My sims keep missing the wedding limosine because there are too many visitors crowding the door, or they decide to pee or something the moment it pulls up... is there any you can make a hack way to get this action in the queue so they can always get the mood boost?
Unlike the taxi, if you miss the limosine, there is no option afterwards to "get in"
Smells Like Pee
Posts: 7367
Ya know, I was just thinking the other day that I haven't even had the wedding limo show up in months! Sorry, not your problem. Back to the original program...
Feckless Fool
Posts: 259
For a temporary fix, you could use "moveobjects on" to move wedding guests away from the door.
As for other actions filling up their queue, you can temporarily turn free will off.
I've never seen the limo yet, myself. I've only had one wedding in my game. I keep intending to get sims married, but I forget. When I do get around to it my sims' wedding photos will feature their children and grandchildren.
I tried using the "teleport here" functions from one of my unmentionable hacks to have them already waiting at the curb, but they tried to wander back into the house and failed to notice the limo- as if they really needed to pee when their motives were about to be maxed out!
I have this problem too, but usually by sims doing stupid activites at the last minute. One sim guy decided having a pillow (well, fish) fight with his mother was much more important the going into the limo with his newly wed wife. I could turn free will off, but then I'd forget to turn it on again, and then my sims would just stand there 'til they starved to death.
Photobucket has a dirty mind.
As soon as the party is about to end, have them both procrastinate. Procrastination is your friend! Then you can click on the limo and tell them to get in. They should go.
Smells Like Pee
Posts: 7367
I have this problem too, but usually by sims doing stupid activites at the last minute. One sim guy decided having a pillow (well, fish) fight with his mother was much more important the going into the limo with his newly wed wife. I could turn free will off, but then I'd forget to turn it on again, and then my sims would just stand there 'til they starved to death.
Ack! Worst wedding reception EVER.
As soon as the party is about to end, have them both procrastinate. Procrastination is your friend! Then you can click on the limo and tell them to get in. They should go.
But you can't click on the limo! Isn't that the problem? Unless you're reffering to something else. It's too late at night and my head doesn't seem to be working.
Photobucket has a dirty mind.
J. M. Pescado
If you're really dead set on having them take the limo, using Macro Procrastinate will stop them from performing potentially length free-will actions, and thus they'll wait until the limo action shows up. You may also want to position them near the street so the guests don't block the way.
Conversely, you may want to DELIBERATELY obstruct the limo for both of them! Nothing destroys energy balance faster than being refilled late in the day, and the truth is that the refill may not be very useful. And may get all your kids stolen by the SS.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Lol, when I was a newbie player of TS2, I made the grave mistake, and threw a wedding party of the pregnant Brandi Broke and my CAS sim. It was a Roof Raiser party, but the groom went to the honeymoon alone, leaving Brandi at home... . Some honeymoon... .
...the groom went to the honeymoon alone, leaving Brandi at home... . Some honeymoon... . I'm sure the groom had a great time!
Sounds like my ex-husband *dies laughing*
Bluesoup completely out of topic but is there a free space in the cat hamac on your picture? That cute little pussycat looks so comfortable I would love to sleep relax next to it and carress it. I promise I will be nice to that cat
Bluesoup completely out of topic but is there a free space in the cat hamac on your picture? That cute little pussycat looks so comfortable I would love to sleep relax next to it and carress it. I promise I will be nice to that cat LOL I don't know, but I think I may beat you to the hammock if there IS room. It's a cute picture, isn't it? I still sorta miss my faery picture though.
Your faery picture is nice too. But I would definetely not sleep relax next to the fairy (I don't trust faery don't ask me why lol) Sorry for the misplelling of hammock, the word hamac is in French and I did not know how to translate it and was just to lazy to look in a dictionnary.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 549
I love Pokemon! Thus I am a Heretic!
The thing that annoys me about the wedding limousine is that the two sims get into it, then sit on opposite sides with a really big gap between them! I wanted to take a photo of them snuggling together in the limo, but it doesn't happen. In fact, my partner said I shouldn't use the photos in my story because it looked like they'd had a row!
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* Pescado is batshit crazy, and thus it's not safe to say what he could or would do. Pescado: You're a weird and freaky Baratron. Pescado: Also, all Baratrons suck. Read my Sims 2 stories!
Feckless Fool
Posts: 259
Yeah, they definitely seem awkward. They're not even looking at each other!
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 376
Yeah, there's definitely a "Let's get this thing over with" vibe in the honeymoon limo. Sort of sad, really.
The first wedding party I ever threw was going well until I sent the groom's pregnant mother home as she was on the verge of passing out. All the other guests followed suit and in 10 seconds I went from "Roof Raiser" to disaster. After that the bride was the laughingstock of Veronaville and I decided that parties were too much trouble. Since NightLife and the Smustle, however, I've been throwing great parties left and right.
Process Denied
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 467
When Bianca Monty and Kent Capp got married, Bianca got in the back of the Limo and Kent rode shot gun. Very romantic--eh?? Kinda sums up his romantic life.
Smells Like Pee
Posts: 7367
In one of my very first weddings, when Joe married his first wife, Jennie, she was newly pregnant, and passed out right under the altar. Poor Joe went on his honeymoon alone... Really old pics from over a year ago on my old computer with a super crappy video card. And I hadn't learned how to take good pics, yet. And I had not yet put any hacks of any sort in my game.: If you squint and look very closely, you can see that Joe, wearing his swimsuit, is heading for the honeymoon limo, alone. His wife is standing in the street. He then comes home, swaggers up the steps in romance-sim fashion, and heads to the bedroom to find his bride in bed, but sound asleep. Poor Joe.
Yeah, the problem is twofold: not getting the limo, and also not being able to click on it... has the procrastinate function worked for you guys in this way? Does it make it possible to click on the limo?
and, slightly off topic, if you have a sim procrastinate, can other sims still interact with them?
Smells Like Pee
Posts: 7367
Yes, other sims can interact with a procrastinating sim. However, it breaks the "procrastination".