Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.

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I think we should make a topic that lists every annoyance and gameplay problem so that -if- Pescado and other modders here want to comb through what needs to be stomped like a bug, they have a handy list of varied problems and shit.

I will comb through more tonight and start a list of problems. Anyone have issues they found?

Kill the stupid tutorial tips.

Madame Mim:
God, yes. Kill the tutorial tips with nuclear fire.

An option to turn off the tutorial tips would be nice, indeed.A curbstomp to musical chairs, i.e. the Sims switching chairs repeatedly in order to be closer to each other when talking. Close is good, switching chairs eight times only to end up where you started is ridiculous.Better control of townie population: I am seeing the town being filled up with a lot of elders, but that's not going to help me much when I need to find a potential wife for a sim. Randomization would be nice -- let's see some members of all age groups move in as family units, maybe.Speaking of townie control, I would also like to not have very overweight being the apparent default for townies spawning. I know it's probably realistic in some parts of Murrica, but...An easy way in-game to flag clothing as inappropriate for random spawning on townies (if that already exists, I can't find it at least). I really don't need to see the sombrero of shame or wassitscalled on every other townie.An option to turn off the sparkles on foods and flowers would be nice. That really annoys some players, I've noticed.Less queue-dropping. Get up at 3am to complain that you need to pee? No. Go pee, you idiot.A food spoil mood. I understand that food rottage is no longer dependent on the fridge quality, but seriously, whatever happened to freezing food? I want to be able to cook for a few days ahead.Cut down on gardening time. It can't take -all- day to weed and water eight plants.Better choice of bathrooms. If I have two bathrooms you don't need to walk in on your kid every damn time he takes a bath, you perv.No matter how energized my kid is when he goes to school, he never manages to meet the attend school while energized requirement for a higher grade.Can't quite tell yet if this is required, but I bet it is: A mod to prevent sims from reading the same book over and over.Dafuq? Get married to boyfriend, name does not change for either?Upon death, inventory needs to be transferred to a living relative. Burning all remaining aspiration points on potions only to have them disappear into the urn kind of sucks.Guy sees his dad and friend die, and grieves for two days. Wife is at work when mum and friend dies and thus does not grieve. Sense, there is little.The coffee machine needs give a higher energy boost. At the moment it costs more energy to make and drink coffee than you gain from doing it.Gardening is a pain in the backside. We really need a garden sprinkler or the like, so we can at least water a bunch of plants at one time. As it stands, the only way to keep gardening sane is to splice pretty much everything into one tree.Socialising at work builds social need but does not introduce you to people. We seriously needs some kind of fix in this regard, particularly for the kids in school.Excercise away and a female sim will get ripped and toned -- and stay fatter for every day. There has to be something wrong in the formula somewhere. Males stay thin -- and women get fat no matter what they do. A sixpack over a belly the size of a hippo looks very odd.
On the wishlist:

Normal careers. A mod along the lines of Nraas' career mod for Sims 3, that allows people to create custom careers. I don't want to be a rocket scientist or a space pirate, I want to be an accountant.A mod to slow down time. I want longer days, longer nights. Too accustomed to playing with Nraas' time slow thing, days go past before I know what hit me!
That's it from me at the moment. Will edit to add if I notice other blatant infractions. On the whole though, less horribly broke from start than I feared.

a way to kick other sims out of conversations would be nice too.  trying to chat up a potential husband/wife at the bar and bam! 5 other sims suddenly invite themselves into the conversation! Suddenly flirting attempts previously well received are creating awkward conversations.  Less cockblocking!


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