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Author Topic: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft)  (Read 88831 times)
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft)
« Reply #25 on: 2005 December 19, 18:32:12 »

I don't think you meet new professors very year, or at least it's never happened in my game.  The only time that you meet professors is the first time you go to class and then the first time you go to a class of your chosen major.
That's good to know; that's what I remember from all my other college students as well.  So I'm still wildly puzzled as to why Suzette got these two new Profs.  Very odd.

If you want to set living standards (I agree, some dorms are like palaces), just make a list of what you can have in the dorm.  Like they all have to be Maxis objects under 1000 simoleons to ensure they're low to midrange.
Hm, a thought.  Sounds like work, though.  *8)

Damn, the new rules just completely changed my score as I can't woohoo with professors or use the double-credit term paper trick anymore.
Are you actually trying to play it?  Cool!  You can still woohoo with professors; there's just a new bonus that you won't get if you do.  I expect it'll be difficult-to-impossible to get all the bonuses.

And what's this double-credit term paper trick?
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft)
« Reply #26 on: 2005 December 19, 18:38:02 »

I am not quite sure why you would ever have to sleep with a professor to get class points, the phone works just as well.
Does it?  My impression is that the phone interactions are a pretty limited way of building relationship points and thence grades.  But if you can graduate Cum Laude without ever doing an assignment or term paper or going to class more than once, just by talking to professors on the phone, more power to you!  You'll get a good score. *8)  Of course if it's so easy that any idiot can do it also, we may want to revise the scoring...

And as far as introducing, I am not sure what you mean, do you mean the actual menu item Introduce to or any kind of interaction with a professor in person?
I meant the actual menu item Introduce.  The other things that you mention would be allowed strategies.

It might be a little harder if the Challenge sim had to live on his/her own made from Cas. That way you would have the element of hardship to live on a small lot and try to make money to build a home and get through college. He/she could still go to community lots to meet and influence people to do his/her bidding.
Right now a CAS sim living on a lot with no other controllables gets two extra bonuses (CAS and Loner).  The part about building a home sounds interesting, though; maybe there could be an extra bonus (or even an extra-challenge variant) where the main Sim has to start on a nearly-empty lot.  Is that even possible, I wonder?
Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft)
« Reply #27 on: 2005 December 19, 18:49:21 »

Yeah, talking to a professor also gives you academic points but woohooing with them gives you a lot more (about the same as writing a term paper, I think). 

Double-credit term paper is when you influence a Sim to write your term paper, wait until they're almost done with it and then start writing your term paper on another computer at the same time.  After you're done, you get credit for having written your term paper and then you get credit again for the sim you influenced having written your paper.  It fills up the bar more than halfway.  If you do that, go to class once and do a couple of homework assignments, you can completely fill up your bar in less than a 24 hours.
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft)
« Reply #28 on: 2005 December 19, 19:11:29 »

Yeah, talking to a professor also gives you academic points but woohooing with them gives you a lot more (about the same as writing a term paper, I think).
Thanks, yeah.  I was just opining that talking to profs on the phone seems so slow that it'd be a challenge ('challenge', ha ha!) to rely just on that for grades.  Not that it wouldn't be fun to see someone try.

Double-credit term paper is when you influence a Sim to write your term paper, wait until they're almost done with it and then start writing your term paper on another computer at the same time...
Ah, wild!  Hadn't heard of that one.  Forbidden in this challenge, though, because of that "start writing your term paper" part.
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft)
« Reply #29 on: 2005 December 19, 19:13:20 »

Well I think a CAS YA sim or townie sim only has $500 so to live on his/her own would require a very small empty lot.

As far as talking to professors, yes over time it can fill your entire bar or at least enough to make deans list, especially once you are friends with them, of course you can date them if you choose and never actually wohoo with them as well. Add in influencing others to do your bidding and you can easily graduate at the top, well except that part about skipping finals.

So if the sim is a cas or townie sim with the bare amount of money and required to live on his/her own, the challenge really is making enough money to have a life, buy the neccessary equipment for skill building, making friends to do your bidding and money making schemes. I assume you can allow your challenge sim to tutor others for cash right? Of course if you enter into the secret society there is always grade hacking as well that can be done. All this without ever going to class, of course its not like you would really have time having to accomplish all the other stuff.

By the way, I do like your challenge, I use this type of arrangment as outline above for legacy sims to make it a little harder, with each subsequent legacy sim generation following the same path (with the no20k handout) so they have to work like crazy in college to have enough money to even buy a plot and build another house once they graduate.
« Last Edit: 2005 December 19, 19:21:55 by nectere » Logged
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft)
« Reply #30 on: 2005 December 19, 21:35:39 »

Well I think a CAS YA sim or townie sim only has $500 so to live on his/her own would require a very small empty lot.
Yeah, I think there'd have to be something more elaborate to incorporate housebuilding into the challenge.  Maybe we'll save that for version 2.  *8)

As far as talking to professors, yes over time it can fill your entire bar or at least enough to make deans list, especially once you are friends with them...
Well, that's certainly true for about one semester per professor.  But once you're at 100/100 with both of your professors (which will happen in about one year year in the normal course of things if you're using relationships for credit), it looks like little or no extra grade credit is available by this route.  So the simplest version of the method can't work for a whole college career.

That's what happened to Damion and the Art faculty in the original story, and that's where Suzette is now in my playtest, halfway through Sophomore year.

So it's not as simple as "you can fill your bar just by relating to professors."  More invention is required...  *8) Damion solved the problem by switching majors, but that requires (or almost requires) going to class to meet the new profs.  I have Definite Ideas for approaches that don't have that drawback, but I don't want to reveal them yet, in case they like don't work or something.

I assume you can allow your challenge sim to tutor others for cash right?
Sure, that's definitely allowed.  In the current rules the challenge isn't really about being cash-constrained at all (you can always sell your dormies beds and stuff, heh heh).  But I agree it might be possible to put together a variant of the challenge that is; interesting thought.

Glad you like the challenge!

Corpulent Cretin
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Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft)
« Reply #31 on: 2005 December 19, 21:56:34 »

Yeah, talking to a professor also gives you academic points but woohooing with them gives you a lot more (about the same as writing a term paper, I think).
According to the Prima guide (for whatever that's worth), woohooing with a Prof in your own department is only worth 50 grade points in itself (whereas a term paper is worth 325).  But as long as you aren't yet at 100/100 with that prof, you also get five times the increase in daily rel score, plus six times the increase in lifetime rel score.  The Prima guide claims that those numbers are nine and one (for woohoo in bed anyway), so if they're right and a Sim woohoos a department prof with whom their current rel score is 91/99 or worse, the total increase in grades would still be a mere 50 + 9*5 + 6*1, or 101.  About the same as a longish conversation, really, which might give an increase of 20 daily rel points, times five grade points per rel point, for 100 grade points.  (Prima says that the numbers for tub woohoo are higher, thirteen and eight, which would give a maximum delta of 163, about half a term paper.)

Bed woohoo with a professor you're already at 100/100 with, on the other hand, would result in only a 50-point increase; barely noticable!  Which pretty much matches my experience in Damion's story; bouncing around in bed with Professor Jane once she started taking him for granted did almost nothing for his grade meter (poor fellow).
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft)
« Reply #32 on: 2005 December 21, 03:02:27 »

Okay, here's a minor rules update, based on having playtested through it once.  Scoring and analysis of Suzette Somnius's college career to follow (and perhaps the whole uplifting and amusing story, with pictures, on the Exchange or somewhere, sometime later on).

The "Sleeping Through College" Challenge, v 0.5

This is a short challenge, that could probably be played through in a sitting or two (or six), rather than an enormous long challenge like Legacy. It's also probably incredibly wuss by Certain People's standards;  but I'm okay with that.  Cool

The basic aim of the Sleeping Through College Challenge is to graduate from college as well as possible while doing as little academic work as possible. The Challenge involves just a single main Sim, and the rules apply from the moment that Sim enters college to the moment e graduates (or the moment the challenge is failed, whichever comes first). The main Sim may be male or female, and of any aspiration (although certain aspirations may lend themselves more naturally to it), and may come from Create A Student, from moving in a previously-uncontrollable dormie, or from a neighborhood (incoming skill levels have scoring consequences as described below). The main Sim may live in any type of college housing, and there may be other controllable Sims living on the same lot, subject to the rules and scoring below.

Basic rules: No cheats. Specifically, no typing anything on the cheat command line, or using any mods that change the game behavior, with these exceptions: moveObjects may be used to move or delete glitched objects; mods that are solely to prevent or fix nasty obvious game bugs / glitches may be used as required (but if they have other features, those other features may not be used); cheats and mods that have only a visual effect (blur removal, improved lighting models, etc) may be used at will.  Aspiration rewards acquired normally by the main Sim may be used at will, but hacked rewards (buyable, hacked collections, etc) are forbidden.  (i.e. pretty much Legacy cheat/mod rules.)  Unlike Legacy, you may exit the lot without saving (life is too short), with scoring consequences as described below.

Academic rules: No assignments or term papers or tutoring or research. The main Sim may not work on an assignment at any time (the College / Do Assignment verb may be used, but must be cancelled as soon as the Sim has put down the little assignment book), nor on a thesis, nor do research nor join group research. No other controllable Sim may ever work on an assignment or thesis for the main Sim, or Influence any other Sim to do so. (The main Sim may influence non-controllable Sims to do so at any time without penalty.) No other controllable Sim may Introduce the main Sim to any professor using the Introduce verb. The main Sim may not ask any professor for tutoring at any time. The main Sim may attend up to three classes (in the entire course of the Challenge, not per term or per year), and any number of final exams, with scoring consequences as described below.

Miscellanous rules: no controllable on any other lot may invite the main Sim over as a guest (penalty: immediate FAILURE); if the main Sim happens to show up as a walkby, controllables on the lot may interact with em normally (the Gods have smiled upon you), but they may not Introduce em to any professors or do anything else that would have immediate GPA consequences.  The main Sim may not use any Aspiration (or Career) Rewards that e did not buy emself with eir own Aspiration points.

If anything happens that would normally constitute an immediate FAILURE, you may exit the lot without saving and avoid the failure, subject to the exit-without-saving scoring penalties as described below.

Main Scoring:

Number of classes attended (entire college career):
none: +1000 points
one: +500 points
two: +0 points
three: -250 points
four or more: FAILURE

Number of assignments or theses or research sessions worked on:
none: +0 points
one or more: FAILURE

(Other grounds for immediate FAILURE include the main Sim doing research of any kind, having other controllables do assignments for the main Sim, and so on; see "Academic rules" above.)

Summa C Laude: +1500 points
Magna C Laude: +1000 points
C Laude: +750 points
Other: +500 points

Academic probation: -500 points per incident.
Aspiration failure: -500 points per incident (shrink, potato sack, mop, etc).

Kicked out of college: FAILURE
Death (obviously): FAILURE

All sortsa minor little bonuses and penalties and stuff, 'cause I like those:

Main Sim from CAS (no incoming skills): +100 points
Main Sim starts with 20 or more skill points: -100 points

Main Sim never lives on anything but a standard unenhanced (at the time the Sim arrives) Maxis dorm: +100
Main Sim lives for any period of time on an absurdly fancy mansion-type lot (use your own judgement): -100

+100 points for each final exam skipped.

Style bonuses:
+50 points for each semester (each half of a year) in which the main Sim uses neither "Influence... to do my assignment" nor "Influence... to write my thesis".
+50 points for each semester (each half of a year) in which the main Sim has no non-autonomous romantic interactions with a Professor.

Drama bonus: graduate without majoring in anything but Drama: +100 points

Dorm bonus: graduate never having lived in any non-dorm college lot: +100 points

Loner bonus: graduate never having lived in a college lot with another controllable: +100 points

Dumb luck adjustments:
any significant glitch in your favor that you feel guilty enough about to apply this adjustment: -100 points
any significant glitch against you that you'd like some compensation for: +0 (life is hard)

Exiting the lot without saving: -100 points per incident, and you must appropriately annotate your score (e. g. "450 points, including a 100 point penalty for exiting without saving that time the dorm burned down").

Note that this Challenge is not intended to be all that hard to simply complete; the goal is to complete it and get as many points as possible.  It's even possible to finish successfully with a negative score; that's okay, you'll just have to do better next time.

(JMP variant: as above, except that you start out with a score of -3000, you lose 50 points each time the main Sim uses a bed or a toilet, and if you finish with a negative score you are a FAILURE and everyone will POINT AND LAUGH.)   Grin

Corpulent Cretin
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Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft)
« Reply #33 on: 2005 December 21, 03:23:27 »

So I played Suzette Somnius (a Leo Romance Sim) through the Challenge successfully.  (This is in Uni with the patch, but no Nightlife.)

The first three terms were quite easy, just seducing Professors and all.  After that it got much harder, because the Professors were already at 100/100 with her, and further interactions had no GPA impact. 

The slimy trick of allowing a professor to catch her cheating at the very start of the term (when there weren't any existing grade points to lose) and then building GPA by making up with the betrayed prof worked pretty well once, but not so well later on, for reasons that I don't really understand.  (If I had NL installed this would probably not have worked at all, because of the Furious effect.)

Using Influence was essentially a bust; getting other students to do assignments for her got Suzette only a small amount of GPA, and she couldn't build Influence back fast enough.  If she'd been a Family Sim with that talk / joke / appreciate / tickle / talk cycle she might have gotten away with it, but at the time I tried it all of her Influence-bearing Wants were the big difficult Romance ones like "woohoo seven different Sims while riding a unicycle".

No more mysterious Professors appeared after that first time, but Suzette had to vigorously befriend all four to make it through the challenge.  I feel a bit guilty about that (and have applied the relevant penalty).  If it hadn't been for the extra professors she probably would have had to switch departments (and therefore attend another class), or vigorously persue the possibility of her existing professors bringing other ones by as guests and then switching to their departments.  Or something.

Her grades were A+ A+ A- A+ B B+ A+ A+, and her final GPA was 3.8, for undecorated cum laude.  This makes me strongly doubt the theory that one could skip seven finals, get C's for the first seven terms, and then do so well in the last term of Senior year that one graduates summa.  Evidence for this theory is welcome.

Also, Suzette developed a peculiar obsession with lunchmeat sandwiches.

Attended only one class in her entire career: +500
Did no assignments or papers or research: +0 (as required)
Graduated Cum Laude: +750
Main Sim from CAS with no skills: +100
Five terms with no academic influencing: +250
Two terms with no romantic Prof interactions: +100
Dorm bonus: +100
Loner bonus: +100
Dumb luck adjustment for the two extra Philosophy profs: -100

Total: 1800

A good score in this Challenge is therefore declared to be two thousand.  Grin

(Suzette lived the entire time in the Maxis standard Pinenut Plaza dorm, but previous occupants had enhanced it enough that I couldn't take any bonus for it; on the other hand it wasn't so fancy that I needed to take a penalty.)

Comments and suggestions and stuff most welcome (and especially other stories from other people trying it). This turned out to be much harder than I thought from the first couple of semesters, and I certainly learned alot about influence and the details of Uni life and all.  I'll have to try it with like a Family Sim or something next and see if that's very different.  Meanwhile, Suzette is eagerly looking forward to being allowed to satisfy her Wants and needs without these bizarre constraints...

Terrible Twerp
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Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft)
« Reply #34 on: 2005 December 21, 15:28:45 »

Her grades were A+ A+ A- A+ B B+ A+ A+, and her final GPA was 3.8, for undecorated cum laude.  This makes me strongly doubt the theory that one could skip seven finals, get C's for the first seven terms, and then do so well in the last term of Senior year that one graduates summa.  Evidence for this theory is welcome.

My bad.  Looks like I was wrong (again).  Previously when I'd played the male frat house in La Fiesta Tech I'd never played it more than a few semesters.  Greek house + maxis premades really didn't hold my interest ... normally I don't play either much.

So after your post I went and played the LFT male frat lot again.  Mickey Dosser does start on probation in his second semester, with a GPA of 2.0.  Excellent source material, which my own sims wouldn't have provided.  After the exam at the end of that second semester his GPA showed as 4.0.  Same for after each exam in the 2nd and 3rd years.  This is what initially led me to believe the previous semesters weren't taken into account in calculating the GPA (isn't it supposed to be an average?)  BUT ... after the exam in semester 7, his GPA dropped to 3.8, even though his bar was maxed out.  Ditto for semester 8.  Final result : graduated cum laude.

If I'd bothered to play the sim all the way to graduation I would have known better than to claim you could do 7 Cs and still graduate summa cum laude.  Consider the claim withdrawn, while I go and try to hide my non-awesomeness under the carpet somewhere.

I've been thinking about this challenge in my non-awesome way.  The 8 final exam hits of +800 would be almost negated by the 750 difference between summa cum laude and cum laude results.  I'd prefer to take the final exam hits (simply because I feel like my sims have failed if they don't graduate summa cum laude - but that's my RL perfectionist urges talking) and wear the net loss of 50 points.

Main Sim never lives on anything but a standard unenhanced (at the time the Sim arrives) Maxis dorm: +100
Dorm bonus: graduate never having lived in any non-dorm college lot: +100 points

Looks like you've stated that twice.  Or do you mean it's 100 just for only living in a dorm (enhanced or not) with an additional bonus of 100 if the dorm is a standard and unenhanced?

You said you didn't have NL in your game.  Hmm, I wonder if the access to the new influence wants in NL (ask out on date, have a dream date with ...) would have made the influence thing easier?

If I use a neighbourhood sim (either my own, or a townie my own sims have danced with a lot), do I lose any points for dancing skill?  Access to the bust a move social really helps in building fast relationships.

BTW, I didn't see any reference to Suzette hacking grades ... did you do that in your challenge?

<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft)
« Reply #35 on: 2005 December 21, 16:04:46 »

My bad.
No problem!

After the exam at the end of that second semester his GPA showed as 4.0.  Same for after each exam in the 2nd and 3rd years.  This is what initially led me to believe the previous semesters weren't taken into account in calculating the GPA (isn't it supposed to be an average?)  BUT ... after the exam in semester 7, his GPA dropped to 3.8, even though his bar was maxed out.  Ditto for semester 8.  Final result : graduated cum laude.
Such bizarre numbers would have misled me also; I wonder what the GPA number actually reflects, if it can go down even in a term when the Sim gets an A+?  I didn't pay much attention to Suzette's until Senior year, so I don't have any data to contribute.

Main Sim never lives on anything but a standard unenhanced (at the time the Sim arrives) Maxis dorm: +100
Dorm bonus: graduate never having lived in any non-dorm college lot: +100 points

Looks like you've stated that twice.  Or do you mean it's 100 just for only living in a dorm (enhanced or not) with an additional bonus of 100 if the dorm is a standard and unenhanced?
Hm, yeah, that's what the rules mean as currently stated.  That may be too much of a bonus; 200 points for spending the whole time in an unenhanced dorm.  The difficulty scale is I think something like ( unenhanced dorm ) > ( moderately enhanced dorm ) > ( moderately enhanced non-dorm housing ) > ( mansion ), but it may be futile to try to capture all four levels.  (Right now it'd be 200, 100, 0, -100, but that might not be sensible.)

You said you didn't have NL in your game.  Hmm, I wonder if the access to the new influence wants in NL (ask out on date, have a dream date with ...) would have made the influence thing easier?
Dunno; I'd love to hear experiences.  I got NL a few months ago, and I expect I'll actually install it sometime this decade.  Cool

If I use a neighbourhood sim (either my own, or a townie my own sims have danced with a lot), do I lose any points for dancing skill?  Access to the bust a move social really helps in building fast relationships.
Nah, I think I'll let that count as just clever gameplay and not penalize it.  The raw speed of relationship building doesn't seem to be a key factor in the challenge anyway (at least based on my experience so far).

BTW, I didn't see any reference to Suzette hacking grades ... did you do that in your challenge?
Nope.  I've never done it at all, in fact.  From my theoretical knowledge of it, I'd say it could be a useful technique in the challenge, counterbalanced by  the time to find and befriend three Society Members, the risk of being caught, etc.

Terrible Twerp
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Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft)
« Reply #36 on: 2005 December 21, 17:02:45 »

I've started this challenge. 

Day 1 my CAS sim went to a uni community lot, befriended the ss guy that was there. 

Day 2 she had a date with him (off- campus so that it didn't affect semester timer).  She had 4000 influence points after the date and they were best friends.  They danced together enough so she could bust a move to boost the LTR and the STR.   Also they had 1 bolt, so that made the flirt/kiss/makeout interactions come quicker, for more influence/LTR building.  Back at the dorm, she used some of her influence points to get someone to write her paper.  Then she got a 'contact' outing invite, normally I use debug and select all the sims in the outing group, I didn't this time because it's a challenge.  Was kissing the dude who started the outing, didn't realise the SS guy was there (and I should have, of course he would have been part of the group!).   Not a good idea - now he's furious with her, so she's lost her first SS friend.  But at least she managed to regain most of the influence points she used before the outing turned sour.  And she can make friends with the other dude again once the furiousness wears off.

I think the +100 bonus for a CAS sim is too low.  A CAS sim is MUCH harder than a playable neighbourhood sim - for a start neighbourhood sims have friends and influence already, they don't have to spend time trying to build influence.  I have another playable sim sitting in the student-bin.  When I'm done with this sim, I might play the other sim in the same style, then compare scores.

Taking out all my hacks has been interesting, it's a long time since I played a hackless game.  Normally I play 'challenge-style' challenges, not for the scoring, just to try out a different approach in my game.  This time I'm actually doing the challenge minus the hacks.

<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
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Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft)
« Reply #37 on: 2005 December 21, 17:34:43 »

Is using the Secret Society's "Grade Hack" forbidden? After all, it is part of the game, and the whole process of sucking up to the SS might bring interesting results. If so, I am willing to try that aspect of it.
Terrible Twerp
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Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft)
« Reply #38 on: 2005 December 21, 18:24:00 »

The main Sim may not use any Aspiration (or Career) Rewards that e did not buy emself with eir own Aspiration points.

Does this mean we can't use the career/aspiration rewards that are on the SS lot?

<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft)
« Reply #39 on: 2005 December 21, 19:33:19 »

Is using the Secret Society's "Grade Hack" forbidden? After all, it is part of the game, and the whole process of sucking up to the SS might bring interesting results. If so, I am willing to try that aspect of it.
Nope, I don't mean to forbid that; have at it!
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft)
« Reply #40 on: 2005 December 21, 19:35:29 »

The main Sim may not use any Aspiration (or Career) Rewards that e did not buy emself with eir own Aspiration points.

Does this mean we can't use the career/aspiration rewards that are on the SS lot?
Hm, hm, hm.  It certainly does seem to mean that as written.  I tend to think that should be okay, though, since the Society has its own associated challenges and barriers.  Assume there's an exception for rewards on Society lots, and we'll put it into version 0.6.  *8)
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft)
« Reply #41 on: 2005 December 21, 19:41:32 »

I've started this challenge. 
Cool!  Keep us up to date.  *8)  I'm writing up the Suzette Somnius playtest as an eight-zillion picture story for the EA Exchange right now.

I think the +100 bonus for a CAS sim is too low.  A CAS sim is MUCH harder than a playable neighbourhood sim
Good feedback, thanks!  I playtested with a CAS Sim, and the lack of skills and previous relationships didn't seem like that much of a problem (Suzette's problems with Influence were with the fullness of the bar, not with its size), but that may have just been something about my (inept) playstyle.

Taking out all my hacks has been interesting, it's a long time since I played a hackless game.  Normally I play 'challenge-style' challenges, not for the scoring, just to try out a different approach in my game.  This time I'm actually doing the challenge minus the hacks.
Glad it's interesting!  The only hacks that I routinely play with are No Age Discrimination and No Buskers, but the more time I spend on maty the more tempted I am to install dozens more...   *8)

Terrible Twerp
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Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft)
« Reply #42 on: 2005 December 22, 05:58:14 »

Cool!  Keep us up to date.  *Cool  I'm writing up the Suzette Somnius playtest as an eight-zillion picture story for the EA Exchange right now.

I'm in semester 8.  Sally got off to a really bad start (with the outing described in my last post).  Her first semester was 2.7 GPA, 2nd one she barely survived without probation - 2.3.  Not helped by the fact she needed body points and I had to take her to the gym - she lives in a Maxis standard dorm (I haven't even put in an end table by the mailbox for the bills) with no workout equipment, and working out to tv/stereo for body points is too slow and too draining.  However she met and befriended more SS members at the gym.

I think that Mickey Dosser experience in my previous post must be weirdness because he's a Maxis premade sim.  Sally's GPA has never shown 4.0, even though she's got A+ every semester from semester 3 onwards.  Currently in semester 8, has maxed out bar, 2 days until exam, GPA 3.5.  She has gone to every exam (as I said she would).

She got into the SS at the beginning of semester 3, and I've been learning a lot about hacking grades.  Hint: it's easier with logic points.  She hasn't used influence since the 2nd semester, and she has spoken to her 2 professors over the phone in 3 semesters - this didn't help her grades any since they're Drama professors, and doesn't qualify as a non-autonomous romantic interaction.  She has never been on the same lot as her professors.  So I'm taking the professor bonus for all semesters.

She had a 'contact' outing invite from one of my playable sims from the main 'hood.  I turned it down, as that would require interacting with a controllable sim, which I felt was outside the spirit of the challenge (besides I'm considering feeding Sally to the cowplant on the SS lot after she gets her final result so it would be better if my playables didn't befriend her).  Sally kept rolling wants to befriend that sim, but I ignored those.

So running score would be  - including current semester 8 : +500 class bonus (one class attended in 2nd semester, cos I was desperate to avoid probation) +100 loner bonus +100 CAS + 100 dorm +100 unenhanced + 50*6 no influence + 50*8 no romantic interactions + 100 drama.  1700 points, plus whatever she graduates with.  Hey, I'm doing better than I thought I was, earlier I was considering ditching this character and starting again after the debacle of the first two semesters.

I playtested with a CAS Sim, and the lack of skills and previous relationships didn't seem like that much of a problem (Suzette's problems with Influence were with the fullness of the bar, not with its size), but that may have just been something about my (inept) playstyle.

The playable sim from my neighbourhood that is sitting in the student bin is maxed out in all skills (one dose of smart milk as a toddler, and she had 8 or 9 in most skills - except body - before she hit teen.  So all she had to train as a teen was body).  Her 10 logic points will really help with hacking her grades, and she won't need to waste semester time going to the gym to train body points.  She'll also start with a full influence bar, with her friendships and the influence bonus for satisfying the 'go to college' want - not that I"ll be using the influence much with her, hopefully.  As soon as I put her on campus, she'll be going to uni lots to meet SS members.  I'll act as if I don't know who is in the SS, so she will have to meet them in person, rather than just phoning them in the campus directory.

I'm concerned about whether my playable sim can maintain friendships with existing friends and family by phone - she's a popularity sim, and I don't want to risk her losing her friendships - is this allowed?

Glad it's interesting!  The only hacks that I routinely play with are No Age Discrimination and No Buskers, but the more time I spend on maty the more tempted I am to install dozens more...   *Cool

Welcome to the dark side!   I started out with one or two mods - the first one was TJs graduation fix which I needed for some of my graduates to be able to graduate (back before I had NL).  Then I added the critical fixes by TJ and Pescado, then a few more hacks that looked interesting or fixed annoyances or bugs (stuck kicky bags, anyone?) ... then a few more ... and just one or two more ... then one day I realised I was already a long way down the mods/hacks road, and I might as well install Pescado's Director's Cut.  That was back before this board existed, and I haven't looked back.

EDIT: Update.  Sally graduated with 3.5 GPA - plain graduation.  Total score 1700 (as outlined earlier in this post) + 500 = 2200
« Last Edit: 2005 December 22, 07:23:51 by Kyna » Logged

<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
Horny Turkey
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Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft)
« Reply #43 on: 2005 December 22, 07:19:57 »

I am mightily amused by this challenge, and will definitely play it when my next generation of sims are of college age.

I heartily approve of the style points for refraining from plagiarism.

I was thinking about the unspoken section of your challenge, though, in the skill point aquisition department. I mean, if you have a CAS sim with no skill points, he/she clearly has to acquire them in order to get decent grades, and yet the effort to do so is not penalised. I think it should be.

Corpulent Cretin
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Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft)
« Reply #44 on: 2005 December 22, 11:39:01 »

she lives in a Maxis standard dorm (I haven't even put in an end table by the mailbox for the bills) with no workout equipment, and working out to tv/stereo for body points is too slow and too draining.
You are allowed to enhance the dorm after she moves into it!  (Hm, you should probably only be allowed to use money that she earned herself to do so.)  Suzette did all her body-point-getting at the stereo, but then Philosophy only needs one (as opposed to four in Drama), so it wasn't tough.

She had a 'contact' outing invite from one of my playable sims from the main 'hood.  I turned it down, as that would require interacting with a controllable sim, which I felt was outside the spirit of the challenge
That was very noble! Cool I don't know enough about NL yet to judge for sure if such outings should be forbidden, but it sounds like they probably should.

(besides I'm considering feeding Sally to the cowplant on the SS lot after she gets her final result so it would be better if my playables didn't befriend her).
Narf narf!  Has she been annoying you during the Challenge, or do you just have other people that need a drink? 

So running score would be  - including current semester 8 : +500 class bonus (one class attended in 2nd semester, cos I was desperate to avoid probation) +100 loner bonus +100 CAS + 100 dorm +100 unenhanced + 50*6 no influence + 50*8 no romantic interactions + 100 drama.
Wow, so she's earned basically all of her GPA from grade-hacking?  Has she ever been caught?  Maybe we'll have to think of some excuse for penalizing Society membership ("I hear they study alot over there"). Cool

The playable sim from my neighbourhood that is sitting in the student bin is maxed out in all skills (one dose of smart milk as a toddler, and she had 8 or 9 in most skills - except body - before she hit teen.  So all she had to train as a teen was body).
There's a penalty for that, but it's just 100 points.  We'll see if that's too small. 

As soon as I put her on campus, she'll be going to uni lots to meet SS members.  I'll act as if I don't know who is in the SS, so she will have to meet them in person, rather than just phoning them in the campus directory.
Also very noble, although not required by the current rules.

I'm concerned about whether my playable sim can maintain friendships with existing friends and family by phone - she's a popularity sim, and I don't want to risk her losing her friendships - is this allowed?
Sure, as long as you have the time.  Unless I've forgotten something in the rules?  She can even invite existing friends and family over for visits; nothing academic about that...

EDIT: Update.  Sally graduated with 3.5 GPA - plain graduation.  Total score 1700 (as outlined earlier in this post) + 500 = 2200
Very nice.  Beat me by 400, anyway!

Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 106


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Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft)
« Reply #45 on: 2005 December 22, 11:49:00 »

I am mightily amused by this challenge, and will definitely play it when my next generation of sims are of college age.
We eargerly await your reports.

I heartily approve of the style points for refraining from plagiarism.
Given that it's pretty much plagiarism, buttering up professors, or breaking into the computers, there's not really a moral component to the style bonuses.  Cool

I was thinking about the unspoken section of your challenge, though, in the skill point aquisition department. I mean, if you have a CAS sim with no skill points, he/she clearly has to acquire them in order to get decent grades, and yet the effort to do so is not penalised. I think it should be.
There's currently a 100 point bonus for starting with no skills, and a 100 point penalty for starting with 20 or more skill points.  Does that address your worry here, or have I missed the point?

Oh, or do you mean that skilling (at least skilling with books) is sort of like studying, and so ought to cost one points in the basic spirit of the challenge?  That's a thought; have to see if I can think of some creative way to incorporate it.  (How about a flat -50 for each skill point that the Sim has at the end of the Challenge?  Heh heh.)
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 106


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Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft)
« Reply #46 on: 2005 December 22, 11:56:31 »

I'm writing up the Suzette Somnius playtest as an eight-zillion picture story for the EA Exchange right now.
For some reason the EA Exchange keeps refusing my upload, even though it's a mere 152 pictures and five or seven meg.  Must be some server problem.

After a little CSS and Perl and Photoshop hacking last night, I put up a version on my own site; The Story.  Comments and derision welcome.  Not exactly a detailed analysis of the gameplay, but it might have some funny bits.

(It also references version 0.6 of the Rules, which includes Kyna's suggestion about allowing use of Reward objects on Society lots.)

(Wait, didn't I already post this last night?  But I don't see it in the thread.  How confusing...)
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 106


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Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft)
« Reply #47 on: 2005 December 22, 12:05:44 »

EDIT: Update.  Sally graduated with 3.5 GPA - plain graduation.  Total score 1700 (as outlined earlier in this post) + 500 = 2200
What's her Aspiration, by the way?  Any comments on whether it made the Challenge harder or easier?
J. M. Pescado
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Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft)
« Reply #48 on: 2005 December 22, 12:35:46 »

Welp, here's my results.

Extreme Rules Start (-3K)
My sim: Personality 0/10/10/5/0, Pleasure, turns-ons: Vampire, Beefy Arm, Turn-offs: Beard. (+100)
Dorm: Craptastic Hall (aka. Small Dorm With 5 Rooms) (+200)
No other sims in residence (+100)
No Classes (+1000)
Declared Drama Major (+100)
No Romance x8 (+400)
No Influence x8 (+400)
Summa Cum Laude (+1500)
No Bed
No Toilet

Total: 700 (3700 normal)

Additional perks:
Became vampire, maximized all skills, max ASP in bank, permplat.

Call Taxi, go downtown, get Dance 6. (Bust-A-Move). Return Home (70h remaining).
Wait for night. Call Taxi. Go downtwn. Find Vampire and Befriend. Be bitten. (no motive decay at night!)
Date people! Get lots of ASPs!
Return home at dawn. Still night at home! Go back and do it again!
El Cheapo Gypsy dating service: 50 first dates! Now permanent platinum.
Use ASPs gained from downtown runs to steal skills with Simvacs! Gained 6 cooking, 4 cleaning, 3 mechanical, 7 body, 10 logic robbing cook, coach, cow, cheerleader, and assorted visitors! Permanent platinum, no failure chance.
Get into SS.
Hack grades for semester 1 to full.
Befriend professors for GPA boosts. Bite him and get him kicked out of NPC pool for a new professor! No romance. Hack grades as needed.
Steal more skills. Repeat procedure.

Isn't it nice how time stands still when you go to a community lot? Extend the night multiple times by going to a community lot, doing things until dawn, coming back....AND IT IS STILL NIGHT! DO IT AGAIN! AGAIN!

Conclusion: Still more awesome than you.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Terrible Twerp
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Re: "Sleeping Through College" Challenge (draft)
« Reply #49 on: 2005 December 22, 12:42:32 »

I fed Sally to the cowplant simply because I didn't want her in the main 'hood for this neighbourhood.  Nothing wrong with her apart from being a romance sim (not my favourite aspiration unless I've come to know the character and their story).  I started the 'hood using Prosperity style rules - roll a die to determine number of families, keep on rolling to determine number of sims, age groups, aspirations, star signs, etc.  (Note the use of the term 'prosperity style' since I didn't remove my hacks to start the 'hood).  So she doesn't really fit into the neighbourhood storyline.  But her gravestone still exists, so the possibility of reviving her is always there.

On the skilling issue, I think there should be a bonus if you get a skill to at least 8, apart from logic, which has obvious benefits in the hacking path.  Sally used the energiser a lot to keep her mood up (bought with the asp points from all those dates she had) while she was hacking grades, so I only needed one trip to SS lot each semester.  So she spent a lot of time keeping her aspiration level at gold or platinum.  She still managed to get 10 logic points by the end of her time, and 6 or 7 cooking points while I was still considering whether to keep her.  This was on top of the skill points required by her subjects.

Sally did get busted a few times, each time was a 450 simoleon fine.  She got busted at the dorm once, and the cop took her computer as well as fining her.  After that she did all her hacking at the SS lot.  After I got her logic to at least 8, she only got busted one more time.  And I got wiser in when to stop the hacking session.

Nanette, my playable sim from the neighbourhood, is in semester 2 now.  She got into the SS first day on campus (with 37 hours semester time left), hacked her way to 4.0 GPA in 9 hours - again using energisers.  Nanette had the advantage of a lot of asp points when I started, so she doesn't need to worry about having enough points for energisers.  She maxed out her bar for semester 2, with 62 hours semester time left, and is currently back at the dorm painting masterpieces to satisfy the masterpiece want (that always rerolls as the same want), keeping her aspiration level high.  As well as making cash - I'll be putting the No20kHandout mod back in before I send her back to the main neighbourhood, so every simoleon she makes will help.  Nanette has not yet been busted for hacking her grades *touch wood*  She hasn't even bothered to phone her professors, or used a single influence point.  Has not attended class, but is attending all exams.

On the EA thing, I've seen people posting lately that they've been having problems with the EA site, both with uploading stuff and with viewing other people's pages.  So even if you managed to upload there, others probably would have difficulty viewing it.

On the aspiration thing:
Sally was romance, the same as your Suzette.  Dates helped there.  Asking out on a date is an influence want, as is having a dream date.  At some point during a date, if it goes well, you'll get into a repeated cycle of backrub-hug-flirt-kiss-makeout-woohoo.  All boosting aspiration.   After a dream date your moods are all very good as a reward for a successful date.  
Nanette is popularity - being still in first year she still only has 4 want slots, and two of those are 'write a bestseller' and 'paint a masterpiece'.  The other two are usually 'want sim to go to college' regarding various teen friends of hers (both playables and townies/downtownies).  These are all general wants, not specific to her aspiration, so her aspiration isn't affecting her time at uni so far.  I'll wait and see what more want slots does for her.

/Kyna quietly ignores the proof of the non-awesomeness she's already confessed to.

<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
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