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AwesomeMod for Sims 3 1.63
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Topic: AwesomeMod for Sims 3 1.63 (Read 35747 times)
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
AwesomeMod for Sims 3 1.63
2014 January 21, 19:09:07 »
Is it possible to download an older and working version of Awesomemod? My TS3 version is 1.63 and i have AwesomeMod for it. It worked but now when my game is starting it gives me a message "AwesomeMod has expired on december 2013 and i have to download a new one. Unfotunately its a big problem because the newest version is for TS3 1.66 and i"m not able to update my game - installer says "installed version cannot be found. setup will now terminate" though the game works seamlessly with ver 1.66.
Please help
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: AwesomeMod for Sims 3 1.63
Reply #1 on:
2014 January 22, 01:05:18 »
Try reinstalling or running the standalone patcher. I no longer have the old version anywhere because I destroy them upon putting out the new version, which didn't actually change anything. You could just try running the new version anyway.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 30
Re: AwesomeMod for Sims 3 1.63
Reply #2 on:
2014 January 28, 18:50:48 »
Is it possible to get an extension on the 1.63 AM? I ask because (a) Twallan quit updating with 1.63 and I like my game better with Nraas & AM ( although I understand that some of the mods are being "picked up" by the Nraas community), and (b) I don't have Into The Future installed yet so updating to 1.66 in light of the Twallan mods situation isn't that necessary for me. At some point I will likely get Into The Future but that's a bit "into the future" and will hopefully be enough time for Twallan's cohorts to make whatever changes are necessary.
Grammar Police
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Re: AwesomeMod for Sims 3 1.63
Reply #3 on:
2014 January 29, 00:16:27 »
No. Go away.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1023
Re: AwesomeMod for Sims 3 1.63
Reply #4 on:
2014 January 29, 20:52:29 »
Quote from: columbia on 2014 January 28, 18:50:48
Is it possible to get an extension on the 1.63 AM? I ask because (a) Twallan quit updating with 1.63 and I like my game better with Nraas & AM ( although I understand that some of the mods are being "picked up" by the Nraas community), and (b) I don't have Into The Future installed yet so updating to 1.66 in light of the Twallan mods situation isn't that necessary for me. At some point I will likely get Into The Future but that's a bit "into the future" and will hopefully be enough time for Twallan's cohorts to make whatever changes are necessary.
When was the last time you checked twallan's mods? They have been updated for 1.66/1.67 and some have even been done by twallan himself. Now fuck off.
I am not a complete idiot, some of the parts are missing.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 30
Re: AwesomeMod for Sims 3 1.63
Reply #5 on:
2014 January 30, 06:20:14 »
First of all, I'd checked a couple of days before and only a couple had been updated to 1.67 and most of the others were not clear even for 1.66. This was before I'd seen the message regarding Twallan leaving and, since I don't make it my life to lurk and troll the S3 world like some....ahem... and I didn't see anything definitive about what was being done or by whom, and with AM expiring, I thought to buy some time in case Twallan decided not to finish up and others would (hopefully) step in.
So, Jezzer, thanks for your VERY helpful comment. I love when you guys take the time to give us normals so much attention. Obviously nothing better to do. At least Wizard gave me an answer, even with the silly little closer that was meant to make him feel big and me small but just made me feel a little sad and very thankful.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 97
Re: AwesomeMod for Sims 3 1.63
Reply #6 on:
2014 January 30, 17:54:37 »
Ah, I see this thread after posting on the other. So it looks like my problem may indeed have to do with the non-patched game. I'll go and check Twallan's mods status so.
I had simply assumed AwesomeMod, being like, Awesome, would also be backwards-compatible... ;-p
Grammar Police
Posts: 4931
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Re: AwesomeMod for Sims 3 1.63
Reply #7 on:
2014 January 30, 19:02:02 »
Quote from: columbia on 2014 January 30, 06:20:14
So, Jezzer, thanks for your VERY helpful comment. I love when you guys take the time to give us normals so much attention. Obviously nothing better to do. At least Wizard gave me an answer, even with the silly little closer that was meant to make him feel big and me small but just made me feel a little sad and very thankful.
Yeah, no one cares about your pwecious widdle feewings. Save them for your LJ.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 30
Re: AwesomeMod for Sims 3 1.63
Reply #8 on:
2014 January 30, 20:44:41 »
Silly little Jezzer - I see you still don't have anything better to do.
As for why I was asking and why maybe you guys need to take things down a notch before jumping in with your egos or boredom or insanity or whatever you seem to think I'm interesetd in....
I downloaded a few of the Twallan mods on 1/27 but they weren't all updated and AM expired ON 1/27. I know there has been a time in the past when Pescado extended the older version of AM because of some issues I don't remember but probably along this same line so I thought to ask. Just ask. It was reasonable to do so, something you guys don't have even a passing knowledge of. I see that, as of my earlier visit today to Twallan, the mods are updated - and NOT the same version they were on the 27th. So YES, now they are fine. As of the evening of the 27th when AM was expiring, they were not.
I'll give you DAs a pass if a truly stupid question is asked simply because I sincerely think you can't help yourselves. My question, however, as well as many of the questions asked on these forums, aren't stupid and deserve more attention and respect than some of you are capable of. Here's a random idea - think TWICE before expelling your mental and verbal diarrhea. GTBMANY.
Posts: 2996
warm n jiggly
Re: AwesomeMod for Sims 3 1.63
Reply #9 on:
2014 January 30, 21:51:09 »
Your request WAS stupid, because it's been asked for over and over and over again. The answer is always "NO, UPDATE YOUR DAMN GAME", so what made you think that you were special enough to get a different answer?
[19:30] <sooze> YAY BFFs
[19:30] <sooze> Bestest Foes Forever
Grammar Police
Posts: 4931
"Start a new thread" is the new "Search."
Re: AwesomeMod for Sims 3 1.63
Reply #10 on:
2014 January 31, 14:28:44 »
Quote from: columbia on 2014 January 30, 20:44:41
Silly little Jezzer - I see you still don't have anything better to do.
As for why I was asking and why maybe you guys need to take things down a notch before jumping in with your egos or boredom or insanity or whatever you seem to think I'm interesetd in....
I downloaded a few of the Twallan mods on 1/27 but they weren't all updated and AM expired ON 1/27. I know there has been a time in the past when Pescado extended the older version of AM because of some issues I don't remember but probably along this same line so I thought to ask. Just ask. It was reasonable to do so, something you guys don't have even a passing knowledge of. I see that, as of my earlier visit today to Twallan, the mods are updated - and NOT the same version they were on the 27th. So YES, now they are fine. As of the evening of the 27th when AM was expiring, they were not.
I'll give you DAs a pass if a truly stupid question is asked simply because I sincerely think you can't help yourselves. My question, however, as well as many of the questions asked on these forums, aren't stupid and deserve more attention and respect than some of you are capable of. Here's a random idea - think TWICE before expelling your mental and verbal diarrhea. GTBMANY.
Have you tried crying about it on an online forum where no one gives a shit?
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
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