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Automated Baby Controller
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Topic: Automated Baby Controller (Read 193983 times)
Lipless Loser
Posts: 626
Re: Automated Baby Controller
Reply #25 on:
2006 February 21, 13:55:35 »
* Database decides to kill all of his nannies later.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 29
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Re: Automated Baby Controller
Reply #26 on:
2006 February 22, 16:35:45 »
Mucho Gusto! Gracias.
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Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 228
Re: Automated Baby Controller
Reply #27 on:
2006 March 04, 17:43:41 »
For some reason, my sims refuse to put the baby in the crib now. I have to quere them to do so, and a lot of time they'll go take the baby from the crib, so they can put it back on the floor.
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Town Crier
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Re: Automated Baby Controller
Reply #28 on:
2006 March 04, 19:33:22 »
Do you have the lastest NL patch? I've had more incidents of the parents/siblings dropping the baby on the floor since I installed it, but they usually turn around right away and pick the baby up and put it in the crib. Haven't seen any of them actually leave the baby on the floor unless I've explicitly told them to do so.
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Sucky Name Person
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 5871
Re: Automated Baby Controller
Reply #29 on:
2006 March 05, 03:20:11 »
Are you using a custom crib or cradle? The Eye does not like custom cribs because they have a different GUID than it is looking for.
Ancient Sim
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Re: Automated Baby Controller
Reply #30 on:
2006 March 10, 23:27:54 »
I've noticed something with this that puzzles me a little bit. I have quite a few lots where there are multiple families sharing a house. Sometimes it's siblings, their partners & children, others are unrelated adults, some of whom have kids. One instance is my hippy commune, where I had 7 adults, a teen and 2 babies, one of whom was JMP's (he and his family have since moved out); the other baby was Kaylynn Langerak's to Daniel Pleasant (now deceased).
Although the Controller had no problem instructing Kaylynn to see to her own child, both as a baby and as a toddler, it never asked her to see to JMP's if he and his fiancee were at work. If I manually told her to, the controller would take over, but otherwise it wouldn't designate anyone unless one of the parents was on the lot. Even when their is a grandparent, the Controller will still choose a parent over the grandparent, even when the grandparent is idling and the parents are occupied, and since I installed the latest version, the Controller is cancelling out my instructions and forcing its own, resulting in chaos (several people trying to potty-train at once and several bottles being pushed into the poor toddler's face).
I can cope with the second problem (although it was a bit chaotic today with twins being involved), but it's a bit awkward with the non-family problem. Doesn't help that the Controller never seems to realise when a toddler needs to be put to bed and sometimes I totally forget to check. I don't know why, but it seems to totally ignore tired toddlers - it always has in my game. The odd thing is that as soon as I instruct the parent to put the child to bed, the Controller then repeats the instruction, but it can't seem to do it on its own.
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Sucky Name Person
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Re: Automated Baby Controller
Reply #31 on:
2006 March 11, 02:46:53 »
I usually have to do this, too. If the child is playing with the rabbit and is dead tired, I cancel the Play action, and then the controller will send someone to come put the child to bed. But the problem occurs when the bladder is low also because for toddlers using the potty uses a lot of energy, and they have to have at least 1/4 to 1/3 of a bar of energy in order to use the potty successfully. Otherwise the action will abort when their energy drops too low, and you can't get them to stay on long enough to empty their bladder. So I still have to keep an eye on them and cancel the play action when the bladder starts getting low, then it will send them to the potty. after that, if they are tired, it'll send for a parent; otherwise, it will send the baby back to playing. This is how I've been coping with it. It's not ideal, perhaps, but it beats having to constantly watch the toddler and cancel all the actions you don't and issue and reissue the ones I do want! I have Dizzy's sitter mod, which I love, but I don't know if it will be updated for OFB.
At first I thought it wasn't working with the sitter, but last time when I invited over the grandma, it was working great. I'll miss that mod.
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
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Re: Automated Baby Controller
Reply #32 on:
2006 June 24, 13:00:05 »
Hi JM, I had a problem with the baby controller tonight. I had a baby explosion in the brothel - odds set for 6% then the next four woohoos in a row resulted in pregnancies. :/ What are the odds on that?
Anyway I have 3 controllers, I turned on 'manage toddlers' on one controller then turned it off. I turned on 'manage babies' on all three controllers. I'm also trialling Christianlov's nannies - 2 of them - girls gotta go back to work you know. It may be just a conflict. Anyway here's the setup.
This is the error message.
inc. is the error log.
ETA: I turned on manage babies because the nannies seem to be good at the toddlers but not so good at the babies.
Last Edit: 2006 June 25, 06:46:14 by J. M. Pescado
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Sucky Name Person
Whiny Wussy
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Re: Automated Baby Controller
Reply #33 on:
2006 June 25, 04:08:40 »
I don't think you need more than one controller per household. I've had more than one baby, and one controller works for all of them. I tried having separate nurseries once with two controllers, and it didn't work well. I didn't get error messages, but the parents would carry the baby upstairs and put it in the toddler's crib when she was out playing instead of putting it in the crib downstairs I had set up for them. Then they'd put the toddler in the baby's bed because the baby was occupying the toddler's crib.
I'm thinking maybe having more than one controller is causing them to conflict, or at best, are simply unnecessary. In other houses where I had one large nursery area, one controller does fine with two or three babies/toddlers. Just make sure you have a crib and a skill toy for each one. A potty chair for each helps but isn't really necessary. Having things close together cuts down on travel time for the toddlers.
Hairy-Bellied Heretic
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Automated Baby Controller
Reply #34 on:
2006 June 25, 04:54:29 »
yes, one controller only - otherwise they duel for control.
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Re: Automated Baby Controller
Reply #35 on:
2006 June 25, 05:29:46 »
OK will try that thanks, I guess I thought it was like the toilet paper, one in each room. I'll let you know how it goes.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Automated Baby Controller
Reply #36 on:
2006 June 25, 06:45:41 »
I do not think that is even an error in the baby controller. I think that's an error in some other thing you're using. That error does not correspond to ANYTHING of here, and is clearly the work of the non-awesome!
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Malodorous Moron
Posts: 762
Re: Automated Baby Controller
Reply #37 on:
2006 June 25, 11:34:47 »
As long as everything you need (crib, fridge, changing table, toddler toys, potty chair) can be reached within about 10 squares (in any direction) from where you place the baby controller, you shouldn't need another one.
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Re: Automated Baby Controller
Reply #38 on:
2006 June 27, 09:05:23 »
Yes, I humbly apologise, it must be the work of the non-awesome.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 11
Re: Automated Baby Controller
Reply #39 on:
2006 October 01, 16:18:52 »
I'm sorry to post in a topic that hasn't been replied in for so long but I downloaded this hack and I can't find it anywhere in my game. I've searched every single category but no sign of it. I'm sure I'm just missing it but can someone possibly point me in the right direction?
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2498
Re: Automated Baby Controller
Reply #40 on:
2006 October 01, 16:45:33 »
It's in the kid (baby) stuff section under misc., looks like a grey orb.
Posts: 2486
Re: Automated Baby Controller
Reply #41 on:
2006 October 07, 13:12:10 »
Also, make sure that you have Custom Content enabled. A lot of people seem to miss that.
Birgitte Heuschkel
Re: Automated Baby Controller
Reply #42 on:
2006 December 24, 15:52:15 »
Grrr. For some reason, whenever my babies grow to toddlers, their parents are sent into a loop where they keep making smart milk until the kid starts puking, and then they go on until the dispenser is empty anyway. Meanwhile, diaper changes and whatever else required is ignored. I also seem to have lost the options to teach walking, talking, and whatnot.
I stress -- only toddlers. Babies are managed just fine.
Any suggestions of what I may be doing wrong?
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 35
Re: Automated Baby Controller
Reply #43 on:
2006 December 24, 16:11:33 »
where can i find that baby o matic thing for the Lobonanny support packages?
Dead Member
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Re: Automated Baby Controller
Reply #44 on:
2006 December 24, 16:17:22 »
Quote from: VampLena on 2006 December 24, 16:11:33
where can i find that baby o matic thing for the Lobonanny support packages?
At the top of the thread, just below the "feature" image.
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Fish Dude
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 128
Re: Automated Baby Controller
Reply #45 on:
2006 December 24, 17:23:34 »
Im assuming that Lobonanny is compatible with Pets? And that we dont have to kill them again/sort the stuff out in Simpe?
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J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26292
Re: Automated Baby Controller
Reply #46 on:
2006 December 24, 21:00:20 »
The extra killing step appears to be no longer necessary due to engine changes that snuck in around NL, yes.
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Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 212
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Re: Automated Baby Controller
Reply #47 on:
2007 January 01, 20:40:24 »
I'm having issues with the Baby Controller in my game, some similar to the one Birgitte described above. For one, Ariel and Caliban Marlowe seem to be stuck in the "Make Smart Milk for Sabrina" loop. Sabrina just turned into a Toddler & can't do anything without her & her parents' queue getting stomped by the "Make Smart Milk" command. Her Hunger bar is almost constantly maxed out, so it isn't according to her needs. Neither Ariel or Caliban is in gold Aspiration or higher at the moment, so they end up dumping bottles of regular milk on the nursery floor, one after the other. I've had to turn off the Controller's Toddler processing to get out of the loop. Also, even with all the recommended additional hacks for Baby Controller installed, I find my doting parents constantly running to the nursery to do one thing or another with their baby/toddler, usually more based on their own needs than that of the child (i.e. Tired parents want to Hold Baby & then immediately Stow, Hungry parents want to Feed, and the Controller tends to send every adult in the vicinity to attend to the baby/toddler's needs, causing huge annoyance & bottlenecks in doorways). Isn't this exactly the behavior the Controller is supposed to eliminate? I've always been a fan of the controller's skill-building & Housebreak features, but at the moment its causing more havoc than its helping. Any advice?
Posts: 2486
Re: Automated Baby Controller
Reply #48 on:
2007 January 01, 22:05:29 »
I believe the loop of Smart Milk is an attempt to nuke the baby into a stuck IQ of 300.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2498
Re: Automated Baby Controller
Reply #49 on:
2007 January 01, 23:55:57 »
You can go beyond that in Pets. (Maybe also earlier, never tried it). I've had toddlers get IQs over 450.
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