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Author Topic: Depth of Field for TS3! (And other VFXs too)  (Read 9292 times)
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 111

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Depth of Field for TS3! (And other VFXs too)
« on: 2016 November 30, 03:03:56 »

Finally someone figured out how to add those useless but pretty cool FX that were only available in TS4. It's pretty much a standalone software that adds advanced FX to older game titles so it has to be configured for TS3, thankfully someone at MTS already did the work and upladed it as a preset.

Here's what it adds to the game (you can enable/disable each):

Depth of Field Because not everything can be in focus all the time. Blurs whatever you're not looking at, and leaves what you are looking at. Makes for beautiful screenshots. If it gets in your way, press the F8 key.

Ambient Occlusion: Adds lovely shading to everything to create a more convincing image without hard edges. Also takes a significant toll on the framerate and bleeds through the UI at times. If it's bothering you too much, try pressing the F6 key.

Motion Blur: Softens the image around quick movement, for nicer transitions between scenes. Takes a small toll on the framerate with fast camera movements, but let's face it - those weren't gonna be smooth anyway.

Depth Haze: Adds a bit of haze to the image, because that's how light actually works in real life. Apparently. It looks convincing, and isn't that good enough?

FXAA: Smoothens jagged edges, since the game itself cannot do that with ReShade enabled. Not as good as the game's built-in anti-aliasing, but close.

Lens Flare: Makes very bright objects emit subtle flares. Those of us with greasy glasses have had this since day 1. Turns out that life is actually a J.J. Abrams movie.

Chromatic Abberation: A thing that you will see when looking through a lens of any sort. This will be awfully familiar to those who've seen a lot of VHS tapes. It's a subtle effect, and at first you might not even notice it's there.

Film Grain: Grain adds a bit of definition to the image. It's thing that cameras tend to do. Your eyes do it too, actually.

Color Correction: Subtle color changes, because The Sims 3 doesn't always get it's colors right. This filter doesn't either, but that's less obvious.

DOWNLOAD + More info & pics:

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J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Depth of Field for TS3! (And other VFXs too)
« Reply #1 on: 2016 November 30, 05:19:07 »

I'm at a complete loss for why I'd want to have "effects" to make the game MORE blurry. And how would the game even know what I'm looking at? If I want random things to blurry, I WILL DRINK MORE VODKA.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 111

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Re: Depth of Field for TS3! (And other VFXs too)
« Reply #2 on: 2016 November 30, 21:04:41 »

I'm at a complete loss for why I'd want to have "effects" to make the game MORE blurry. And how would the game even know what I'm looking at? If I want random things to blurry, I WILL DRINK MORE VODKA.

To hide those blocky tree textures in the background.

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