Yeah Eighties Guy, I was having trouble getting a couple of them them to look older with out having them look too old. But I have been doing some fixes to make them look a bit better I think. I took in to account your suggestion about the age of several of them (more fixes coming later). I also had some other suggestions from other Whovian friends too.
The Ninth DoctorDownloadPortrayed by Christopher Eccleston

Fixes Made: Body Build, Facial Structure, Age
The Tenth DoctorDownloadPortrayed by David Tennant

Fixes Made: Body Build
The Eleventh DoctorDownloadPortrayed by Matt Smith

Fixes Made: Outfit changes
Fixes Made: Fur corrections
Sarah Jane SmithDownloadPortrayed by Elisabeth Sladen

Fixes Made: Facial Structure
Jabe of the Forest of CheemDownloadPortrayed by Yasmin Bannerman
Fixes Made: Outfits changes, Skin Tone, & Hair coloring (Thought about making her older but it really didn't make her look better).
The OodDownloadPortrayed by Paul Kasey

Fixes Made: Outfits changes
And I have one brand new sim: Reinette Poisson (The Girl in the Fireplace)DownloadPortrayed by Sophia Myles