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Author Topic: Regarding Dirty Dishes Off Lot Bug  (Read 7926 times)
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 92


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Regarding Dirty Dishes Off Lot Bug
« on: 2015 March 26, 08:40:17 »

Thought I'd post it here since I don't feel like making accounts on other sim forums and I haven't seen a solution anywhere else, but I have a workaround that's a bit unconventional for annoying dirty dishes left on the edges of the world and cannot be thrown away/cleaned because there's no trashcan/sink. In my game the lot did not reset regardless of traveling, clearing caches, restarting the game, nor did they ever disappear eventually and testing cheats had no option for me to delete/nuke them. Anyway, my workaround if you have the same problem:

Enable testingcheats {on/true}
shift+click a trash can (preferably public one) and set it as your sim's head. Now your sim's head is trash can, but don't worry if you don't find this amusing.
Have your sim run to a location nearby said dirty dishes.
shift+click your sim and reset them. Now their head should no longer be a trash can, and the trashcan is set nearby.
Click on dirty dishes and throw them away.
Now there's a random trashcan somewhere unless you strategically placed your sim to reset them (mine is along the sidewalk, although diagonal) but the offended dirty dishes are now gone.

Also, if your sim is in a room that you've combed through and is spotless, but they keep saying it's dirty, simply go to the main menu or restart the game and go back and look around; you may find "dust piles" that were not there before that need to be cleaned up. Don't ask me what they are, but they were definitely not there or were selectable before restarting the game.

The Sims 4 is buggy as hell but these are a few things that were manageable. Fill free to post this workaround in more Sim 4 enthused forums where it will be more useful. I would have posted it in the bug thread but I don't know what the rules are for necromancy anymore so here it is.

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Feckless Fool
Posts: 260

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Re: Regarding Dirty Dishes Off Lot Bug
« Reply #1 on: 2015 April 19, 20:55:24 »

I'm baffled, this is a hilarious workaround. Grin
That said,
1) I too had a stupid sim put down her mug 'outside', I then realized the mug could not be removed. However it eventually disappeared. I play in rotation and regularly clean caches (including the lot caches most people seem to ignore). On next rotation it wasn't there anymore.
2) From what I read the object set as head is fully usable by your sim wearing it - leading to fun animations if your sim takes a bath in his head tub for example - so why reset your sim to put it down - and be stuck with an unwanted trashcan? i.e. have you tried it directly?
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 168

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Re: Regarding Dirty Dishes Off Lot Bug
« Reply #2 on: 2015 April 23, 20:32:48 »

I had the same problem with dish out of lot ...tried to wear damn plate on sim's head but actually this did not help ...just after some time dish disappeared by itself ...actually not sure if this possible maybe to drag it to household inventory in build mode,but I did not try this
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