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How do I update cc to the lastest eps?
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Topic: How do I update cc to the lastest eps? (Read 7831 times)
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 53
How do I update cc to the lastest eps?
2014 May 12, 18:20:07 »
Hello, I'm hoping that I'm posting in the right spot. I'm assuming that I am. Anywho, I have a number of items like, fridges, bookcases, tvs, and computers that have not been updated to the last ep. What I want to do is get those items to do what all the ep's allow them to do. So of course, vacation-book a vaca on the computer and buy photo alblums. University options for the computers and the new study's on the book cases.
I remember years ago that I had seen a tut to do just what I'm asking, but I can't find it. I know that I am suppose to use simpe to do this and I checked the simpe forums. They don't have anything that I could find to help me. Plus it has been a very long time sense anyone has been there.
I found one tut at mts but they want me to add code. If I could add code than I wouldn't be looking for a tut to do this.
Does anyone have any idea how to do what I'm asking? Or at the very least shove me in the right direction.
Thanks so much for any help.
Grammar Police
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Re: How do I update cc to the lastest eps?
Reply #1 on:
2014 May 13, 14:26:34 »
MTS generally has the simplest solutions (they have to, because their policy is to cater to idiots). If you can't follow their tutorial, I don't know what anyone else could do. One of the many, many problems with TS2 was that new object functionality introduced in later EPs would only be applied to objects from that EP and the base game, and objects cloned from those objects had the same restriction. Each EP acted like none of the others existed. That was a problem that existed for the entire lifespan of TS2, and Lord Darcy created a series of mods to fix EA's content.
Later on, TS3 would fix this problem from the get-go with patches whenever a new game came out, but people still clung to TS2 and shunned TS3, even though TS3 has proven superior in almost every possible way. Those people are fucktards.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 53
Re: How do I update cc to the lastest eps?
Reply #2 on:
2014 May 13, 18:09:52 »
I'm going to choose to believe that your not calling me an idiot nor a fucktard, because neither insult was necessary. The tut that I found on MTS (the only one) was asking me to write code, that is not a simple task for someone who doesn't have that ability. If there is no other way to make these changes to cc then so be it. It is not a do or die situation, just a mere hopeful question.
My opinion on Sims3 and the reasons I choose not to play a game that requires several third party fixes just to get it to run, or the inability to get past three generations is irrelevant to my inquiry.
I thank you for responding.
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