A humble offering and my first post after a lot of lurking.
This is a fire station community lot, complete with items to see to all motives and most skills. I tried to minimize route-failures and gridlocks, and it is play-tested. I made it to play with myself, so I didn't pay much attention to which expansion/stuff packs I was using; I have all expansions plus Fast Lane and Town Life. I also used at least one store item (the outdoor shower) but I understand that the game will fix any discrepancies in that regard. If that isn't the case and there's interest, I will happily try to fix and re-upload.
On another note, I'm interested in expanding my friend count. I think my one friend is getting sick of getting gifts from me twice a day.

I'd rather not post this request on the Sims 3 forums, for obvious reasons, so if anyone wants another friend please send me a pm!

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