Hi there,
This is no hack, so no Terror Picture.
As I came back to Simming 2 with the UC, I found very fast that the old helpers wont work right out of the box. With some Internet Investigation and some crazy ideas, I offer a fix for those, who want to use SimPE with the Ultimate Collection.
There exist already a "small" Solution, but I am to lazy to allways correct so many entries manually.
Mainly there are two Problems:
SimPe don't know the Ultimate Collection
SimPe looks for the game exes of the base game and the expansions. But those are no longer provided with the Ultimate Collection. So the solution is to fake them :-). This dont harm and dont take place, as the files can have Zero Bytes, they only need to exist in the right place. The path is partially hardcoded in SimPE, so no Chance with a configuration file.
So my fix provide three files:
a readme with install instructions
a fake directory structure with fake exe files
a reworked expansions.xreg with perfect Fitting directories for the ultimate collection
It is a fire&forget solution
A Person who uses this, should know how to read instructions, should at least know how to copy files and should be able to make a backup.
The fake Directory structure fits perfect to the Ultimate Collection, but will bork up complte any other Installation, because it then would overwrite all the exe files with Zero Byte files. But those obviously should not Need this fix.
You can easily extract the files and copy all manually, please check it yourself. To be sure the conten is trustworthy.
You will use this complete on your own risk.

I posted this here, because People who uses stuff from here are expected to be smart enough, not to bork up their System through stupid handling.....
Have fun with SimPE & Sims 2 Ultimate Collection
I got Feedback, fixed a Little error in the readme. The DummyExe...zip goes in the Game-Installation Folder where it has to be extracted.