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Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 9/16/2008)
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Topic: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 9/16/2008) (Read 112411 times)
Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/17/2007)
Reply #75 on:
2007 August 25, 16:48:11 »
As far as I can tell, only the dialogue box is incorrect (at least in my game). This happens with the DJ booth, as well as the instruments, but it's the body skill that increases, even though the dialogue box indicates an increase in creativity skill.
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Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 164
Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/17/2007)
Reply #76 on:
2007 September 14, 11:55:20 »
Is this still safe with BV?
Town Crier
Vacuous Vegetable
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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/17/2007)
Reply #77 on:
2007 September 14, 12:34:26 »
Ste's BV compatibility list can be found here:,9446.0.html
(And reading is STILL fun-damental. So is using the Search button on top, rather than asking in every damn thread...)
Excelsior, you fathead!
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Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/17/2007)
Reply #78 on:
2007 September 14, 12:43:14 »
There it is, I though there was none, I have been reading for days now but the search function is not helping much. Iīm sorry since I did not find anything I though this would be the place to ask, since it was a question about this mod.
Also, I donīt think I asked in every thread, only in two, but I gess one would have been safer, Iīm sorry.
Breakfast of Champions!
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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/17/2007)
Reply #79 on:
2007 September 14, 20:39:26 »
Quote from: trudy on 2007 September 14, 12:43:14
Also, I donīt think I asked in every thread, only in two, but I gess one would have been safer, Iīm sorry.
Actually 'none' would have been safest. Show us your ninja skills with the search button.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/17/2007)
Reply #80 on:
2007 September 15, 09:00:19 »
itīs not that I dinīt try... I just kept getting no results. I have no clue as to why. I though it might have been a tipo but i used the exact same search today and it works. I tried doing a google search on maty. I read syberspunks latest postings, nothig helped. I now realise my mistake was asuming news about the hacks would be in the forum about hacks. Itīs easy enogh to find in the other one.
But itīs not like I wrote a "help me plxxx" in the podium. I just wanted to ask about this hacks. Actualy i was pretty sure about one and just wanted confirmation. Where would be the righ place to do that? Or is that forbiden?
Just give me a break, I canīt see how asking about a hack in the thread of a hack can be worse than starting a discussion in it that is totaly unrelated?
Where is the harm? If you didnīt want to reply donīt. Maybe someone would have hab spezific information about this hack and it would have been in the right place.
Town Crier
Vacuous Vegetable
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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/17/2007)
Reply #81 on:
2007 September 15, 14:29:46 »
Read the FAQ in the Podium, and you'll see that messages asking about whether a hack has been updated yet for a new EP/SP is pretty unwelcome here, and will get you poked with sharp, pointy sticks.
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/17/2007)
Reply #82 on:
2007 September 15, 14:39:04 »
Trudy is right about one thing:
Syberspunk's BV compatibility list is not showing up on Google
. However, searching using the MATY search (for "bon voyage syberspunk") lists it as the first result.
If you keep getting no results, check that you are searching all of MATY, and not just one subforum.
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Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 164
Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/17/2007)
Reply #83 on:
2007 September 15, 15:47:29 »
I am sure I searched all of Maty it just did not work, I tried many times. I have no clue as to why it works today and did not work yesterday.
Actualy.. clinking on your link, it now shows up on google. Are you making fun of me, or didnīt it show up for you?
I read the FAQ and I though it was about not bothering the modders to update stuff, which I was not trying to do, I just wanted to now if it needed updating in the first place. I just though there would be lots of people around that could help with a simple "yes" or "no" since I had allready wasted half a day searching. Iīm sorry if I hit someones nerve with it, I never imagined it was such a high crime.
Dead Member
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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/17/2007)
Reply #84 on:
2007 September 15, 16:12:12 »
Quote from: trudy on 2007 September 15, 15:47:29
Actualy.. clinking on your link, it now shows up on google. Are you making fun of me, or didnīt it show up for you?
It didn't show up for me before, but it does now. Odd.
They say only the good die young. If that works both ways, I'm immortal.
- Independent, concise in speech, master of tools.
Breakfast of Champions!
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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/17/2007)
Reply #85 on:
2007 September 15, 21:52:58 »
Quote from: trudy on 2007 September 15, 15:47:29
Iīm sorry if I hit someones nerve with it, I never imagined it was such a high crime.
I opened three threads in a row to discover badly spelled, non-grammatical posts from you, wanting to know if things had been updated. Hit a nerve? No, hell if I'd wanted to be abusive I would have written my posts far differently, I was actually being quite gentle on you and trying to give a hint or two.
Why is this behaviour a MATY crime? If you glance up at the top right corner of the screen you'll see we have 7070 members. Imagine if every poster who couldn't use the Search button were to post asking the same questions. We get a rash of this every time an EP is released, therefore we have rules to try to stop this, or at the very least minimise the practice.
Posters at this site are mostly adults who have mastered basic spelling and grammar, including those with English as a second language, they're often better than native speakers. The regulars don't want MATY to end up looking like the BBS so we work hard to make sure it doesn't happen.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 164
Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/17/2007)
Reply #86 on:
2007 September 16, 09:13:37 »
I know, thats why I said Iīm sorry. Itīs just Iīm normaly really good at seaching, but since the maty-search and even google turned up nothing, I though asking was the only way. Thats also why I said asking in 2 was stupid, one would have been enough to find out my mistake.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 416
Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/17/2007)
Reply #87 on:
2007 September 16, 12:37:52 »
Oh please !! stop jumping at trudy's throat like that, it becomes annoying. S/he admitted her/his mistake, apologizes... I don't think s/he deserved such reaction....
Nevermind; concerning the dancing in BV, the dance together option is back between adults and teens, but it gives me some strange results in game. Sims that are family seem to be able to dance together (teen/adult) just fine, but it doesn't work between non family sims : one teenager tried to dance with his step father : they rapidly stopped with bad relationship points (wether the step father or the teen started the interaction). I need to investigate more and see if the family status is the culprit.
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/17/2007)
Reply #88 on:
2007 September 17, 08:10:04 »
Quote from: pioupiou on 2007 September 16, 12:37:52
Oh please !! stop jumping at trudy's throat like that, it becomes annoying. S/he admitted her/his mistake, apologizes... I don't think s/he deserved such reaction....
I was replying to a question trudi asked in another thread about why she was getting picked on. I wasn't going to bother to answer until I saw her post here. I'm explaining to her why she is getting the responses that upset her.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/17/2007)
Reply #89 on:
2007 October 01, 22:40:23 »
I just came back to update all my hacks for Pets (finally installing it, lol!), and thought I'd thank you again for the Pets version
. I recognise that it's a PITA to have to update things and deal with new compatibility issues.
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