I did a cream colored one, nothing special, to see how it looked. I don't think I am up for making a world globe or anything fancy like that, although that would look cool.  I'll attach the cream one here to see what everyone else thinks, just for starters. EDIT: Here are some more colors, and I redid the cream one. I thought it looked a little green when I went back into it, so if you downloaded it, please download the new one. EDIT #2: I have reuploaded all the colors in one zip file (since Stupid Josh deleted all MATY attachments), including the peach color requested by dewshine further down in the thread. EDIT #3: Added RAR format, redid ZIP file.
« Last Edit: 2006 May 18, 22:50:35 by rainbow »
And here is white.
EDIT: Included in zip file above.
« Last Edit: 2006 March 23, 17:03:28 by rainbow »
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 352
mean sims and empty lots don't mix...
sweet... can a beg you to make a pale peach color? one of my favorite babysets is pale peach lace. I downloaded the other colors so maybe the cream will work.
How is this? It's hard to know exactly what color will match, because there are so many variances in color, as well as people's perceptions of various color tones.  EDIT: Included in zip file above.
« Last Edit: 2006 March 23, 17:03:52 by rainbow »
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 352
mean sims and empty lots don't mix...
 You are good! look how nice your peach matches:  The set I wanted to match is one by Darter123 over at MTS2. This is perfect. (*snicker* Thank you! This is great!) Haha... Actually I want to say that I really love the idea of doing recolors for these objects so that the hacks are just a tad more in the background.
That is indeed wonderful Rainbow. I tried your TP and it looks great in game. I usually don't like black re-colours, but this one looks simply smashing in my (or more correctly, Witch's) castle. *off to check the other threads, maybe Rainbow has made some more recoloured TP 
Thank you very much for the compliments! It's good to know my work is appreciated. 
Definitely a step up from the original. lol.
But do you think you could replace the mesh file that the baby controller uses? I've been trying to get the Maxis falling fern to replace the controller mesh for a while, but so far, to no avail. It'd be awesome if a better modder could make a new mesh for it. The ugly eye is the only reason this mod is still not in my game.
I'm afraid meshing is out of my range right now. Perhaps someone knows how to clone the fern and copy the Baby Controller's functions to it? I don't have any idea how to do this or if it's even possible.
J. M. Pescado
That would be bad. You'd need a new GUID and stuff, and the controller uses hardcoded GUIDs referenced externally by other controllers. I'll look into the possibility of a morphing controller, though.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
That would be bad. You'd need a new GUID and stuff, and the controller uses hardcoded GUIDs referenced externally by other controllers. I'll look into the possibility of a morphing controller, though.
I thought it might be something like that. Thanks for explaining it. Maybe something like the fern or the airplane mobile, which wouldn't require a whole new mesh. I think it is good to have something that hangs on the ceiling or goes on the wall so as not to take up valuable floor space. By the way, I'd love it if the Baby Controller recognized Inge's bottomless bottle. 
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 861
Robotic Baby Harp Seal!
That would be bad. You'd need a new GUID and stuff, and the controller uses hardcoded GUIDs referenced externally by other controllers. I'll look into the possibility of a morphing controller, though.
Could you call it the Mighty Morphin' Baby Controller?
Personally I would love it if the mesh were an innocuous teddy bear, and then finally I could have a stuffed bear in the nursery without every sim in the household trying to mess with it.
Personally I would love it if the mesh were an innocuous teddy bear, and then finally I could have a stuffed bear in the nursery without every sim in the household trying to mess with it.
you really should get twojeffs "No Autonomous Talking Through the Teddy/Bunny Bear" mods http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php?topic=1215.0I would also perfer the baby controller to be a teddy bear instead of that awful eye
Well, at least with my recolors, you don't have an eye anymore, you just have a nice, softly colored ball! It looks almost like one of those round ceiling lights.
Well, at least with my recolors, you don't have an eye anymore, you just have a nice, softly colored ball! It looks almost like one of those round ceiling lights.
I'll have to try them out then after I put it back in, right now I'm trying to sort out a "extra plumbob in birth scene" possible hack conflict problem 
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 352
mean sims and empty lots don't mix...
Sleepycat, do you have the alien preggers for both genders? if so the extra animation package for female pregancies will cause the second plumbob in the birthing movies.
Sleepycat, do you have the alien preggers for both genders? if so the extra animation package for female pregancies will cause the second plumbob in the birthing movies.
no I don't have it, Thankfully I have all my hacks divided into subfolders by creator so if it comes to it I can try removing by subfolder to narrow it down, first tho I need to get another sim pregnant so I can save right before birth an reload the game as needed to test. The extra plumbob in the birth scenes dosen't seem to be hurting anything, it just bugs me *laughs* (If I can't sort it out soon I'll bring it up in the podium)
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 352
mean sims and empty lots don't mix...
 I had the same problem only it was that hack... hope you get it sorted out.
 I had the same problem only it was that hack... hope you get it sorted out. Thank you  I did get it sorted out this evening, I didn't pin down the exact cause but it's fixed so I'm happy *laughs* sadly it appears to involve JMs baby hacks and Inges, so for now I'm going to use Inges until I feel up to pinning down the exact files that don't play nice together.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 565
BOOT to the HEAD!
Apparently that would be my problem too. I have wondered about the extra plumbob in the birth cinematic. I'm not removing either inge's or pescado's baby related things, though. I can live with the second plumbob. :p
btw sleepycat, the kitty in your avatar looks exactly like my alpha kitty must have looked when he was a kitten. So cute!
Apparently that would be my problem too. I have wondered about the extra plumbob in the birth cinematic. I'm not removing either inge's or pescado's baby related things, though. I can live with the second plumbob. :p
btw sleepycat, the kitty in your avatar looks exactly like my alpha kitty must have looked when he was a kitten. So cute!
hmmm odd, maybe I should have investigated more *loves her avatar* I had a cat that looked just like it a very long time ago *laughs* edit - I was going to go post in the nobabyharessment thread but decided to try and narrow this extra plumbob issue down more first
« Last Edit: 2005 December 27, 10:44:54 by Sleepycat »
awesome Rainbow thanks for the recolors. 
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
awesome Rainbow thanks for the recolors.  Glad you like. 
these files are showing as corrupt, Rainbow. Any way to update them?
Darkerdink -- aide to Dark_Trepie. Now with moar dark!