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Topic: No Baby Harassment (Read 36505 times)
J. M. Pescado
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Re: No Baby Harassment
Reply #50 on:
2005 December 09, 11:43:25 »
Quote from: Swiftgold on 2005 December 09, 08:59:33
Yeah, you can get them to pick them up using objects like the highchair or the crib, but I've also noticed that with the old version of the noharrassment in, they just ignore the kids almost entirely. They'll let them out after they've woken up, autonomously, but I haven't seen anyone feed the babies autonomously. Which I suppose is the point, but it also means I have to remember to make them do it at all so the kids aren't taken away...
Well, considering that the feeding behavior is one of the more obnoxious ones, no surprise there. Isn't it great watching them waste your food supplies trying to forcefeed bottle after bottle to a full baby?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Goopy Lover
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Re: No Baby Harassment
Reply #51 on:
2005 December 09, 11:51:21 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2005 December 09, 11:43:25
Quote from: Swiftgold on 2005 December 09, 08:59:33
Yeah, you can get them to pick them up using objects like the highchair or the crib, but I've also noticed that with the old version of the noharrassment in, they just ignore the kids almost entirely. They'll let them out after they've woken up, autonomously, but I haven't seen anyone feed the babies autonomously. Which I suppose is the point, but it also means I have to remember to make them do it at all so the kids aren't taken away...
Well, considering that the feeding behavior is one of the more obnoxious ones, no surprise there. Isn't it great watching them waste your food supplies trying to forcefeed bottle after bottle to a full baby?
Does giving a baby a bottle empty your frdge then?
I didn't know that.
Illusions of Grandeur
Laverwinkle Sims
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Re: No Baby Harassment
Reply #52 on:
2005 December 09, 12:01:25 »
Quote from: Emma on 2005 December 09, 11:51:21
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2005 December 09, 11:43:25
Quote from: Swiftgold on 2005 December 09, 08:59:33
Yeah, you can get them to pick them up using objects like the highchair or the crib, but I've also noticed that with the old version of the noharrassment in, they just ignore the kids almost entirely. They'll let them out after they've woken up, autonomously, but I haven't seen anyone feed the babies autonomously. Which I suppose is the point, but it also means I have to remember to make them do it at all so the kids aren't taken away...
Well, considering that the feeding behavior is one of the more obnoxious ones, no surprise there. Isn't it great watching them waste your food supplies trying to forcefeed bottle after bottle to a full baby?
yes it does slow but sure
Does giving a baby a bottle empty your frdge then?
I didn't know that.
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
Goopy Lover
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Re: No Baby Harassment
Reply #53 on:
2005 December 09, 12:05:27 »
Well I suppose that makes sense
I have got bottles from empty fridges before though.
Illusions of Grandeur
Laverwinkle Sims
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2079
Re: No Baby Harassment
Reply #54 on:
2005 December 09, 12:09:41 »
Quote from: Emma on 2005 December 09, 12:05:27
Well I suppose that makes sense
I have got bottles from empty fridges before though.
toddlers and babies can always be fed from an empty fridge.I use Inge's always stocked fridge patch to avoid empy fridge's
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 131
Re: No Baby Harassment
Reply #55 on:
2005 December 09, 15:27:57 »
OK, so this is what isn't fair about all this: I have a fairly decent computer, I don't use any of the cheats you all use, and my game went buggy anyway ... what I want to know is, how the hell do you play all those sims in one house without crashing your game?
Do you all have mega computers, or did you sell your souls to the sim devil?
Just wondering, is all.
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Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 167
Re: No Baby Harassment
Reply #56 on:
2005 December 09, 15:31:15 »
I dont do it, my computer would die. Maybe when i get round to a new one, ill give it a go. But by then Sims 3 will be out. And i kinda like my soul where it is right now.
Crazy Lollipop
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Re: No Baby Harassment
Reply #57 on:
2005 December 09, 15:42:20 »
Quote from: cristalfiona on 2005 December 09, 15:31:15
I dont do it, my computer would die. Maybe when i get round to a new one, ill give it a go. But by then Sims 3 will be out. And i kinda like my soul where it is right now.
As I read at EB Games, the Sim Business will be issued in February 2006. You have whole two months to buy a new computer...
Terrible Twerp
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Re: No Baby Harassment
Reply #58 on:
2005 December 09, 15:45:43 »
Quote from: Witches on 2005 December 09, 15:27:57
OK, so this is what isn't fair about all this: I have a fairly decent computer, I don't use any of the cheats you all use, and my game went buggy anyway ... what I want to know is, how the hell do you play all those sims in one house without crashing your game?
Do you all have mega computers, or did you sell your souls to the sim devil?
Nah. Before my current computer (which is pretty good), I had a fairly cruddy Compaq with an integrated 64MB graphics card that didn't even display mirrors or water. And I could play trailer parks with 30-35 sims without any trouble. That was before NL. NL is great! It makes the sim icons stack horizontally. Used to be you had to right-mouse-click sims or use the space bar to select them because some were hidden beyond the top edge of the screen.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 167
Re: No Baby Harassment
Reply #59 on:
2005 December 09, 15:48:59 »
Quote from: gali on 2005 December 09, 15:42:20
As I read at EB Games, the Sim Business will be issued in February 2006. You have whole two months to buy a new computer...
I dont even have uni or nightlife yet!! Though hopefully santa will be nice. (Disclaimer: I dont believe in Santa- its just a phrase). Although then, i will have to update all my hacks, its a good thing JM has already got nl, else i wouldnt be able to play.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 62
Re: No Baby Harassment
Reply #60 on:
2005 December 13, 11:41:13 »
Quote from: Swiftgold on 2005 December 09, 01:31:33
As I've had a glut of twins lately - no idea WHY, but my last five births (non-hack, natural Try or Risky conception) have been twins and I'm getting a bit tired of it - I just put the noharrassment back in, as I just couldn't stand them mobbing the kids when they're fine in their cribs! Apart from not being able to talk to the toddlers (so of course everyone rolls up wants to talk and be talked to) and not directly pick them up - it's working okay. Still, I'd love an updated version.
If that's the only conflict with NL then I'm going to install it now and save my sanity. I have a number of households with babies on the way, plus teens and other adults, and I can't take a repeat of the Goth Experience. Even so, I'd welcome an update as well.
My Goth household has a teen and four adults, and while Simon was still a toddler I, in spiral-eyed, slobbering desperation, placed a SimLogical locking door on the nursery, giving keys only to Simon and his parents. This kept the pests away from the crib, but they still crouched in the hallway with "harrass youngster" popping in and out of their queues. Of course, as soon as Simon toddled out of the nursery to get himself to the potty, they pounced. This once resulted in him pissing himself because I couldn't teleport the pests away from him fast enough -- at least he got bathed when he actually needed it that time. Cassandra wouldn't even drive to work, the obsessed bitch, because she was intent on feeding or bathing her nephew even though he was full and clean (heaven forbid she'd take him to the potty, his only real need). The rest were nearly as bad, and I spent most of my time making sure everyone NOT directly involved with child-rearing got their asses to school or work. Most of the time they wouldn't on their own; now that Simon is a child things are back to normal.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
Re: No Baby Harassment
Reply #61 on:
2005 December 13, 13:47:22 »
Hey all...
Inge has a LESS AUTONOMY BABY CARE hack compatible w/ NL...I've used it with NO probs.
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 131
Re: No Baby Harassment
Reply #62 on:
2005 December 13, 16:56:50 »
Quote from: cristalfiona on 2005 December 09, 15:48:59
Quote from: gali on 2005 December 09, 15:42:20
As I read at EB Games, the Sim Business will be issued in February 2006. You have whole two months to buy a new computer...
I dont even have uni or nightlife yet!! Though hopefully santa will be nice. (Disclaimer: I dont believe in Santa- its just a phrase). Although then, i will have to update all my hacks, its a good thing JM has already got nl, else i wouldnt be able to play.
Santa is NOT nice. After I installed Santa my game went kablooey. And all he did was pee, and get trapped in my house.
So I reinstalled sans Santa and had to replay the last two weeks because I wanted to start from my pre-Santa saved game.
My advice is, save a backup before you install Santa. He may work OK for you, I know people who installed the holiday pack just fine, but I'll never install it again.
I plan to return it for a refund.
The Sims 2 Writer's Block
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Asinine Airhead
Posts: 9
Re: No Baby Harassment
Reply #63 on:
2005 December 13, 20:56:30 »
Quote from: Bangelnuts on 2005 December 08, 18:46:08
Quote from: gali on 2005 December 08, 18:41:39
The truth - I like big families in RL. But in the game I can't control more than 5 sims. I already lost two babies (not lost, the adults just put them on the floor), and discoverred them after few hours, after searching for them all over the house.
Good that the adults took them off the floor autonomously, to feed them, otherwise they could die from hunger...
Babies and toddlers are immune to death in the Sims2 however Im sure the social worker would show up if they were starving
(s)he does. Doesn't that heppen with the child as well?
And Witches; do you kow how long Holiday editino is going to be out for still?
Also, how do you get all those sims? I know there is a way, just my brain seems to have commted suiicide recently.
Super-Deformed Bobblehead
Vacuous Vegetable
Posts: 4332
Re: No Baby Harassment
Reply #64 on:
2005 December 14, 01:47:54 »
Quote from: TheSimaniac on 2005 December 13, 20:56:30
Also, how do you get all those sims? I know there is a way, just my brain seems to have commted suiicide recently.
There's a
No Family Size Limit hack
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