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Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
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Topic: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You! (Read 423578 times)
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
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Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #550 on:
2008 March 25, 10:44:49 »
Quote from: kuronue on 2008 March 25, 02:02:17
if the shower is in radius of the BUY, they shouldn't be using the shower unless BUY tells them to, in which case it'll kick out other sims wanting to get in the bathroom.
From my experience, other sims intending to use the bathroom (not merely come in to tell jokes) will only be kicked out if the number of sims > number of BUY controllers, when each controller has its own set of devices. If I got right what J.M. said, you have to divide the bathroom into several sections that contain a controller, a toilet stall and a shower, and set the radius within the section to get rid of the shooing, like so:
+=Wall | T=Toilet | C=BUY Controller | S=Shower | D=Devider | X=empty space;
radius set to 1
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
Asinine Airhead
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Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #551 on:
2008 March 30, 19:49:44 »
Quote from: sloppyhousewife on 2008 March 25, 10:44:49
Quote from: kuronue on 2008 March 25, 02:02:17
if the shower is in radius of the BUY, they shouldn't be using the shower unless BUY tells them to, in which case it'll kick out other sims wanting to get in the bathroom.
From my experience, other sims intending to use the bathroom (not merely come in to tell jokes) will only be kicked out if the number of sims > number of BUY controllers, when each controller has its own set of devices. If I got right what J.M. said, you have to divide the bathroom into several sections that contain a controller, a toilet stall and a shower, and set the radius within the section to get rid of the shooing, like so:
+=Wall | T=Toilet | C=BUY Controller | S=Shower | D=Devider | X=empty space;
radius set to 1
So by following this, I'll finally get BUY to work correctly in Dorms? Yah!
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #552 on:
2008 April 02, 12:49:23 »
Quote from: karmalkiss on 2008 March 30, 19:49:44
So by following this, I'll finally get BUY to work correctly in Dorms? Yah!
No. This is a method to stomp the shooing, which shouldn't occur in dorms, as there is only one age class. The easiest way to make it work in dorms is to put an equal number of toilet stalls and showers in the same room and place a BUY controller for each toilet/shower set. I never had problems with that, though I'm usually playing EAxis made dorms with only slight changes.
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
The Biter
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Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #553 on:
2008 April 13, 14:10:00 »
Can something be done about plant sims (visiting or resident) getting stuck in a perpetual loop of 'must use shower/must be evicted', please? It's not so much the sims deciding they're dehydrated & need a drink as much as buy seeking an almost, but not quite at half-watered plant sim, yoinking it into the bathroom, only to kick it out/force it to wait.
As much as I am enjoying killing off the plants that annoy me this way, it really isn't their fault, and I'm swiftly running out of sims.
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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #554 on:
2008 April 13, 15:00:52 »
I am not able to reproduce this behavior. According to the code, Hygiene check will always return true for any plantsim with water less than half. Also, your claims that plantsims can die from this seem manifestly untrue, as plantsims cannot die from motive depletion. More information is required. What kind of sims are doing this, and what do their motives look like when this happens?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
The Biter
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Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #555 on:
2008 April 13, 15:53:00 »
I didn't claim they died from this. Read again. I claimed they pissed me off & I killed them myself. Big difference.
Actually, I do have an answer of sorts for you. The sims doing this are adult male plant sims who were made so, not born so. It occurs in shower/toilet combos. Actually, half the time visiting plants hog the bathroom pacing in front of the shower trying to get in & bouncing off. No error messages are coming up, of course. That would just be helpful.
Upon making the sim in question selectable, I order his dessicated green butt out of the bathroom & cancel all queues. When he tries to re-enter the bathroom, it is usually at the directive of buy, but not always. Sometimes he'll decide to go in himself, and THAT'S when he gets bounced out of the bathroom.
I haven't noticed it with female plants, but I only have one in game & she appears to be housebound.
Some information which may or may not prove helpful: The bathrooms in question all have either the cheapest shower or the cheapest bath/shower combo, the cheapest toilet, a basin & buy. All rooms are at least 3x3 squares, because traffic flow problems in bathrooms fuck me off.
The awesomest thing on the internet.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #556 on:
2008 April 18, 02:15:58 »
Part of the problem with visitors is that visitors crippled from being able to use the showers. More analysis of this effect is under way.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 16
BUY issues useless actions
Reply #557 on:
2008 April 21, 02:28:33 »
I've just realised that BUY actions (queued by sleepclock BEFORE the sims sleeps?) does not check for threshold to go to bath room? I have sims that all cram the bathroom only to go in and then waste time doing senseless action, uses toilet/shower only to come out immediately as the bar is either full or near full.
I've just installed BV and FT expansions. With more options to work from home, I tried out florist and succeeded with snapdragons. This super-cheat-like object fills all personal motives save energy. So now it is possible to wake up with 6 full motives bar and it is where the above mentioned situation with BUY gets uncovered.
Since it has never done this before (or maybe I've not noticed it before), so can I assume that BUY initiated check will check for threshold, but once BUY action is issued to sim, it will not check anymore? Could it be possible that issued BUY-action does one more check and drops the action if it is ridiculous? (e.g. trying to go toilet when there is nothing to "give")
thanks for the (potential) attention
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #558 on:
2008 April 21, 02:35:35 »
I have not seen this behavior. If you're referring to the "use bathroom" that is automatically queued for use when a sim is sent to sleep by the sleep clock, to take effect when he wakes up, this is intentional. It serves two purposes.
1. Normal people NORMALLY go to pee when they wake up.
2. For SIMS, even if they don't need to pee, the process changes them back into Normal Uniform, so they don't walk around in their pajamas all day.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 16
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #559 on:
2008 April 21, 02:51:45 »
wow.. thanks for the prompt reply. It's not really a big problem (at least not to me, and sometimes, I don't even bother canceling the actions manually), but just thought I bring it to your attention.
Just to clarify. The sims that wakes up has full bladder and hygiene bar. I understand the change cloths concern, but it could be an eyesore to see entire household all trying to use the bath room : those that did not manage to go in just loiter out there waiting, refusing to do anything and those who ACTUALLY got in, just go through the lengthy (may be relative to the context) animations of starting to use the toilet, then immediately get off (actual using time~0) and then starting to go into shower and immediately get out (actual using time~0).
But your point about the morning thing sounds realistic. come to think of it, snap dragon plants are the unrealistic culprits.... I probably want to get rid of it, at least from the bedrooms.
All in all, thanks!
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 580
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #560 on:
2008 April 21, 16:47:25 »
Not only is it more realistic, it certainly sounds more amusing, the way you describe it. Hordes of sims all clustered around one bathroom? The only way this could be improved is if they could complain to each other, or take a minor negative relation hit towards the person hogging the bathroom.
There are two solutions:
(1) get more bathrooms;
(2) cancel the action for sims who have full bladder and hygiene.
Posts: 6420
Son of Perdition
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #561 on:
2008 April 21, 16:53:46 »
Quote from: talysman on 2008 April 21, 16:47:25
Not only is it more realistic, it certainly sounds more amusing, the way you describe it. Hordes of sims all clustered around one bathroom? The only way this could be improved is if they could complain to each other, or take a minor negative relation hit towards the person hogging the bathroom.
There are two solutions:
(1) get more bathrooms;
(2) cancel the action for sims who have full bladder and hygiene.
Keep the snapdragons and use Emma's bathroomless house.
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Goopy Lover
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Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #562 on:
2008 April 21, 18:31:51 »
Quote from: jolrei on 2008 April 21, 16:53:46
Quote from: talysman on 2008 April 21, 16:47:25
Not only is it more realistic, it certainly sounds more amusing, the way you describe it. Hordes of sims all clustered around one bathroom? The only way this could be improved is if they could complain to each other, or take a minor negative relation hit towards the person hogging the bathroom.
There are two solutions:
(1) get more bathrooms;
(2) cancel the action for sims who have full bladder and hygiene.
Keep the snapdragons and use Emma's bathroomless house.
*Emma moons Jolrei
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J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #563 on:
2008 April 22, 01:19:54 »
Quote from: jjsy on 2008 April 21, 02:51:45
Just to clarify. The sims that wakes up has full bladder and hygiene bar. I understand the change cloths concern, but it could be an eyesore to see entire household all trying to use the bath room : those that did not manage to go in just loiter out there waiting, refusing to do anything and those who ACTUALLY got in, just go through the lengthy (may be relative to the context) animations of starting to use the toilet, then immediately get off (actual using time~0) and then starting to go into shower and immediately get out (actual using time~0).
Not as much an eyesore as everyone running around out of uniform all the time. BUY handles the bathroom queuing efficiently without your intervention anyway. And I've never seen them start to use the terlet if they have maxed bladder at all, they usually just go straight for the shower.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 421
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #564 on:
2008 April 22, 01:24:31 »
Speaking of...: playables get kicked out of uniform and into "Everday" with BUY on business lots.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26292
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #565 on:
2008 April 22, 10:18:25 »
Quote from: EsotericPolarBear on 2008 April 22, 01:24:31
Speaking of...: playables get kicked out of uniform and into "Everday" with BUY on business lots.
Noted. Will look into this and fix in the next version.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 7
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #566 on:
2008 July 02, 20:54:41 »
Sorry to res old topic (didn't see why I needed to start a new one for a problem with this item)
I have removed all my hacks/downloads to verify it is with this object only. Adult Female sim gets used by controller. Her hygene is just barely depleted, she showers and gets stuck in a loop of showering (communal shower) over and over again because when she exits, a little hygiene is gone again.
I have the latest version as well. Is there a fix for this?
I have taken all controllers off this lot because of this but I love them so much I'd like to be able to re-install them. OH BTW the bathroom is the only 1 on lot and has only 1 toilet and 1 shower. The shower is in a separate room and the controller is set to radius of 5 (just enough to detect the shower in the other room). Seek is on.
Town Crier
Vacuous Vegetable
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Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #567 on:
2008 July 02, 21:08:20 »
Quote from: axlekitty on 2008 July 02, 20:54:41
Sorry to res old topic (didn't see why I needed to start a new one for a problem with this item)
I have taken all controllers off this lot because of this but I love them so much I'd like to be able to re-install them. OH BTW the bathroom is the only 1 on lot and has only 1 toilet and 1 shower. The shower is in a separate room and the controller is set to radius of 5 (just enough to detect the shower in the other room). Seek is on.
Posting in the topic for a particular hack is never necromancy here, in spite of the big scary guy.
As for your problem, try making the shower and the toilet be in the same room by knocking down a piece of the wall. I've found that the radius setting isn't quite as accurate as just having it set to 'room'.
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 7
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #568 on:
2008 July 02, 21:21:00 »
They use the shower just never get off it, lol. I'll try that.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 7
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #569 on:
2008 July 02, 22:12:34 »
Putting them in the same room does not work for me. She is still glitched while showering.
Town Crier
Vacuous Vegetable
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Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #570 on:
2008 July 03, 12:00:02 »
What EPs/SPs do you have? A bit more info about your setup would help us.
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 7
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #571 on:
2008 July 04, 00:22:37 »
I have everything available at the moment.
Uncouth Undesirable
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Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #572 on:
2008 August 29, 00:34:05 »
I've been using BUY in an EAxis dorm (yeah, I know, they suck, but I'm not interested in building dorms). I thought that maybe if I stuck the BUY toilet paper in the bathrooms and configured them to seek -> on it would cut down on the number of stinky dormies. There are two bathrooms, with the gender-specific doors and separate shower rooms. I put one toilet paper in the main bathroom and one in the shower room, and configured them so that they rejected the non-appropriate gender. I had originally set it up with a radius as opposed to just the room scope, but there was no way to include all fixtures in one bathroom without also including fixtures from the other bathroom. The problem is that occasionally there will be a male dormie standing outside the women's bathroom trying to use it but not being able to get through the door. Normally I would take out the doors and put in normal doors, but I can't remember the cheat for turning build mode back on in dorms. In any case, I don't think the men's bathroom controllers should have been including fixtures from the other bathroom as part of the men's bathroom, which is what I think must be happening. The men's shower area is right next to the women's main/toilet area, but there is a wall in between and the controllers are set for room scope.
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 December 08, 08:01:19
I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.
Town Crier
Vacuous Vegetable
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Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #573 on:
2008 August 29, 01:48:25 »
Two things to try/remember:
1) you need a BUY controller for each toilet stall in the bathroom.
2) having the shower in a different room is just annoying as far as getting BUY to work. Best bet is to just remove a piece of the wall so the shower is in the same room as the toilets. You need to turn on the build cheat to do this, which is: "boolprop dormspecifictoolsdisabled false"
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3030
More Nonstandard Than You
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #574 on:
2008 August 29, 02:54:38 »
Ok, thanks. With the different toilet stalls, do I have to change the radius to 1 (so as not to include the other toilet) or can I just stick each controller on the wall next to a different toilet? Is the number of controllers just how the bathroom figures out how many people can use it at once?
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 December 08, 08:01:19
I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.
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