on MTS2. I checked the package, and it should not conflict with my mod. I believe it probably functions the same way that Inge's sleep later/through the night hacks for babies and elders but specifically for vampires. I think I will edit my first post and recommend to use it together with J.M.'s sleep clock. Smiley


Terrible Twerp
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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod
« Reply #3 on: 2006 January 06, 11:23:15 »

Monique @ mts2 has a mod 'Vampire Sleep Caller' which will call vamps to bed at daybreak. Not a global mod so probably won't conflict.
Posts: 2365

ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod
« Reply #4 on: 2006 January 06, 12:03:44 »

Thanks jordi for pointing that out. I forgot about that mod. I'll add it to the recommended list. And even though it is in the Global Mods section, I checked the package, and the BHAVs do appear to be self contained, so it should not conflict at all. You probably wouldn't really need it if you use the sleep clock, but it serves as a great alternative if you don't. Smiley


Goopy Lover
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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod
« Reply #5 on: 2006 January 06, 23:11:39 »

You probably wouldn't really need it if you use the sleep clock, but it serves as a great alternative if you don't. Smiley


I don't have the sleep clock, so it does! Smiley Thanks both.

Terrible Twerp
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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod
« Reply #6 on: 2006 January 07, 01:21:24 »

Monique @ mts2 has a mod 'Vampire Sleep Caller' which will call vamps to bed at daybreak. Not a global mod so probably won't conflict.

It's great fun to watch a lot with many vampires play musical coffins at 7am every morning.

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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod
« Reply #7 on: 2006 January 07, 02:31:07 »

Monique @ mts2 has a mod 'Vampire Sleep Caller' which will call vamps to bed at daybreak. Not a global mod so probably won't conflict.

It's great fun to watch a lot with many vampires play musical coffins at 7am every morning.

Lol... that's why I thought it would sorta be pointless to add that as a feature. But it worked out anyways, since someone else had already made it. I just figured Pescado's Sleep Clock would be sufficient for me if it was really a bother. At least with the sleep clock, you can specify the sim, so you shouldn't run into constant rounds of "musical coffins" as you've pointed out.  Cheesy


Horrible Halfwit
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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod
« Reply #8 on: 2006 January 08, 16:03:12 »

Any chance you could make a version of this without the sleep naked option/cboynude conflicts? If it's not too much of a pita? I use CBoy's nudist, the option to sleep naked is kind of redundant with that one available.

Beyond that I'll waste some space saying WooHoo for you, Syberspunk. You've picked up on this hack business and gotten on a mad roll. Keep em coming. Maybe we'll see a little room for you under CBoy some day. Wink
Posts: 2365

ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod
« Reply #9 on: 2006 January 09, 01:14:21 »

Any chance you could make a version of this without the sleep naked option/cboynude conflicts? If it's not too much of a pita? I use CBoy's nudist, the option to sleep naked is kind of redundant with that one available.

All you need to do is rename your hacks. This mod essentially has the same functionality, with the additional option of Sleep (which allows you to direct your sim to sleep in their current outfit). To prevent any weirdness happening, just rename my mod so that it shows up later in an alphabetized list. If your nudist mod is named CBOY_nudist.package then you should be fine. If you named it something else (like zCBOY_nudist.package) then just name my mod zvampirecoffinmod.package. Just make sure that, when you sort your hacks in alphabetical order, that my hack comes after Crammyboy's hack.

I'd rather not have to make several versions to avoid the overhead of maintenance. Especially since this is easily solved with a minor work around. Along with the additional sleep option, as well as the included options that CBoy's mod offers, the BHAV I modded also affects the autonomy. An alternative to renaming the mods is opening CBoy's mod and deleting the BHAV "Interaction - Sleep TEST" Group 0x7FB6CAE4 Instance 0x00001008. Just keep a back up for CBoy's mod just in case. Smiley

Beyond that I'll waste some space saying WooHoo for you, Syberspunk. You've picked up on this hack business and gotten on a mad roll. Keep em coming. Maybe we'll see a little room for you under CBoy some day. Wink

Heheh, thanks for the vote of confidence. Now that I could actually "fix" some of the things that I found "wrong" with the game in a manner that suited my own tastes, I kinda went on a spree, exploring, testing, and implementing my new found knowledge. Tongue It's kind of funny how modding turns into not just a hobby but an obssession that is every bit as addicting as actually playing the game. Roll Eyes Because playing the game gets frustrating when things don't happen the way you think they should, to the point where the game is almost unplayable, and you end up wanting to change it.

Oh yeah, and I wouldn't mind being under or over or inbetween CBoy and TwoJeffs, ahem, but I don't know what they would think. But you were probably talking about something else. lol. Wink


Horrible Halfwit
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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod
« Reply #10 on: 2006 January 09, 04:50:11 »

Alright then just to make sure I have this alphebetical order load correct:

I have my Hacks directory. Inside that folder I have all "single" hack .packages (such as JMs ffs hacks and TJ's hacks and your hacks etc) then I have subfolders for CboyNudist, InTeen and a couple others. Am I correct that the game will load all the single .packages first and then the sub folders after that? So I need to put this one in a subfolder alphabetized after CBoy, right? Until recently I only had about 5 hacks that never had any conflicts so I never much paid attention to the order. I'm up to 83 now, at least half of which I can't stand to play without so I suppose I better get on the ball.

I understand the frenzy but not in a modding sense. Happens with building for me.  It's rare for me to  play any family for more than a few sim hours before it turns into an architectural frenzy because I needed the right space for that friggin counter...

I should have seen that last comment coming.  Tongue
Posts: 2365

ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 1/25/2006)
« Reply #11 on: 2006 January 25, 09:50:21 »

Added Critical fix from Pescado's vampirefixes hack. Please read the first post for special info regarding installation. Thanks. Smiley


Horrible Halfwit
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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 1/25/2006)
« Reply #12 on: 2006 January 26, 02:47:28 »

Ok help a very tired, fuzzy headed individual out. The new coffin-mod includes the FFS criticial vamp fixes.

So we can use one or the other but don't need both.
Meaning if I have your mod I will also have the FFS critical vamp fix so I don't need to *also* have the seperate critical vamp fix.

Or does this not include the entirety of the critical vamp fixes and so we still need to have that one in as well and then let your mod override?
Posts: 2365

ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 1/25/2006)
« Reply #13 on: 2006 January 26, 08:30:29 »

Ok help a very tired, fuzzy headed individual out. The new coffin-mod includes the FFS criticial vamp fixes.

So we can use one or the other but don't need both.
Meaning if I have your mod I will also have the FFS critical vamp fix so I don't need to *also* have the seperate critical vamp fix.

Or does this not include the entirety of the critical vamp fixes and so we still need to have that one in as well and then let your mod override?

The long explanation:
Sorry for the confusion. To avoid more work for me Tongue I only included the single critical fix that J.M. Pescado added to his mod, because it actually occurs in one of the BHAVs that *I* edited in mine. SO... if you are using the older version Along with his vampirefixes mod, then you most likely won't get all the functionality of my mod. More specifically, you probably won't be able to send sims to sleep in the vampire mod wearing their current outfit.

Basically, I changed the BHAV so that, if you choose that option. There are four sleep options available with this mod: the two normal ones - Sleep in Underwear and Sleep in Pajamas, and two "new" ones, in the sense that they were unavailable to the coffin before - Sleep Naked and Sleep. The last one just lets you go to sleep in whatever current outfit your sim has. It was simple to add because there was a TXT STR already available for it, which meant that I didn't have to mod anything else, and I saw requests to allow people to direct their sims to sleep in the coffin with formal wear. Now you can do that, but it requires you dressing your sim in Formal wear to begin with. I didn't want to add a "Sleep in Formal Wear" option because that would require changing something on a semi-global level that would affect all beds, which just causes more work for me later down, maintenance wise. Tongue

Anyhew... if none of that made sense to you, that's ok. lol. Grin To try and hurry up my explanation, basically the fix that Pescado added in his mod was to the same BHAV I changed in mine. So... if you try to run the game with both of hacks in, since his mod comes last alphabetically, it will override mine, and you will lose the option to "Sleep" in the current outfit. So I decided to include his fix and rename my mod so it will show up last alphabetically and override his. Tongue

I did not however include ALL of his fixes. You still need his mod for all the other vampire related fixes. Why did I not include them? Because it's less work for me, so nyah Tongue and because overall, it just wouldn't make sense. If at anytime he updated his mod, I would have to reupdate mine. Which is silly, because that's just being redundant. Why should I redo all his work? It just happened that this one fix would cause a conflict, and the best solution is a workaround involving me including his fix and then renaming my mod so it loads last and overrides that single BHAV. Everything else in Pescado's fix is still done by his alone, and is pretty much still needed.

Many mods rely on this type of work around and it should be perfectly ok to have minor conflicts such as these. The game essentially uses the last version of the BHAV that was read in (so whatever hack you want to take precendence should be read in last). That's pretty much how hacks work in the first place, because the Maxis code already exists in the game, being read in as part of the object.package. The game then reads the Downloads folder and overrides the Maxis code with custom content it finds. The reason that hacks conflict occurs when different modders make changes to the same BHAV with possibly different intentions. If a modder makes a hack expecting it to work in some way, or dependent upon other BHAVs to work in a particular fashion, and Another modder either changes the Same BHAV or the BHAV that the original hack's dependency, then you get conflicts. Usually these can be benign and may typically result in lost functionality of advertised features in a mod. Other times it can cause major problems such as jump bugs and stuck objects, or worse yet, object or lot corruption.  Undecided So it definately helps to RTFM!

The short explanation:
So... in a nutshell, Yes you need both hacks. Lol. Grin

Just be sure to delete the old version, and use the new, renamed zvampirecoffinmod version.

Man, am I long winded or what? I just felt that needed a thorough enough explanation. Hopefully that wasn't too confusing and convoluting for ya. Wink

Disclaimer: This PSA on "Hacks, Conflicts, and You" has been sponsored by the Syberspunkian Foundation of the Criminally Insane, Deleriously Sick and Feverishly Bedridden. The views or opinions expressed in the above post do not necessarily reflect those the general modding community as a whole, and may in fact be entirely fabricated by the author's pathetic cold/flu-induced dementia. All parties will not be held responsible for your game turning into a BFBVFS. All materials heretowith are provided "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. If you are on any other type of medication, consult your doctor before using. J.M. Pescado's vampirefixes sold separately. Some assembly required. Batteries not included. Keep away from children. Caustic if swallowed. External use only. Avoid contact with eyes. May cause hair loss, internal bleeding, or sterility. Use with caution.


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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 1/25/2006)
« Reply #14 on: 2006 January 26, 09:14:06 »

Long-winded is good, having hilarious fine print to read is also good. To me at least Grin.
Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 1/25/2006)
« Reply #15 on: 2006 January 26, 23:39:59 »

*loved that fine print!*

hmmmm I'll have to give your hack subfolder a new number so it will load after JMs subfolder *redownloads*

One day I may get around to having a vampire *laughs*

Oh btw, does this hack conflict at all with Carrigons daytime vampire hack?
« Last Edit: 2006 January 26, 23:46:35 by Sleepycat » Logged
Posts: 2365

ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 1/25/2006)
« Reply #16 on: 2006 January 27, 04:02:55 »

Long-winded is good, having hilarious fine print to read is also good. To me at least Grin.

*loved that fine print!*

Glad you guys liked it. Grin

One day I may get around to having a vampire *laughs*

Oh btw, does this hack conflict at all with Carrigons daytime vampire hack?

Lol. Yeah, tell me about it. I made the hacks, but I don't have a vamp myself yet either. Maybe one of these days I'll actually do a Buffy theme like I've always wanted. Grin

As far as Carrigon's hack goes, it should not conflict with mine. However, I did find that there is some kind of conflict with Monique's MQ_Vampire_Nightime_Decay_Hack.package which allows vamps fun and social motives to decay at night, which I have in my game. I don't  use Carrigon's hack. But I thought I'd let you know, just in case you might have both. You may either have to choose, or ask either of the modder's if they would be willing to make a compatible version. I think they do different things (I believe Carrigon's hack makes vamps motives work like normal sims during the day, right?).

Anyhew, neither of those hacks conflicts with mine. So whichever one you choose should be ok with mine. Smiley


Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 1/25/2006)
« Reply #17 on: 2006 January 27, 04:51:18 »

Thanks syberspunk  Smiley

yes, Carrigons daytime vampire hack is suppose to only affect the motives

heres the details from her read me

This hack will stop your vampire's motives from decaying rapidly in the sunlight.  Your vampires can enjoy daytime just as much as any sim.  Their motives will go down normally as if they were still human, well, quite a bit slower than if they were really human.  They do still freak out at the sun a little bit and if you have a vampire doing an activity when it turns daylight, he will stop the activity and freak a bit at the sun if he is near a window or outside.  But his motives will be okay.  Vampires can fly during the day with this hack and stalk around. Your vampires can drive into downtown during the day and even go to the spa with this hack.

This is a global hack.  It only affects vampire motives.

I just wanted to make sure  Grin  I'm more likely to have a vampire or two now *laughs* with my memory I would forget they couldn't go into the sun and I'd have a ash pile shortly after they became vampires  Roll Eyes
Horrible Halfwit
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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 1/25/2006)
« Reply #18 on: 2006 January 28, 07:00:32 »

*counts on fingers* S after J.

K I'm set.

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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 3/1/2006)
« Reply #19 on: 2006 March 02, 03:27:24 »

Updated: Fixed a "minor" bug involving the test for Knowledge Aspiration. It should work properly now. Please let me know if you experience any problems.


PS. I have not yet received the OFB EP. I'm hoping that my hacks will still be compatible, but you never know. Feel free to post or PM me and let me know if you have any problems with any of my mods. Smiley

Juvenile Jackass
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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 3/1/2006)
« Reply #20 on: 2006 March 02, 22:30:07 »

I just wanted to point out that the VampireFixes have been updated for OFB.
Lord of the Nannies
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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 3/1/2006)
« Reply #21 on: 2006 March 03, 13:44:47 »

I was kind of away when this came out, but had been trying to bug someone to do this before I left so much thanks.

The human relatives sleeping in the coffin especially irritate me to no end.

In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 3/1/2006)
« Reply #22 on: 2006 March 03, 16:31:21 »

I was kind of away when this came out, but had been trying to bug someone to do this before I left so much thanks.

The human relatives sleeping in the coffin especially irritate me to no end.
The reason human-relatives sleep in coffins as well is because Coffins are 40 NRG/hr! That's better than the best available bed, the Medieval, which has only 38 NRG/hr. Thus, the coffins are better and this is why they do it. Coffins for everyone!

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 3/1/2006)
« Reply #23 on: 2006 March 04, 04:42:16 »

The reason human-relatives sleep in coffins as well is because Coffins are 40 NRG/hr! That's better than the best available bed, the Medieval, which has only 38 NRG/hr. Thus, the coffins are better and this is why they do it. Coffins for everyone!

Well Pescado, we can't all be vampires like you. lol Grin And fortunately my mod doesn't completely prevent your non-vampified sims from using the coffin (at least it shouldn't Tongue) if you direct them to, unlike XPTL's mod which completely disabled this option for non-vamps.

I was just annoyed at the idea that, if I had vamps on my lot, their coffins could annoyingly be occupied by human sims that would choose to use them when vamps did not have any other alternatives. Tongue

Hopefully all my mods will work in OFB. I received OFB last night, but I still haven't installed it yet. I may start taking a look at the object package this weekend and see if I can figure out how to update my mods or at least provide a compatiibility list. Tongue


Lord of the Nannies
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Re: Testers Wanted: Vampire Coffin Mod (Updated 3/1/2006)
« Reply #24 on: 2006 March 04, 05:57:36 »

You know, I'm still not clear on whether humans sleeping in coffins is a bug or feature. I know sometimes I would try and have them click on it and they couldn't at all but the vamps could. Autonomously was a different story. They'd hall ass down 3 flights of stairs to the basement to get to that thing.  Roll Eyes

I've seen people on other boards complain too that they wanted their human 'goths' to sleep in the a coffin and I think someone made a hack over at MTS2 that was supposed to allow it which was somewhat puzzling as they already seemed to. *shrug*

In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
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