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Author Topic: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 9/16/2008)  (Read 112413 times)
Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/6/2006)
« Reply #50 on: 2006 March 13, 23:01:03 »

I have to say I almost fell off my chair laughing the other night when one of my sim toddlers decide to dance to the music...and got a skill bar over her head  Grin
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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/6/2006)
« Reply #51 on: 2006 March 15, 03:25:19 »

sorry for the stupid question - same level as stereo workout was a good choice. 

Not a stupid question at all. Hopefully I try to provide as much info in my first posts, but maybe how I present it might not always be clear. Smiley

Ran it with debug on and it does give an error message about a bad gosub tree number.  Here's the first part of the error log.  I don't have much experience with them, so hope this is the useful bit.  I only tried it on the cheap stereo.

DO you get this error in the base game? In your previous post, you said you were getting OFB. Is this an error that you get in the base game alone? Or are you now getting this error in OFB? If this is the case, do you only have the base game and OFB? Just to be clear, you do NOT have Uni or NL. Right?

I will try and take a look at this sometime tomorrow as I continue the process of rebuilding my machine.


Retarded Reprobate
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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/6/2006)
« Reply #52 on: 2006 March 15, 08:05:21 »

I'm still running base game only.   I don't have Uni or NL and don't particularly want them.   I'm going to add OFB this week I hope.  I'll let you know if the error disappears when I get OFB.   

I don't think Maxis added new dances in Uni did they?  So my guess is Maxis must have changed the coding on the stereos to add the new dance options in NL.  From that, I'd guess your Mod works on the NL version of the steros but not the earlier one.  I'm still curious as to whether I'll get the NL dance options in OFB, whether my stereo will be unchanged, or whether I'll get new coding with NL options shut off.

Sick of Bluewater?  Try Sedona or Meadow Lawns instead.  Meadow Lawns is a whole neighbourhood built to explore OFB.  Sedona is a sub'hood you can install as a permanent alternative to Bluewater - it's an "out of this world" experience!
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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/16/2006)
« Reply #53 on: 2006 March 16, 20:07:50 »

I'm still running base game only.   I don't have Uni or NL and don't particularly want them.   I'm going to add OFB this week I hope.  I'll let you know if the error disappears when I get OFB.   

Ahh. I see. Smiley

I don't think Maxis added new dances in Uni did they?  So my guess is Maxis must have changed the coding on the stereos to add the new dance options in NL.  From that, I'd guess your Mod works on the NL version of the steros but not the earlier one.  I'm still curious as to whether I'll get the NL dance options in OFB, whether my stereo will be unchanged, or whether I'll get new coding with NL options shut off.

My guess is that it will most likely be changed. Social interactions have pretty much all changed in the way that they are tested. I don't recall if this occurred in Uni or NL first, but it is pretty much part of the code now, so all future EPs will work the same, unless they change it again. Roll Eyes

Anyways, since I've been rebuilding my machine the past few days, I am finally at the process of installing TS2. I figured I would start off with just TS2 alone so I could see what specifically the problem might be. I could have done this anyways, but now I could actually test it in the base game alone. I've added a base game ONLY version, so you can go ahead and test that one out. The file has the same name, but zipped up in a different archive, so you can just overwrite the other version you have. Let me know if you have any more problems, but from my test, which is essentially in a clean, fresh install, it seems to work.  Smiley


Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/16/2006)
« Reply #54 on: 2006 March 25, 07:50:06 »

syberspunk, got a couple questions for you  Cheesy

Do sims gain relationship points when they "dance together"? 

I'm asking mostly because they don't seem to and that bugs the hell out of me. I noticed the other night that when children "dance together" with a teen or adult, neither seems to get anything out of it, shouldn't they get alot of "fun" and end up with a better relationship?  I know they certainly sound like they are having lots of fun  Undecided

If they truly don't get shit for dancing together (I could be mistaken)  can you add it?
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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/16/2006)
« Reply #55 on: 2006 March 25, 08:13:12 »

syberspunk, got a couple questions for you  Cheesy

Do sims gain relationship points when they "dance together"? 

I'm asking mostly because they don't seem to and that bugs the hell out of me. I noticed the other night that when children "dance together" with a teen or adult, neither seems to get anything out of it, shouldn't they get alot of "fun" and end up with a better relationship?  I know they certainly sound like they are having lots of fun  Undecided

If they truly don't get shit for dancing together (I could be mistaken)  can you add it?

Hrm... good question. But first... this requires clarification:

The Dance Interaction which I have modified is actually unrelated to the 'Dance Together' option that allows children to dance on the toes of teens or adults. So... are you asking Only about the Dance on Toes interaction? Or have you noticed that social and relationship do not change with the Dance Together interaction (which is separate interaction altogether, even if the Pie Menu option shows up with the same label).

Usually, all social interactions have a 'Set Result' BHAV, which gets called after a social is chosen. This BHAV decides whether or not the social interaction will be successful (accepted) or unsuccessful (rejected). Acceptance usually results in a relationship boost (you get a + or ++), and the interaction proceeds between the two sims. Rejection usually results in relationship decay (you get a - or --) and the interaction drops out of queue with sims reacting appropriately.

So, are you saying that even though the interaction gets accepted (or rejected), there is no change in relationship? I think the relationship changes Only when the interaction is accepted or rejected. For most social interactions, this is a one time boost/decay, and AFAIK, it is not something that continuously happens while the interaction animates. I think, in some cases, the boost/decay occurs after the interaction finishes animating, such as the Fight interaction.

However... I vaguely recall testing this in my virually clean/fresh install on my TS2 Hack Testing account, and while I was in the Burbs house, Jennifer got pissed (--) at Lucy for even trying to do the Dance on Toes interaction. Tongue In one of my test runs, I did notice Lucy and John do it successfully, but I did not catch them at the point when it was first initiated, so I did not see any +/++ relationship change.

I'm actually going to do a test of something else I'm working on. So while I'm in the game, I'll take a look see what happens. If there is no relationship change, then I'll go dig through the code and see if/what needs fixing. Smiley


Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/16/2006)
« Reply #56 on: 2006 March 25, 08:54:37 »

I figured I would ask you about this because I love this dance skilling hack and if "dance together" needed a fix I wanted to make sure it would play nice with this skilling one and your other dancing one.

I am talking about the "dance together" between children and teens/adults - the dance on feet.  I can't for the life of me remember ever noticeing any problem with teens/adults dancing together (love that hack also btw) or adults/adults.

Some of my sims love to "dance together" with their kids (or younger siblings) but they never seem to get anything out of it - no fun, no relationship boast, nothing  Sad

When a toddler aged up to a child, he and his sister chose to "dance together" but they never at any point got a relationship boast, same when he danced with his parents (as far as I could tell) I've tried to play close attention but alot of the time they decide to dance together while I'm busy with another sim, so I could just be missing it but... I'm used to setting my children to doing something with their parents/siblings that increases their relationships and takes abit of time, like chatting and stuff so "dance together" seemed like it would be perfect (all my sims have radios/stereos cause I like listening to music while I play and I added mp3s so it's good music *laughs*)

I was going to try and do more of a test on this because it really is bugging me (and has been since installing OFB and seeing the "dance on feet" for the first time) but haven't been able to play for a couple days  Sad
Posts: 2365

ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/16/2006)
« Reply #57 on: 2006 March 25, 11:42:28 »

For a Sleepycat, you don't sleep much, do you? j/k Wink

Probably just because it is 5am here and I've been awake all night, when I really should be sleeping instead. Lol Cheesy

Anyways, I just did a quick test, and initially it does appear that there is no relationship boost. The Fun and the Social needs go up, but I did not see any +'s either. BUT!!! This seems to be one of those interactions where the +'s occur after the interaction exits. If you check the regular Dance Together interaction, between adults (which I just did), that relationship boost also happens after the interaction exits. I had John Burb and Lucy dancing together, and when I didn't see the relationship boost, I got concerned. So I bought a radio and went to test the Dance Together between John and Jennifer. As soon as I cancelled out of dancing with Lucy, the + sigh appeared over both John and Lucy's heads, and their relationship went up a little.

Maybe it isn't as noticeable? Because the regular Dance Together showed ++ signs between John and Jennifer. *shrugs*

But it looks like it is not broken. At least for me. Hopefully you don't have any problems or other hacks that might be interfering with it. As far as I can tell, none of my mods (my own or the ones I use by others) affect this. Maybe check again just in case. Smiley


Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/16/2006)
« Reply #58 on: 2006 March 26, 01:39:58 »

*laughs* my sleeping hours shift alot, right now I'm awake nights and sleeping during the day. with my illness when I sleep dosen't matter much cause I'm still exhusted when I wake up  Sad   Sometimes I get so sick of having to go back to bed that I fight it and sometimes I sort of "cat nap" during the day or night, then of course theres the times I have insominia and can't get to sleep at all  Roll Eyes 

sleepy fits as a short version of "always extremely exhusted"  Wink

Anyway, I'll pay even more attention to my sims dancing together, I'm probably just missing it since I may have been looking for it at the wrong time. Thank you very much for checking it out for me!
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/16/2006)
« Reply #59 on: 2006 April 17, 21:05:53 »

I realize that I am way, way late to this party but thought to leave some feedback re this mod...I run the base game only because, like you, Syberspunk, I play Very slowly (hmmm...some might say compulsively) and being relatively new to the game, I wanted to learn the base inside and out before I added any of the EPs.

I experienced the same issues as cwykes--the dance solo's dropping out of queue, but unlike cwykes, I'd be thrilled if, and when, you discover the time or inclination, this might be corrected for those of us who do run the base game. I'm not pushing for it as I realize you've much more on your plate, I only wanted to let you know that there Is some interest in this hack for use with the base game, and I doubt I'm the only one.

In any case, I also wanted to thank you for all the work you've generously shared with the less awesome among us, as well as for the effort you expend to support it.

Our vibrations were getting nasty. But why?...Had we deteriorated to the level of dumb beasts?
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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/16/2006)
« Reply #60 on: 2006 April 18, 21:30:18 »

I realize that I am way, way late to this party but thought to leave some feedback re this mod...I run the base game only because, like you, Syberspunk, I play Very slowly (hmmm...some might say compulsively) and being relatively new to the game, I wanted to learn the base inside and out before I added any of the EPs.

Whoops. I did have a base game only version. I either forgot to upload it here (I have it up over at MTS2) or I forgot to re-upload it after the whole "site attack" drama. Tongue

Anyways, please try the base game version and let me know if it works. If you have problems, turn on debug mode, test it 'in-game' and post a .zip file of the error log if possible. Thanks Smiley

In any case, I also wanted to thank you for all the work you've generously shared with the less awesome among us, as well as for the effort you expend to support it.

No problem. I'm glad to see people enjoy the few things that I have made and I seem to spend more time modding than actually playing. I was tempted to say 'enjoy' but I'm not quite sure if that is the right word for it. lol Cheesy It's more like I feel obligated to do it, partly out of love and partly out of a sense of 'duty' or something. Wink


Asinine Airhead

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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/16/2006)
« Reply #61 on: 2006 April 19, 10:24:03 »

Oh, excellent! Thanks for the heads up, syberspunk. I'll test this out later today and be certain to report back to you re how it turns out Smiley

...and, welp, if you feel a responsibility, and an inclination, to help keep the rest of us happier with our gameplay? Well then, who am I to attempt to sway you from your admirable purpose? Wink

UPDATED: Well.....hah, it isn't exactly "later today" but I've Finally gotten around to testing the base game version of this mod, and I'm pleased to report it works like a charm! Such a logical mod which renders it a tad more sensible, yes? Bit by bit, you, and modders like you, are remaking this game into what it ought to have been the first time 'round, and the less than awesome remain very much in your debt.

Thank you again for looking out for even the lowly base gamers among us Cool
« Last Edit: 2006 May 03, 19:45:55 by Talismana » Logged

Our vibrations were getting nasty. But why?...Had we deteriorated to the level of dumb beasts?
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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 10/20/2006)
« Reply #62 on: 2006 October 20, 23:00:15 »

Pets compatible version available. Again, although the previous version may still appear to work, it has a BCON value that is clobbering a new set of BCONs that are supposed to be used for Pet related stuff. if you have Pets, you should update to the newer version, otherwise you may experience unpredictiable behaviour in game.


Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 10/20/2006)
« Reply #63 on: 2006 October 20, 23:22:23 »

You've upload the goofy dance fix in this thread for the pet version.
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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 10/20/2006)
« Reply #64 on: 2006 October 20, 23:44:14 »

Doh! Sorry about that. Tongue I really hate this part about modding, updating hacks and what not, and then goin around updating threads and stuff.  Roll Eyes


Asinine Airhead

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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 10/20/2006)
« Reply #65 on: 2006 October 23, 07:00:22 »

Thank you for this!  I can't tell you how excited I am to try this in my game! Smiley
Malodorous Moron
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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 10/20/2006)
« Reply #66 on: 2007 March 17, 15:51:28 »

Here is the error log from the dancing to instruments. The dancing sim errors, but the sim playing jumps out of playing the instrument, too. Hope this helps. I love this hack  Grin

[attachment deleted by admin]
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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 10/20/2006)
« Reply #67 on: 2007 March 17, 22:16:37 »

Here is the error log from the dancing to instruments. The dancing sim errors, but the sim playing jumps out of playing the instrument, too. Hope this helps. I love this hack  Grin

Thanks for the error log Nec.  I was able to confirm the bug and I am pretty sure it should be fixed now.  Please try it out and let me know.  Smiley


Malodorous Moron
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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/17/2007)
« Reply #68 on: 2007 March 18, 00:40:47 »

Anytime, Ste Smiley

So far so good. No errors, though the dance animation freezes on the aspiration reward - The Rock Hammer guitar. Both sims jump out of the action, regardless of who you cancel. Animations seem to be weird on that anyway, so I personally blame it on that.  I have a few custom pianos I am going to check on, but I wanted to let you know that it seems to be fixed with the MEAxis instruments.
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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/17/2007)
« Reply #69 on: 2007 March 18, 17:51:18 »

Cool, glad it worked so far.  Did you get any error logs with the aspiration reward?  Do you mean career reward?  I haven't even looked at some of the new stuff yet.  Post a log if you get one and I'll try and see if it's related to my hack. Smiley


Malodorous Moron
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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/17/2007)
« Reply #70 on: 2007 March 18, 18:06:17 »

Yes, career reward...d'oh! And no error logs from it yet. You rock  Kiss
Querulous Quidnunc
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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/17/2007)
« Reply #71 on: 2007 August 15, 03:52:23 »

Why did this Sim gain Creativity instead of fitness?

He was autonmmously dancing while his wife was skillinating at the piano. I probably should have taken a pic of his skills, but didn't realize it until it was too late. I believe that he actually gained a creativity and not a body skill point, but I'm not 100% sure because I don't know what those stats were before he started dancing.


Running: Sims2, University, Nightlife, OFB, Pets, Seasons, BV, FT and AL
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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/17/2007)
« Reply #72 on: 2007 August 15, 16:56:27 »

Weird.  I suppose it could be a typo.  I'll try and look into that, if not tonight, then sometime soon.  Thanks for letting me know!


So, I took a peek at the code:

[global 0x01D7] Skill - Start (4 args:
  Skill ID (Const 4D8X)=Const 0x011B:0x05 ("Body" Value: 0x0011),
  Speed Mod(31 to 10000%)=Temp 0x0000,
  Interaction Object ID=Stack Object ID 0x0000,
  Special Personality?(+Skill Gain)=Literal 0x0000)

so... Huh *shrugs*  I'm not sure why this would happen.  I'm hoping it's a total fluke.  I'll try and find time to test this in game and see if I get the same problem.  But afaik, it looks like it should work.  I guess I'll have to get back to you.

The only thing that I'm thinking about, is maybe... the game got confused about tracking which sim is building what skill.  Maybe it crossed wires and thought the sim dancing was building  creativity, when it really shoulda been the sim that was playing the piano?

« Last Edit: 2007 August 16, 03:00:19 by syberspunk » Logged

Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/17/2007)
« Reply #73 on: 2007 August 21, 05:42:39 »

I experienced the same thing as magicmoon: a sim was dancing to the piano, and the popup stated that he gained creativity. I didn't think to check his stats before he started dancing (I didn't realize he was dancing...). However, afterward, he had 3 creativity points and 1 body point. The dancing sim was a child, and I'm pretty sure he hadn't been doing much, if any, other body skilling (making it likely he really did gain a body point). For certain, he hadn't been swimming, although I just realized he could've danced to the stereo in the past. *shrug* I'll try to keep an eye on the dancin' foolssims.

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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Dancing with Fitness and Body Skilling (Updated 3/17/2007)
« Reply #74 on: 2007 August 21, 14:37:31 »

Hrm... this is very odd... I'll have to play test this in my game and check it out.  Curious, for those of you that had this happen, have you tried it with sims dancing to other instruments (i.e. the guitar, drums, etc.)

I think the DJ booth and the karaoke machine should be using the stereo globals.   So, theoretically, those should be ok.  I think the other danceable music is from ownable cars.  Anyone know if any of those also have weird problems with body skilling?


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