Sims 4 Problem and Annoyance Thread--Take 2!

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So I got bored and decided to go for the 2-day free trial for TS4.  If I'm going to bash (or praise) something, I'd like to be able to say, hey, I tried it.  So I wouldn't mind rattling off some annoyances.

The sims were a bit cartoony but eh, I could get used to that.  But when it came to detail, like with furniture and everything...TS2 and TS3 have better detail.  I got a notice that my video card might not be able to handle it, but it handled it just fine (my computer is 6 years old, running Windows 7, 3 GB, and it handles TS2 and all EPs just fine, as well as TS3). 

Building a house was fun.  ::)  Why couldn't they just make it so you could click-and-drag for roofs?  Then I did shift+click to do all the outside walls of a house at once...and the inside walls got it too, and no I didn't have any missing wall segments.  ???  And don't get me started on the blasted camera!

I didn't mind the sims sitting in front of the TV while eating.  Thing is the little buggers don't stay in one place for long--you have to watch them or they're off doing who-knows-what.

Granted, the UI takes some getting used to after having played TS2 since 2009, then TS3 since 2013.

I guess it's kinda fun if you're bored out of your mind, and you don't mind plunking down $60 for Sims 1.5.  If I do get it at all--and that is a BIG "if"--I'll wait until it comes down in price.  $10 and I might consider it.

I didn't care much for the "no toddlers" deal, and that teens look just like YA/adults.  (They pare it down, then claim your video card might not be able to handle it?   ::) )

That's just my list, and that's after two days.  I'm sure that if I had it longer I could come up with more. 

Autonomy is incredibly stupid. Especially for pregnant sims. They simply won't take care of their needs until they're in the red, and with pregnant sims, they end up with several in the red at once unless you manually direct them to take care of themselves before then. Bathroom preference is also stupid. There are two bathrooms in the house, one on the first floor, one on the second floor. Sims whose bedroom is on the first floor will still autonomously go to the second floor's bathroom.

Queue-dropping is an issue for me as well. My sims can't handle being asked to pee and to eat in any order. They'll take leftovers out of the fridge, eat one bite, then get up to use the toilet and stop using the toilet after just barely sitting down on it. This has been happening when "eat" and "use" are pretty much anywhere in the same queue. They forget everything else they were supposed to do too. There are other instances where queue-dropping occurs, but that's the most consistent.

Occasional dropping of only one particular action in the middle of the action for seemingly no reason. So far, I've only seen this happen with things like doing dishes or taking out trash. They'll pick up some dishes, stack more dishes, then just put the dishes down on the ground or wherever. Or they'll pick up the trash, walk halfway to the outdoor trashcan, dump the trash on the floor.

Notification frequency. I don't want to be told every single time a sim "gains a skill," or every single time they go to work or it's 1 hour until work/school. Especially stupid when there are multiple kids in a house and there's separate notifications. I don't want to EVER be told that sims who love the outdoors do indeed love the outdoors. I use my notifications section for things that will remind me what I was doing in the game if I don't play for a while. Those things are absolutely useless in every way. Just clutter.

So many phone calls. This might just be a problem with Get Together, I don't know for sure. Sims get calls from friends wanting to hang out ALL THE FRICKING TIME. For a while, I thought it was cool. Then it was just annoying. If I want to hang out with you, I'll let you know. And we're hanging out at my house, because fuck loading screens.

Party problems. When a sim is invited to a social event, and you say yes, you're instantly forced to load up wherever they're going. I'd like to be able to say yes, but retain control of everyone at my household instead. On top of that, sims at parties aren't allowed to leave, and the parties can go on REALLY long. There have been times where they've had to shit and sleep in the same bush because they weren't allowed to go home when they stopped having a good time.

Takes forever to go to school. Only had this issue with one kid so far, and he happens to love the outdoors, so it may be that. All his siblings went to school by walking a little out the door and fading. He chose to run ridiculously far away from home, and fade there. He was in the "go to school" action the whole time. He ended up getting to school at about noon, even though he left the house right on time. He did not do this every time he went to school, though. (I don't think it even happened more than once.)

Bathtub problem. So far only had this issue with the corner-style bathtub. Sim will get in the bathroom, and get right back out to "see what's happening." Once it happens for a sim, it never stops for that sim. They can still use other tubs fine. I've tried replacing the bathtub with a new one of the same kind and it doesn't fix it. ResetSim didn't work for me either.

I actually really like the way sims look in TS4, and I like the click-and-drag facial customization and body customization in CAS. I don't mind the lack of create-a-style. I never used it much in TS3 because it was one of those things where I was spoiled for choice, so I just used defaults. Build mode is enjoyable. Live mode just has lots of annoying issues like this.

(Multiple edits were made as I thought of more things.)

is there any MOD that MODify the idiotic behavior ?

I'm sure people will come up with fixes, you have to give it time.  I'm sure there are people over 12 who wouldn't mind.

Me, I don't plan on buying it any time soon.  $60 for the base game?  As my dad would say to anyone buying it at that price, "You got took."

I noticed the massive queue-dropping too.  I expect it from an absent-minded TS3 sim.  But I was finding myself thinking, "Look, bud, you do what I tell you!"  I am someone who micro-manages her sims big-time, and when they defy orders, get up, and do something stupid...well, where's the cowplant when you need it?  ;D

I've noticed my Sims need to pee constantly. Why? Your bladder bar is full, you should not be dropping everything to go sit on the toilet. It's always the farthest away toilet!


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