So I recently learned about the "offspring face distortion" issue in TS2. Most people have likely experienced this in-game, where sims' faces become more distorted with each generation no matter how non-offensive the parents look. Some folks have tried to figure out why it happens and how to prevent it, but have yet to find a solution, and few people have the coding expertise to dig deeper. You can
read more about it here. No matter what facial templates (Maxis or otherwise) were used to make the parents, all offspring born in the game (and created in CAS) will inevitably have some degree of facial distortion, even if they were spawned from parents with identical faces.
Some examples from people on tumblr:

(it seems to be worse for female faces.)
As funny as it is to imagine that these are genetic defects arising from frequent inbreeding and lack of genetic diversity in small hoods, I don't want to be forced to immigrate new sims every few generations just to keep the offspring looking decent. Even if that's the moral of the story.
Any idea what causes this, and how it can be fixed?