Question: |
Choose your three favorite houses!
(Voting closed: 2013 May 08, 12:55:43)
jesslla | 2356 W. Teid Lane |
  1 (0.9%) |
PA | 1212 Little Valley |
  2 (1.8%) |
Cyberdodo | 1510 Breeder Shack Alley |
  1 (0.9%) |
Morague | 27 Scott St |
  5 (4.5%) |
ReRybka | 96 Aspen Close |
  9 (8%) |
Turd Fergson | 90 Islip Drive |
  2 (1.8%) |
Skadi | 120 Starter Road |
  2 (1.8%) |
jesslla | 411 Anglin Street |
  4 (3.6%) |
SJActress | 578 Viking Drive |
  8 (7.1%) |
Skadi | 16 Qube Street |
  1 (0.9%) |
Skadi | 29 Deception Way |
  1 (0.9%) |
susscrofa | 112 IttyBitty Lane |
  2 (1.8%) |
SJActress | 32 Wainwright Way |
  4 (3.6%) |
jesslla | 7564 Passion Way |
  5 (4.5%) |
ReRybka | 10 Navy Lane |
  3 (2.7%) |
rainkius | 73 Stony Quay |
  0 (0%) |
witch | Grandma's Piece of Quiet |
  6 (5.4%) |
Vespinito | 79a Greyleaze |
  2 (1.8%) |
phoenixc | 240 Victoria street |
  4 (3.6%) |
phoenixc | 990 Doraly Lane |
  5 (4.5%) |
Vespinito | 16 Alameda Walk |
  2 (1.8%) |
phoenixc | 55 Catalina street |
  2 (1.8%) |
phoenixc | 180 Aurora Street |
  4 (3.6%) |
phoenixc | 5 Tropical Lane |
  0 (0%) |
SJActress | 451 Shorelight Circle |
  2 (1.8%) |
phoenixc | 101 Cages Lane |
  3 (2.7%) |
wytewidow | 5 Mango Way |
  2 (1.8%) |
rainkius | 973 Quaking Robin Alcove |
  2 (1.8%) |
Cyberdodo | 2015 Trailer Park |
  0 (0%) |
virgali | 99 Purple Water Rd |
  1 (0.9%) |
virgali | 28 Garden View Lane |
  0 (0%) |
Skadi | 22 Foundation Drive |
  6 (5.4%) |
Madame Mim | 1 Mimm Place |
  1 (0.9%) |
Madame Mim | 2 Mimm Place |
  1 (0.9%) |
Cyberdodo | 1010 Wizard Tower |
  0 (0%) |
Madame Mim | 3 Mimm Place |
  1 (0.9%) |
pepsihamster | Spring Wood 39 |
  7 (6.3%) |
susscrofa | 456 Boxcroft Street |
  1 (0.9%) |
Aklu | 1000 Crystal Avenue |
  1 (0.9%) |
Aklu | 500 Nut Drive |
  4 (3.6%) |
pepsihamster | On The Rise 1 |
  1 (0.9%) |
ReRybka| 63 Lilac Street |
  4 (3.6%) |
Total Voters: 33 |
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Topic: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots. (Read 94288 times)