Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 368
Even more arrows in knees!
I don't know what I'm doing wrong but even with crack v4 I get CTDs in loading screens.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 37
It's been rock solid here, except the Gallery will not load. Not that big of a deal though. I find it difficult to complain very loudly about something I didn't pay for.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 178
V5 released with DLC support, still requires Origin. You need to clear Sims 4 files in My documents to make the DLC work. (except saves and mods)
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 358
V5 released with DLC support, still requires Origin. You need to clear Sims 4 files in My documents to make the DLC work. (except saves and mods)
Worked for me without deleting the files. You also can use the gallery, as long as you load the game in Offline Origin mode. This is why you make a throwaway Origin account, and not your main one. I had the game set to Offline only, then set it so I could use the Gallery. No auto-reconnect, of course. I managed to load up the gallery and saw that it made Origin go online. That's bad, but makes sense. The DLC that is not included with v5 is the Sims 3 reward items, and the strategy guide computer you get for buying the strategy guide. Basically only mood lights and whatever the Freezer Bunny Trophy does, and a computer. It's easy enough later on to make a mood room.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 178
I guess that means the Gallery will be inaccessible when the NoOrigin crack comes out?
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 358
It's yet unknown for now if the Gallery will be inaccessible with a NoOrigin crack. I believe that losing access to the gallery will be a requirement for a NoOrigin crack, because there'd be nobody who could log into the Gallery to get items. Of course if you don't NEED to log into Origin to play The Sims 4 and could still use the gallery, using an .ini file to choose the username, I'd prefer to use that over logging into Origin, even if I don't get the gallery. One thing you CAN do right after you go online with The Sims 4 into the Gallery is put Origin back into offline mode.
I am still planning on buying the game eventually. Perhaps when it goes on sale. Or after an expansion comes out.
« Last Edit: 2014 September 13, 03:44:25 by IAmTheRad »
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 79
I wish someone would release the DLC alone cause I refuse to pay $15 just to get the one I need. This is my big problem with Sim games and their DLC prices, I have never had any problem buying DLC for games but in the sims world is just way too expensive.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 28
Could anybody help please? I copied TS4 contents in Program Files(x86)/Origin Games/The Sims 4, and also copied crack v5 to all related folders. switched Origin to offline and disabled Origin in game. But when I run the launcher it says ACTIVATION REQUIRED, to play, displayname field missing from registry. Does anyone know what's going wrong in here??
A good priest is a dead priest.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 154
Could anybody help please? I copied TS4 contents in Program Files(x86)/Origin Games/The Sims 4, and also copied crack v5 to all related folders. switched Origin to offline and disabled Origin in game. But when I run the launcher it says ACTIVATION REQUIRED, to play, displayname field missing from registry. Does anyone know what's going wrong in here??
Are you sure that you are downloading the entire crack? You have to exclude the folder where you download it (and the program folder where you paste it) from your antivirus software, because many of them will see the crack as a virus and delete it accordingly. I also read that you shouldn't put it in Program Files because it can cause some issues. I put all my games on a separate drive anyways so I can't help with that. If those don't work, then you're on your own.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 28
Are you sure that you are downloading the entire crack? You have to exclude the folder where you download it (and the program folder where you paste it) from your antivirus software, because many of them will see the crack as a virus and delete it accordingly. I also read that you shouldn't put it in Program Files because it can cause some issues. I put all my games on a separate drive anyways so I can't help with that. If those don't work, then you're on your own.
Thank you, I checked and found out that my antivirus doesn't let the application run, but other than that, it's crackV5 which is the main problem, because it makes Origin pop up and say authentication required. As far as I found out, it's about the 3dmgame.dll file which is missing in crackV5. I re-extracted the files and used crackV2, but when I run the launcher, it gives me this error: "Unable to start: Initialization error at startup. [135dec40:984c6a38:00000077]" consider that I've already installed vc2013 in the installer folder. could you please give me the link where you got a working crack from?
A good priest is a dead priest.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 154
Are you sure that you are downloading the entire crack? You have to exclude the folder where you download it (and the program folder where you paste it) from your antivirus software, because many of them will see the crack as a virus and delete it accordingly. I also read that you shouldn't put it in Program Files because it can cause some issues. I put all my games on a separate drive anyways so I can't help with that. If those don't work, then you're on your own.
Thank you, I checked and found out that my antivirus doesn't let the application run, but other than that, it's crackV5 which is the main problem, because it makes Origin pop up and say authentication required. As far as I found out, it's about the 3dmgame.dll file which is missing in crackV5. I re-extracted the files and used crackV2, but when I run the launcher, it gives me this error: "Unable to start: Initialization error at startup. [135dec40:984c6a38:00000077]" consider that I've already installed vc2013 in the installer folder. could you please give me the link where you got a working crack from? I have no clue which website I got it from, I literally just googled sims 4 crack v5 and downloaded a torrent. I don't know why that isn't working for you, but if you can't make it go I would just wait until the noOrigin crack comes out.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 28
I have no clue which website I got it from, I literally just googled sims 4 crack v5 and downloaded a torrent. I don't know why that isn't working for you, but if you can't make it go I would just wait until the noOrigin crack comes out.
Torrent sites usually require completing a survey to receive the download link, and the surveys are mostly filtered for us in Iran by the gov, anyway, this version is being such a pain in the a** for me, I'd better take your advice and wait for the noOrigin version. Thank you so much for your help.
A good priest is a dead priest.
Grammar Police

Posts: 943
I have no clue which website I got it from, I literally just googled sims 4 crack v5 and downloaded a torrent. I don't know why that isn't working for you, but if you can't make it go I would just wait until the noOrigin crack comes out.
Torrent sites usually require completing a survey to receive the download link... What the hell are you doing? Use Pirate Bay or Kickass Torrents like the rest of us non-braindead folk.
  WARNING:PMs may be published if it contains butthurt or sporking which belong on the boards. And if I feel like it
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 178
Rofl, can't even pirate a game properly.
Grammar Police

Posts: 4931
"Start a new thread" is the new "Search."
Sims sites usually require you to answer questions based on Monty Python movies to register. I know this based upon my sampling of one site.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Jack Rudd
Grammar Police

Posts: 594
Grammar Militia
One of the sites I used recently had "what was Alan Turing's name?" as its human-confirming question.
 Twice West of England chess champion FIDE rating 2328 Official MATY Predictable Puellile Poser In Memoriam: WFM Jessie Gilbert, 1987-2006
Anyone managed to unlock some of the bonus crap like the animal hats or that computer that you get for buying the Prima Guide? As far as I can tell they're built into the game but hidden until you unlock them so I don't think you have to download anything. At least the Prima computer is definitely a code.
Semi necromatically replying to myself, but I found someone who posted the Deluxe DLC bonus costumes and hats. (scroll down) As I thought, they're there in the game files everyone has but locked if you don't have the Deluxe Edition. She didn't unlock them though, she cloned them. There still are some extra foods that are locked away and that Prima computer. And I guess all those plumbob mood lamps if you arr'ed Sims3 and don't actually own that to unlock those. Oh and beware you may get some townies spawning with those, err, unique clothing items. I know the townies in my game seem to love that damned pinata sombrero to death and I am constantly finding more of them with it and having to go in and edit it off of them.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 178
Well Reloaded finally released their No Origin crack. Stick to 3DM if you want gallery access.
J. M. Pescado
One of the sites I used recently had "what was Alan Turing's name?" as its human-confirming question. Yeah, but I didn't want to merely confirm humans. Spammers are humans also, that's how they keep getting past those tests. I don't really care if you are a human or not, I want to see that you can SEARCH MOAR and/or KNOW INTERNETS. Since these are very easily searched questions, they resolve the matter handily, especially since clicking "Hint" sends you to the Google.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 358
RELOADED version doesn't require Origin, so it is infinitely much better than 3DM version.
I'm gladly giving up Gallery access for no Origin.
J. M. Pescado
What is "Gallery"?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Madame Mim
It's what Sims 4 calls The Exchange.
Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
J. M. Pescado
And nothing of value was lost.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 358
RELOADED release contains the Sims 3 'lights' and the freezer bunny statue that costs 7k but does absolutely nothing.
Also contains the digital deluxe content sans the soundtrack, and also includes the latest update for the game which added ghosts.
So it's better than the 3DM release.
Most importantly, it does not need Origin. I installed it. No Origin needed. Just block the TS4.exe in a firewall.
And a virus scanner might pick it up as a VIRUS. Oh noes it's a false positive because 99% of game cracks will show up as false positives.
J. M. Pescado
This is among the reasons I stopped using commercial virus scanners, because they insisted everything on my computer was a virus, including the stuff I made myself.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.