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Author Topic: Appaloosa Plains updated for Seasons  (Read 19261 times)
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638

Shunning the accursed daystar.

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Appaloosa Plains updated for Seasons
« on: 2013 January 14, 08:08:00 »

I have updated one of the default neighbourhoods for Seasons. I have tried a few custom worlds and while some are beautiful, many are too large and even the smaller ones tend to have routing, rabbithole or other issues. As far as I'm concerned, the game is buggy enough without introducing more random problems.

I have been playing in the Twilight township but found the lighting was too dim for me, it's also quite spread out with no particular town centre and when rotated it's easy to lose your place and hard to find specific lots. It's just too dim and sprawly. I looked through each of the other towns and settled on Appaloosa Plains, it has two three levels, a good riding track, a nice compact layout with a well-defined town centre and normal lighting.

The game itself added some lots and I've done some modifying since.

Does have:
- 60 x 62 empty lot
- 64 x 64 empty lot
- 20 x 15 empty lot
- My Fire Hazard lot with perfect gardens built in under Inge's invisible floor cutout rugs  (Also has Buzzler's Box of Seeds behind the washing line with 3 perfect seeds of nearly everything except the newest plants).
- My Woozlebury Mews townhouse
- My Dobbin's Delight ranch replaces one of the large equestrian homes
- Bit of a nappy valley in Rachelle Lane; a clump of starters on 20 x 30 lots. 2 cribs, 2 singles, 1 double bed in each, all under §20K. There is a another clump of 3 starters next to Gould's Steakhouse.
- Varg's Tavern
- Red Velvet Lounge (Vamps)
- Performance Park next to the
- Alfresco Street Market
- Gypsy's Landing, near the beach - fortune teller career
- Beryl Lane Picnic Spot,near the horseshoe-shaped road, has broom stunt area and is next to
- The Lexington Grounds (festival grounds)
- Updated Stones Throw Greenhouse
- Aleister's Elixirs and Sundries (inserted by game)
- Mick's Master Karaoke (inserted by game)
- Flying V's Coffeehouse (inserted by game)
- Port-a-Party Mini Warehouse (inserted by game)
- Sophisticated Little Chapel from MTS, opposite the party warehouse (No CC)
- Equestrian community lots left unchanged

Doesn't have:
- Big show venue
- Movie making backlot
- Fairy arboretum (however that's spelled)
- Pet shop
- Pet parks (have been removed)

You may want:
- Inge's invisible floor cutout rugs or you could just remove the building and grow your plants in the open.
- Buzzler's 'The Box of Seeds'  Doesn't matter if you don't have it, the box just won't be there on lot load.
- My lots use store stuff, so you will need that if you want them to look the same.
- The Sophisticated Little Chapel  I think I used the 2nd one (No CC). I don't think you'll need to re-download it, I just want to give credit to the creator, the chapels are a nice little set.

Download from

Download from 4shared
« Last Edit: 2013 January 14, 09:02:50 by witch » Logged

My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638

Shunning the accursed daystar.

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Re: Appaloosa Plains updated for Seasons
« Reply #1 on: 2013 January 14, 08:08:16 »

The town needed seeding with some supernaturals, so I made a fambly of each of these four types: vampire, werewolf, fairy and witch. (I'm not fussed on genies or ghosts). I pinched three houses from the Twilight hood and used my Fire Hazard house for the fourth.

There are only two of the original Appaloosa families missing, the Bedlingtons and a couple of cowboys on a humungous lot. I moved the cowboys into the Bedlington's place but even though there were enough bedrooms and I named all the lot's text fields 'Bedlington', awesomemod insisted on moving them repeatedly to a small starter home, along with their horses. So they all got deleted.

I use awesomemod so I have no idea if it matters if you put the save in and you do not use AM. The four famblies are sacred, but none are on supreme commander. I've been through and added jobs/professions and skills to all four famblies for young adults and adults. Possibly some teen skills too, I don't remember. They are all steenkeeng rich.

The currently selected lot may also be sacred, it holds KissingToast's Frank. N Furter and his werewolf flatmate. These two sims do not yet have skills and jobs, I planned for Fran N. Furter to be an acrobat. (I'll add a link to Frank N. Furter later, I can't seem to find it on MTS or here, maybe someone with more google-fu can enlighten me as I don't remember where I got it).

I've just remembered there is also a random house with four flatmates, to give the breeding pool a kickstart.

Werewolf house

Witch house

Vampire house

Fairy house

The werewolves own (and live next to) the Varg's Tavern, the vampires own the Red Velvet Lounge and live very near to it. I haven't changed much in the houses yet although I plan to modify them to suit during play.

This town has all the changes of the previous post, plus the extra famblies here.

Download from

Download from 4shared

Here's a look at the famblies. There is separate download for each. I have used a little bit of custom cc but there's no way I'm going through and attempting to link it all. I wouldn't have used any if I'd thought I'd be uploading them. Sorry for the crap picture quality, I had to do a printscreen and ramp up the contrast/brightness, which has washed them out. Each .rar contains a sims3pack and the .sims files.

Werewolves - Ansila Family

The father's life wish didn't stick, I made him a firefighter. This family tend toward athletic outdoorsy pursuits, they also got a couple of dogs - these may be included in the sims3pack file.

Witches - Weasley Family

Harry & Hermione

The sims3pack does not include Harry and Hermione, but the .rar has their .sims files. The family have two cats which may be in the pack.
Download Weasleys

Vampires - D'Amour Family

The vampires are nearly all virtuosos and have musical skills, they would make a good band.

Fairies - Sidhe Family

Oberon's life wish didn't stick, he was supposed to be a jockey. This family tends to have equestrian skills and traits and some members are eco-friendly.
« Last Edit: 2013 January 15, 00:51:47 by witch » Logged

My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Posts: 2996

warm n jiggly

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Re: Appaloosa Plains updated for Seasons
« Reply #2 on: 2013 January 14, 16:50:52 »

AW, tiny Harry and Hermione! SO CUTE! Smiley

This is a great 'hood witch. I'm going to check it out instead of doing chores today. I can clean my house tomorrow right? Wink

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Asinine Airhead

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Re: Appaloosa Plains updated for Seasons
« Reply #3 on: 2013 January 15, 06:09:49 »

Like you, Witch, I have found Appaloosa Plains the best looking, easiest to navigate, and the most compatible with the Supernatural and Seasons expansion packs. I've played all the other worlds after obtaining them both and Appaloosa Plains is my favorite. You really put an extraordinary effort into the making of this updated 'hood. I'm looking forward to playing.
Grammar Police
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Re: Appaloosa Plains updated for Seasons
« Reply #4 on: 2013 January 15, 17:54:11 »

I think my only problem with Appaloosa Plains is how very, very yellow it is.  But then again, I like Hidden Springs.  Or, as most people call it, GREEN 2:  THE GREENENING.

<soozelwoozel>  Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
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