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Author Topic: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.  (Read 136793 times)
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
« Reply #25 on: 2014 September 06, 04:12:31 »

My geek sim was sad because I didn't throw her a birthday party.  I never throw birthday parties for my sims - the last one I threw was years ago, in TS2, for Johnny Smith the last time I restarted Strangetown.  I only threw that party because it's unavoidable if you want to play the Smith family.

Can we have a stomp on that moodlet, I don't see why a geek sim (who doesn't know anyone outside her household anyway) should be sad because I ~didn't~ invite a ton of strangers around to help her celebrate her birthday.  It seems to me that not having strangers about is a reason to be happy.

I found that my Geek Sim was perfectly happy when I baked him a cake and made him blow out the candles; he was Happy about his "birthday party." So I don't think you have to go through the whole party thing.

The same thing happened with her son when he grew into a teen.  I was trying to squeeze out the last point of mental skill for his childhood aspiration, so didn't want to age him up until the last possible minute.  Aging up a sim using cake takes my sims away from whatever I've told them to do, and is a waste of time since the sim will age up anyway without one, so I'd really like the "sad moodlet because I didn't get a party/cake" thing stomped regardless of the sim's traits or age.

I gave him the loner trait when he turned 12, but his social is draining faster than anyone else in the family.  I would have thought a loner would have had a slower social drain rate.  This is my first household in the game, and this is the first 12 I've played so I don't know if the faster social drain is a glitch with the loner trait or if it's because he's a 12.  If it's a glitch, it needs to be stomped.

IIRC, there was a mod in the Director's Cut for Sims 2 that would stop sims from traipsing all over the house to find a chair to sit & drink coffee, the mod forced the sims to use a closer chair.  I think we need a version of that for eating in Sims 4.  Don't take your food into the living room to eat sitting on the sofa just because there's someone to talk to in there, when there's a perfectly good chair & table in the room you're in.
« Last Edit: 2014 September 06, 04:21:15 by Kyna » Logged

<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
« Reply #26 on: 2014 September 06, 04:53:57 »

  • A way to tone down the weight gain/muscle building.  I like the concept, but it seems really extreme right now.

The above along with a reduction in the number of people dropping in the street to do pushups and situps. Maybe only athletic aspiration sims should be so inclined.

asciident / realrobotica
Pinheaded Pissant
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Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
« Reply #27 on: 2014 September 06, 05:10:10 »

- Stop talking so damn much and eat your food. You have work. Seriously, they talk so much it takes them over an hour to eat half the time, unfinished plates everywhere.

I hated this in TS2, and another strike against playing TS4 until a mod is released to stop it.  My sims would often die from hunger in TS2 because they were too busy talking to eat and it would often take 2-3 hours to eat one plate, in some cases the food would spoil before they finished eating.

This is sounding more like they took the worst aspects of all the series and mashed them into the new game, rather than taking the best bits and making a killer game.

I am not a complete idiot, some of the parts are missing.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
« Reply #28 on: 2014 September 06, 06:43:54 »

At the moment what annoys me the most is that I can't download the new patches manually.

They just released a second patch that fixes the demon baby glitch and I need that baaaaaaaaadly .. dang it!
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
« Reply #29 on: 2014 September 06, 13:32:11 »

I feel in the middle on bills. Every time they come now, I actually get sad because I know a huge chunk of money is going to be gone. In Sims 1, 2, and 3,  I literally never cared about bills. So, I think it's a step in the right direction.

I agree, I like that it actually costs money now and you have to worry about bills.  However, it would be nice if there was some sort of "You are going to have a bill of $x,xxx.xx due next Tuesday", so that you could budget for it and not spend it on something new.

Also, as a random note, I wish the daily tasks for work/school were a little less buried.
Horrible Halfwit
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Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
« Reply #30 on: 2014 September 06, 16:04:45 »

I've just acquired the game and I hope I'm not tarding here but where the hell are the customizable colors from Sims 3?

Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
« Reply #31 on: 2014 September 06, 16:21:43 »

I've just acquired the game and I hope I'm not tarding here but where the hell are the customizable colors from Sims 3?

EAxis didn't carry the Create-A-Style tool forward from TS3 in the name of 'game performance', and according to them it's gone forever because the game engine won't work with a color wheel. As a result we're back to TS2 style recolors and mods that you can never find in the exact shade that you need.
Horrible Halfwit
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Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
« Reply #32 on: 2014 September 06, 16:47:20 »

Nice. Well, Sims 3 does run like crap but I'm not sure if stripping out all the features out of the game for better performance is that much better.

Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
« Reply #33 on: 2014 September 06, 20:42:12 »

If any of you are rotational players, you might run into issues. I changed households during gameplay for the first time and ran into several problems. The first was that switching back to the house that you switched from caused both occupants to be grayed out even though they were in the house doing things on their own. The second major one being that a whole household disappeared from the neighborhood. Their house is still listed as occupied, but they are not inside and going to manage households shows a blank screen for them. --I didn't try switching from a neutral point like exiting and then playing a different family. But seeing as the game was advertised as being easily able to switch families, one would think it would actually work.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
« Reply #34 on: 2014 September 06, 21:17:23 »

I play rotationally, but when I'm going to switch to a family I first make a "save as", then go to neighborhood management and then go to the new household. I haven't ran into issues with this yet.
Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
« Reply #35 on: 2014 September 06, 23:48:47 »

More queue - 6 is not enough.

I'm an apathetic sociopath, I'd kill you if I cared.
Madame Mim
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Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
« Reply #36 on: 2014 September 07, 01:47:30 »

kill the notice board - or run it as a ticker tape - or (at the very least) make things you 'x' out not go to the board. If you play with it open it takes up too much room and if you play with it shut it eventually fills up and you need to empty it.

Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
« Reply #37 on: 2014 September 07, 02:59:30 »

I miss the social reactivity from TS3. Your sims could congratulate each other if they got a promotion, or got engaged, or whatever. It created the illusion of smart, self-aware sims...something that is sorely missing in TS4.
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
« Reply #38 on: 2014 September 07, 10:08:32 »

kill the notice board - or run it as a ticker tape - or (at the very least) make things you 'x' out not go to the board. If you play with it open it takes up too much room and if you play with it shut it eventually fills up and you need to empty it.

You don't need to empty it. New messages will just replace the oldest.
Madame Mim
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Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
« Reply #39 on: 2014 September 07, 14:01:13 »

Good to know on the message board.

I think we're going to need some kind of fps limiter again if the noise of my video card fan earlier today were anything to go by.

Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
« Reply #40 on: 2014 September 07, 14:37:51 »

Turn off tutorials: (If the game is listed in Origin)

• Step 1: First you have to open the Origin Client.
• Step 2: Then Right-Click on the The Sims 4 game's box art cover.
• Step 3: Next you must select the "View Game Properties" options, followed by clicking on the "Game Properties" to open a popup box.
• Step 4: In the text box below the "Command Line Argument" you can type a code to turn off the tutorial. Copy and past the following code into that text box: --no_tutorial
• Step 5: And finally, click on the "Apply" button to save the change and turn off the tutorial right away.

I tried to live with them, but they just kept coming and were totally irrelevant to what I was actually doing. ---Game: Hey, we noticed you rotated the camera 180 degrees so here is a tutorial about checking friends in the relationship panel.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
« Reply #41 on: 2014 September 07, 17:02:36 »

The put away all books action needs to be streamlined. If there are five books on a table, the sim makes five trips between table and bookcase to put them away. It took one sim four sims hours to refill the bookcase.

I miss automatic hand of god.
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
« Reply #42 on: 2014 September 07, 17:07:40 »

The put away all books action needs to be streamlined. If there are five books on a table, the sim makes five trips between table and bookcase to put them away. It took one sim four sims hours to refill the bookcase.

I miss automatic hand of god.

The automatic hand of god still exists. You can still drag and drop items just like in S3.
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 112

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Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
« Reply #43 on: 2014 September 07, 20:39:32 »

The not-cleaning-up-after-self issue is especially annoying in my opinion. I've seen Sims put dishes down anywhere except the sink, including in bookcases. To get them to clean up, I often have to stack "Clean Up" commands two- or three-deep, as usually they'll complain of route failure at least once. (True, the Hand of God does work, but even in TS3 I use an Always Wash Dishes mod.)

Complaining of route failure when none should exist plagues gardening also. "Water" works OK and the Sim in question will usually water all plants that need it, but then will complain of route failure for "Weed," "Harvest (or Harvest All)", or "Evolve" when there are multiple free tiles surrounding the planter in all directions.
Feckless Fool
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Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
« Reply #44 on: 2014 September 07, 21:43:29 »

I'd like to be able to tell my sims "clean all," "put away all books," "fertilize all plants" without having to queue up each book or dirty object. Fertilizing is the worst, as you have to tell it to fertilize each plant, and select what fruit/fish/whatever you want to use. I'm definitely missing being able to click "fertilize all with best fertilizer."

I'm both annoyed at and confused about the purpose of child skills. I had my sim child earn a 4 in all 4 skills (and he got to level 5 in one of them, possibly social), yet when he aged up to a teen, he had zero skills. When I sat him down at the chess table, he earned logic level one. I thought his mental skill of 4 would carry over, but I guess not. What's the use of having your child sims skill, then? Are their skills solely for grades? That seems like a waste.

I also feel like the loner trait is bugged. My loner sim's social dropped like a stone. I was constantly having to have her run outside and talk with people to keep her social out of the red. The whole reason I made her a loner was so I could have her focus on gardening, not to spend the majority of her day stalking her neighbors and requesting pen-pals.
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
« Reply #45 on: 2014 September 07, 21:54:45 »

The not-cleaning-up-after-self issue is especially annoying in my opinion. I've seen Sims put dishes down anywhere except the sink, including in bookcases. To get them to clean up, I often have to stack "Clean Up" commands two- or three-deep, as usually they'll complain of route failure at least once. (True, the Hand of God does work, but even in TS3 I use an Always Wash Dishes mod.)

Complaining of route failure when none should exist plagues gardening also. "Water" works OK and the Sim in question will usually water all plants that need it, but then will complain of route failure for "Weed," "Harvest (or Harvest All)", or "Evolve" when there are multiple free tiles surrounding the planter in all directions.

That's very strange. I haven't seen much route failure complaining at all except that one time I accidentally dropped a fossil in front of a door in a one exit only room. I am not particularly generous with space, either, I like my houses small and compact. I wonder if it could somehow be some bizarre memory thing?
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
« Reply #46 on: 2014 September 07, 23:24:07 »

You could be right. Although my laptop isn't particularly weak. I've read some comments at MTS about route failure, but not that many. Normally in my case one would want to implicate tight pants, but of course at this point there are almost no pants of any kind.

Anyway, some kind of thermometer indicator for when schoolchildren do their homework would also be nice. Also, along the lines of being able to tell teens from adults, I'd also like to be able to tell young adults from mature adults. Sure, people in their 20s can and do marry people in their 50s, but I'd like to know ahead of time whether I'm setting up something like that or not.
« Last Edit: 2014 September 08, 00:33:43 by jwaas » Logged
Pinheaded Pissant
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Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
« Reply #47 on: 2014 September 08, 00:50:30 »

Route failure has always been an issue in every sims game to date, why is everyone so surprised it still exists in the latest reincarnation?

I am not a complete idiot, some of the parts are missing.
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
« Reply #48 on: 2014 September 08, 02:10:21 »

Route failure has always been an issue in every sims game to date, why is everyone so surprised it still exists in the latest reincarnation?

Because they promised it would be improved in TS4.

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Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
« Reply #49 on: 2014 September 08, 05:35:59 »

Is there some way to get part of a family to move out of a household? I have 4 sims, two who are married and just had a baby. Obviously it is logical that they would want to move out and start their own household but when I try to move them out, the whole family is set to move.
I've had several jumpbugs but nothing I can't live with.
Hate the tutorials.
HATE, HATE, HATE the men's hairstyles. Srsly, it just looks like a lump of dough set up there on their heads. This was the best they could do?
And of course the men get screwed again with lack of clothing options.
My neighborhoods are all populated with the fat and the elderly. I didn't know TS4 would be set up in God's Waiting Room.
I miss the Strangetown/aliens aspect of the game.
Normal careers would be nice.
No dishwashers? what??
omg, quit push upping, sit upping every.freaking.where.

On the plus side, fast loading times. Roll Eyes

<Pescado> Make it quick. I'm busy and you're not funny.
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