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Testers Wanted: Apologize Fix - Uni and Older Now Available (Updated 5/31/2006)
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Topic: Testers Wanted: Apologize Fix - Uni and Older Now Available (Updated 5/31/2006) (Read 68855 times)
Sucky Name Person
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 5871
Re: Testers Wanted: Apologize Fix for Backasswardsness
Reply #25 on:
2006 March 06, 12:20:49 »
Quote from: Renatus on 2006 March 06, 11:44:57
But then I did something monumentally stupid and had to restore a backup! It's all for the best, really, the drama is interesting to write about but it was a pain in the ass to play afterwards.
I know what you mean. They won't sleep in the same bed, so you either have to buy another bed or juggle family members around, or make them sleep on the couch which really doesn't do much for energy. You have to decide whether you want them to work it out or break up, and working it out takes a long time.
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 804
Re: Testers Wanted: Apologize Fix for Backasswardsness
Reply #26 on:
2006 March 06, 12:38:12 »
And I didn't want them to break up because the girl is hardly interested in ANYONE. She makes friends well enough if I push her, but she has low interest in other people, even for a Knowledge sim, which is strange because she has 7 or 8 in outgoing. Once she found this guy I was relieved there would be a chance the family would carry on... forgetting that her mom had already woohooed the boy. She's a little more interested in other people now that she's an adult, but I have a feeling I'd be hard-pressed to come up with anyone else that she cared for that her mom hadn't woohooed. Her mom wasn't especially prolific with the woohoo acquisition - I guess they just have similar tastes in men!
Sucky Name Person
Whiny Wussy
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Re: Testers Wanted: Apologize Fix for Backasswardsness
Reply #27 on:
2006 March 06, 12:47:23 »
Like mother like daughter, huh?
Sucky Name Person
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 5871
Re: Testers Wanted: Apologize Fix for Backasswardsness
Reply #28 on:
2006 March 26, 07:10:09 »
Are you going to reup this hack? If so, is it ready for OFB? Thanks!
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Testers Wanted: Apologize Fix for Backasswardsness
Reply #29 on:
2006 March 26, 19:14:11 »
Whoops. Forgot to reattach the file. Should be there now. It was ready for OFB as of p0, but I haven't installed p1 yet. I plan to do that soon, probably later today. I'm currently working on a mini joint project, modifying pinhead's move-in all hack. So, probably when I'm done ironing that out, I'll update and check my hacks later today.
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
Jack, I swear...
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Sucky Name Person
Whiny Wussy
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Re: Testers Wanted: Apologize Fix for Backasswardsness
Reply #30 on:
2006 March 26, 20:13:30 »
Okie-doke, no hurry.
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Testers Wanted: Apologize Fix for Backasswardsness
Reply #31 on:
2006 June 01, 00:02:44 »
As per xogatorsoftballxo's post over on MTS2, I decided to make a version that is backwards compatible with Uni and the basegame. Please note the following:
I have posted an
version for Uni and the basegame. Using the older objects.package, I compared the older version of the BHAV and I modified it in a similar fashion as the NL version I made.
it should work for those who only have the Uni EP or the basegame, and
the Holiday Pack. I DO NOT have the Holiday Pack and I have no intention of un/reinstalling just to test this version. Therefore, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! However, it would be nice if you could provide some feedback at least and let me know whether it works or not. The way that Socials are tested has changed since NL and later, and I only got into modding just after the arrival of NL. So I can't say for sure whether this version will definitely work, but just based on the code, it should. :shrug:
Hope it works for you.
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
Jack, I swear...
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Asinine Airhead
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Re: Testers Wanted: Apologize Fix - Uni and Older Now Available (Updated 5/31/20
Reply #32 on:
2006 July 25, 03:49:21 »
I don't know if you've gotten confirmation yet or not that your untested version works with Uni, but I just tested it with my game (only the base game plus Uni), and it seems to work perfectly.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 84
Re: Testers Wanted: Apologize Fix - Uni and Older Now Available (Updated 5/31/20
Reply #33 on:
2006 October 29, 21:14:37 »
Has this been checked for Pets compatibility?
Stupid Schlemiel
Posts: 1701
Re: Testers Wanted: Apologize Fix - Uni and Older Now Available (Updated 5/31/20
Reply #34 on:
2006 October 30, 05:36:07 »
Quote from: HelloKit on 2006 October 29, 21:14:37
Has this been checked for Pets compatibility?
yes it has, it's fine and dosen't need to be updated
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 177
Re: Testers Wanted: Apologize Fix - Uni and Older Now Available (Updated 5/31/20
Reply #35 on:
2007 July 07, 13:51:03 »
Just to make sure, is this Seasons compatible?
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 164
Re: Testers Wanted: Apologize Fix - Uni and Older Now Available (Updated 5/31/20
Reply #36 on:
2007 September 11, 04:26:13 »
I'm having a conflict between this hack and your renuyuorbltwhack in Bon Voayge. I have all EPs and SPs.
I had my sim book a vacation on the phone, and after he hung up he whipped out a love potion and drank it. As far as I know he didn't have a potion in his inventory, and I didn't tell him to do it, he took it himself. The potion action image also 'overtook' the book vacation image
like this
. He ended up taking the potions twice more, and both of those times the potion taking "took over" other queued up actions. He wanted to play with the cat, but the cat was eating and so he drank the potion (and still had "play with cat" as the text) and he also wanted to hug his son, but he was talking to the grandfather and so out came the potion (with text "hug").
I spent six hours trying to narrow down the problem -.- and I came up with it only happening with both this hack and the renyu one when together. Nothing bad seemed to happen, though I didn't play much further than the potion taking before I closed and tried again with other hacks.
Oddly, I had these two hacks in my game before playing in my regular hood which I've only just put in my game. I was just fiddling around with the BV Traveller family in Strangetown, and I didn't notice this problem happen at all :/
Error log is attached (and I hope I did it right!)
[attachment deleted by admin]
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Testers Wanted: Apologize Fix - Uni and Older Now Available (Updated 5/31/2006)
Reply #37 on:
2007 September 12, 02:31:51 »
Ok. I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.
So, I removed all my hacks and only left the two hacks you mentioned (apologizefix and renuyuorbltwhack). I went into the game, created a completely clean/new/fresh neighborhood. Added a house, moved the Travellers in, and had them book a vacation. I did not receive any errors at all. The sim was able to book the vacation and afterwards, he just wandered around like the regular idiot that he was. No love potion looping. And certainly no error as shown in your log.
Looking at your error log... it is unclear to me whether this is something that you forced an error yourself, or if the game threw up an error on it's own. I would scan your downloads folder and see if you have any other sneaky hacks hiding about. You could try posting your error log in the Oops... you brokei t forum, but I suspect that Pescado would tell you it's the work of the non-awesome. *shrugs*
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
Jack, I swear...
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Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 164
Re: Testers Wanted: Apologize Fix - Uni and Older Now Available (Updated 5/31/20
Reply #38 on:
2007 September 12, 03:26:22 »
The weird thing is though, is that it wasn't happening when I was just fiddling with the new EP in Strangetown, it only occured when I put my regular hood in game and started playing that. All the same hacks were in my game when I was playing the Traveller family, and playing n my regular hood.
All my hacks are in the one folder, I've only just cleaned them out pre-BV and I check for nasties constanty anyway. I only had those two hacks in when it happened (as I was testing all hacks; taking them in and out and those two were the combintion setting it off).
I did however notice when taking them out so I could actually play my hood without worrying about a never-ending supply of Love Potion, is that my sim does have the Love Potion in his inventory, if that could be the contributing factor, as none of the Traveller family had the Love Potion and nor do any of my other current sims and they never had the problem - only the one with the potion in inventory :/
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Testers Wanted: Apologize Fix - Uni and Older Now Available (Updated 5/31/2006)
Reply #39 on:
2007 September 12, 05:16:27 »
Ok. I am thoroughly confused by your post due to the derth of punctuation.
Are you saying this problem ocurreted with the Traveller family in your regular hood, even though they did not have a potion in their invetnory? Or... are you now saying that you managed to isolate the incident to only a sim who actually had a potion in their inventory?
According to your error log, some sim named Fabio is the one who is trying to use the Love Potion.
Neither of those hacks (apologize fix or renuyuorbltw) should change anything involved with Love Potions or the Inventory, as far as I know.
If you can't find any other sneaky hacks, I would suggest trying to delete the love potion, have your sim repurchase it, and see if you continue to have problems.
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
Jack, I swear...
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Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 164
Re: Testers Wanted: Apologize Fix - Uni and Older Now Available (Updated 5/31/20
Reply #40 on:
2007 September 12, 06:04:05 »
Nothing happened with those hacks when playing with the Traveller family. All the hacks I use were fine with the Travellers, so I decided to put my regular hood in. Fabio, the sim having the problem, has one Love Potion in his inventory (which I doubled checked when I started actually playing) and is the only one having the problem. I didn't tell him to use the love potions, he did it all by himself when the actions he had queued up were finised or busy (finished booking a vacation - drank a potion; wanted to play cat teaser but cat was eating so he drank a potion; was going to give son a hug but son was talking to someone else so he drank a potion). I don't think drinking three potions can happen when he only has one...
When having both or even just one of the hacks out he doesn't take any potions.
It confused me because it wasn't happening with the other sims, so I can only guess that it was only happening to him because he had the potion and the others didn't. I'll test it out on some other sims and see what happens next time I'm in game.
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Testers Wanted: Apologize Fix - Uni and Older Now Available (Updated 5/31/20
Reply #41 on:
2007 September 12, 06:17:42 »
That seems really odd that either of these hacks would affect inventories and/or love potions. Defniitely check what happens to other sims when you buy love potions for them. Also, check what happens when you delete the potion that Fabio has and buy a totally new one.
It could be possible that the apologizefix might cause issues. I may have to look further into it, but it just seems unlikely to me.
I'm not sure how the renuyu orb hack would cause this problem tho. As far as I can tell, my hack should only add two new options to the renuyu orb object itself: 1) reroll LTW and 2) recharge asp (which is already included in Pescado's asprecharge hack anyways, but I
borrowed it, so at least it would be there for anyone who doesn't use that hack).
The Test BHAVs should be non autonomous, so... even if the renuyu orb code was kinda borking the love potions... it shouldn't be causing a sim to autonomously attempt those interactions.
I can only guess that the problem you are having could be unrelated and just sadorandomly coincidental with having the hacks in your game? I will try and test this scenario shortly by using the Traveller family and purchasing a love potion, to see what happens.
ETA: Ok, I just quickly tested it. I went into the game, had the Traveller father call up a gypsy, purchase a Love Potion, and then book a Vacation. No weird Love Potion related looping...
Of course, this isn't exactly a thorough test and doesn't completely rule out the possibility that my hacks aren't causing a problem, but again, it just seems unlikely, since neither hack should affect Love Potions or the inventory system...
When you check your Fabio sim, does he actually have any sims on the lot that he has a negative/low relationship with that he would try to apologize too? That would be the only thing I could think of, where he would autonomously attempt to apologize to that sim, but maybe something is screwing up and switching that object id (of the sim) for the object id of the Love Potion. It's a bit of a stretch, but the only thing that makes me think it could be a possible problem. Otherwise, it seems like it is either related to some other hack or that your sim or the Love Potion your sim is carrying is borked somehow. :=\
Last Edit: 2007 September 12, 06:30:37 by syberspunk
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
Jack, I swear...
Assmittens: Do Want
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 164
Re: Testers Wanted: Apologize Fix - Uni and Older Now Available (Updated 5/31/20
Reply #42 on:
2007 September 12, 20:21:01 »
I tested it out on the Travellers, with just those two hacks, and nothing happened. Went back into my hood, and nothing happened
I still have the backup of my neighbourhood which starts right at the point I was having the problem, so when I'm not too lazy I'll fiddle around again. The only thing I can think of is that right at that very moment in my game there was some kind of glitch, or something, that conflicted with those two hacks
When you check your Fabio sim, does he actually have any sims on the lot that he has a negative/low relationship with that he would try to apologize too?
Hmm, he did have two kids that he hadn't spent much time with at the time. I'm not sure what the relationship level was so when I put the backup back in, I'll check. Because I've moved my game along from that point, the family went on a vacation and on coming back he spent a lot more time with his kids, which would have raised it
Otherwise, it seems like it is either related to some other hack
Which it can't be since I've said 2348345889 times that I didn't have any other hacks in game, because I didn't. I may have a low post count on this site, but I'm not a n00b
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Testers Wanted: Apologize Fix - Uni and Older Now Available (Updated 5/31/20
Reply #43 on:
2007 September 13, 14:24:02 »
Quote from: squish on 2007 September 12, 20:21:01
The only thing I can think of is that right at that very moment in my game there was some kind of glitch, or something, that conflicted with those two hacks
Which is, as I said only a bajillion times
it is very unlikely that those two hacks would cause a conflict that resulted in your looping issue. Neither of them touch code that is related to the Love Potion or the Inventory. *shrugs*
Quote from: squish on 2007 September 12, 20:21:01
Hmm, he did have two kids that he hadn't spent much time with at the time. I'm not sure what the relationship level was so when I put the backup back in, I'll check. Because I've moved my game along from that point, the family went on a vacation and on coming back he spent a lot more time with his kids, which would have raised it
Yeah. That was a stretch anyways, so it seems very unlikely. Apologize, I believe would only be autonomous if the relationship was really low, as in negative.
Quote from: squish on 2007 September 12, 20:21:01
Which it can't be since I've said 2348345889 times that I didn't have any other hacks in game, because I didn't. I may have a low post count on this site, but I'm not a n00b
I suppose that could be true, but even non n00bs have been known to exhibit n00bish behaviour. Hacks could possibly sneak into folders other than Downloads. I vaguely recall reading about other peeps finding hacks in other folders they didn't expect to find stuff in. So you can never be too sure. I mean, you're the one that's having the problem, right? And I'm not... and I can only be certain of my own configuration and/or file management. I can't assume that everyone knows about the pheverstool or the paladintool. So I tend to err on the side of caution.
In anycase, the game itself can have weird, sadorandom looping stuff. If it doesn't seem to happen anymore, or the problem is not consistently reproducible within the same environment/configuration, then I would chalk it up to a random fluke and hope it never happens again.
Anyhew, if I ever do experience this bug, you can rest assured that I'll update any of my hacks, if they turn out to be the culprit.
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
Jack, I swear...
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