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Topic: Major bug warning (Read 18346 times)
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
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Major bug warning
2014 October 07, 19:12:39 »
I'm generally anti-creating-new-topics, but this is a big one. Two problems suspected to have begun with the 10/1/4 patch:
1. Aging off is borked. As in, if you set other households (non-played, played, even just the townie pool) to not age, they still will. Kills rotational play, obviously.
2. Sim males are getting squinty eyes and lantern jaws most noticeably in the child & YA stage and returning to what they should be at adult.
The supposed "gurus" are aware. It's now a countdown to the next patch and a wait-and-see on how much worse they bork it with that.
Lantern jaws are the new pianos.
Capitalism, Ho!
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Capitaine Marie
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Re: Major bug warning
Reply #1 on:
2014 October 07, 21:56:10 »
Yep, it happened to me. Sometimes their faces lengthen, and profiles flatten, as well. Someone in that thread mentioned that maybe the RNG got disabled for testing, and they forgot to switch it back on.
Pes could probably fix this. We need you, Pes!
I don't think I could ever stab someone. I mean, let's be honest. I can barely get the straw in the Capri Sun.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
Re: Major bug warning
Reply #2 on:
2014 October 08, 00:02:07 »
Quote from: Capitaine Marie on 2014 October 07, 21:56:10
Someone in that thread mentioned that maybe the RNG got disabled for testing, and they forgot to switch it back on.
That would be very EA-like, but you wouldn't think that would affect things aging of already created sims.
Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
My Urinal
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 178
Re: Major bug warning
Reply #3 on:
2014 October 08, 06:40:25 »
This is just sad...
Capitaine Marie
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 374
Blonder Than You
Re: Major bug warning
Reply #4 on:
2014 October 09, 20:41:18 »
This was posted by SimGuruLyndsay on the official site today:
"Hey folks - wanted to jump in with an update. It turns out we did make some changes to the sculpt modifers translation between genders BUT it looks like it had an unintentional impact on age
changes!! So - we have a fix that we'll get to you as soon as we can. Your details and pictures were really helpful! While you should see some change as Sims age it was not intended to be so
dramatic or unpredictable."
I don't think I could ever stab someone. I mean, let's be honest. I can barely get the straw in the Capri Sun.
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1023
Re: Major bug warning
Reply #5 on:
2014 October 10, 01:59:56 »
More proof that they don't actually test their shit before releasing it to the public. I still find it amazing that after 3 incarnations of the game, they still haven't learnt anything and improved the way they do things.
I am not a complete idiot, some of the parts are missing.
Capitaine Marie
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 374
Blonder Than You
Re: Major bug warning
Reply #6 on:
2014 October 16, 20:30:43 »
Shimrod101 has fixed the problem,
here at MTS
I don't think I could ever stab someone. I mean, let's be honest. I can barely get the straw in the Capri Sun.
Lord of the Nannies
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3509
Re: Major bug warning
Reply #7 on:
2014 October 22, 07:55:50 »
The patch today supposedly 'fixed' it, but unsurprisingly they actually just half assed it, so still keep the Shimrod fix if you have it.
From Shimrod @ MTS
The new patch did not fix anything, it did not even address the issue. What they have done is REVERT back to prior to the Oct.1st patch. With that patch they added 3 new Cas Modifier files (6 files actually, 3 XML and 3 DATA, but this is 3 "Modifiers", each requires an XML file and a DATA file).
What they have done now is remove these 3 new modifiers! These three were TeenMale, AdultMale and ElderMale; the entire problem is that these 3 did not jive with the YoungAdultMale file which was in the game from the start, since the CaS Demo; the new ones were written a bit differently.
My recommendation is that anyone using this mod keep using it after this patch, the mod does not need "updating" to "comply" with their "changes"; they have changed these by REMOVING!!!!!!!! one third of these modifiers which our sims need, as opposed to, IDK, writing them correctly and leaving them in the game maybe? I am gravely disappointed.
In other news, there's something that's making the save file sizes bloat ridiculously out of control, and eventually causes crashes on saving at times. So far, only people who have put in A LOT of time in the game (over 100 hours) have reported it but surely as time goes on other people will start getting it. One guy is getting save files of 100MB.
Mine range from 28-54MB right now.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Grammar Police
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Re: Major bug warning
Reply #8 on:
2014 October 22, 15:13:46 »
How on earth has anyone gotten 100 hours of play out of this thing? The Sims Facebook game had more content.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Mushroom Girl
Posts: 1506
Re: Major bug warning
Reply #9 on:
2014 October 22, 22:29:17 »
I've gotten the 100hr achievement, but I left it open for a week while I did other stuff.
Lord of the Nannies
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3509
Re: Major bug warning
Reply #10 on:
2014 October 23, 14:49:07 »
Quote from: Skadi on 2014 October 22, 22:29:17
I've gotten the 100hr achievement, but I left it open for a week while I did other stuff.
Well some of it was that. Just leaving the darned thing running to go and do other things etc, but I admit I've played a lot too.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Madame Mim
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: Major bug warning
Reply #11 on:
2014 October 23, 20:08:14 »
I don't remember a 100 hours achievement, so I probably haven't gotten it yet. I've gotten a 4 days straight achievement, but that's Sim days.
Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
Grammar Police
Posts: 4931
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Re: Major bug warning
Reply #12 on:
2014 October 24, 11:32:59 »
Quote from: Madame Mim on 2014 October 23, 20:08:14
I don't remember a 100 hours achievement, so I probably haven't gotten it yet. I've gotten a 4 days straight achievement, but that's Sim days.
It's rather telling that there's an achievement for not giving up in disgust after four in-game days.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 184
Re: Major bug warning
Reply #13 on:
2014 November 02, 21:38:39 »
My game says I have played for 275 hours though I really haven't I just left it on while I did other things.
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