Asinine Airhead
Posts: 33
I was looking thru the game files for the recipes for the Wood Stove and Teppanyaki Grill since they don't show up in the Cooking skill tab, when I found a few non existing ingredients in them. So I made a mod to fix them.
Teppanyaki Grill: Chicken Fried Rice: originally 2 Chicken now 2 Eggs. Pepper Steak: Pepper now Bell Pepper Teppanyaki Trio: Green Pepper now Bell Pepper
Wood Stove: Pepperoni Pizza: Links now Hot Dogs
Edit to add a requested reminder: This file will need to be updated any time EA adds more food recipes to the store.
Edit - April 3, 2014: Version 2 uploaded to add the new Premium Bakery recipies. No new recipies needed fixed.
« Last Edit: 2014 April 04, 05:11:23 by Starwind »
Grammar Police

Posts: 4931
"Start a new thread" is the new "Search."
"Links" do exist in the game. They're the basic ingredient for grilling hot dogs.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 26
They don't show up in the journal because they have this line: <Learnable>False</Learnable> I guess they made it this way so people wouldn't uninstall the item and then complain at the BBS that they skill journals are bugged.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 33
"Links" do exist in the game. They're the basic ingredient for grilling hot dogs.
"Links" do not exists as an ingredient. Check the ingredient._xml you will see "Hot Dogs" instead.
Grammar Police

Posts: 4931
"Start a new thread" is the new "Search."
"Links" do not exists as an ingredient. Check the ingredient._xml you will see "Hot Dogs" instead.
And if you, you know, PLAY THE ACTUAL GAME, you will see them called "Links" in the refrigerator, in the grocery store shopping screen, in your inventory, etc.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 33
And if you, you know, PLAY THE ACTUAL GAME, you will see them called "Links" in the refrigerator, in the grocery store shopping screen, in your inventory, etc.
Well I wasn't talking about in THE ACTUAL GAME, I was talking about the Store_Recipe file inside ccmerged. Which uses the ingredient.xml which uses HotDog not Links. Now go ahead and make your next little MOAR FIGHT comment, so you have the last word on the topic.
Grammar Police

Posts: 4931
"Start a new thread" is the new "Search."
It's not my fault you can't express yourself properly.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
What does this actually do though? Makes it so that these items are "used" when you cook these recipes? You might also want to mention that this needs a higher priority than ccmerged since it's an override. They don't show up in the journal because they have this line: <Learnable>False</Learnable> I guess they made it this way so people wouldn't uninstall the item and then complain at the BBS that they skill journals are bugged. I would have thought that that is set to false because you don't learn these recipes, they're just there when you use the object.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 33
What does this actually do though? Makes it so that these items are "used" when you cook these recipes? You might also want to mention that this needs a higher priority than ccmerged since it's an override.
I was under the impression that anything placed in the mod folder was automatically a higher priority than ccmerged in the dcbackup folder. And yes the purpose of the mod is for the meals to use the ingredients as was intended except EA's coder couldn't remember their own ingredients' names.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 8
Starwind, just a heads up, this is working great, thank you, your a sweetheart.
Grammar Police

Posts: 4931
"Start a new thread" is the new "Search."
Starwind, just a heads up, this is working great, thank you, your a sweetheart.

<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Teppanyaki Grill: Chicken Fried Rice: originally 2 Chicken now 2 Eggs.
Why didn't you just change chicken to roast instead of using egg? After all chickens are actually in the game, albeit by a different name.
I am not a complete idiot, some of the parts are missing.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 33
Teppanyaki Grill: Chicken Fried Rice: originally 2 Chicken now 2 Eggs.
Why didn't you just change chicken to roast instead of using egg? After all chickens are actually in the game, albeit by a different name. Most Chicken Fried Rice has fried egg not chunks of chicken meat. Plus 2 expensive Roasts for such a low level meal was weird, where as 2 cheaper eggs made more sense.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 8
Oops me bad, should have typed you're, instead of your, thank you Jezzer your absolutely right. Love you. Cheers
Teppanyaki Grill: Chicken Fried Rice: originally 2 Chicken now 2 Eggs.
Why didn't you just change chicken to roast instead of using egg? After all chickens are actually in the game, albeit by a different name. Most Chicken Fried Rice has fried egg not chunks of chicken meat. Plus 2 expensive Roasts for such a low level meal was weird, where as 2 cheaper eggs made more sense. Fair enough, although everytime I have had something like chicken fried rice it has had plenty of chicken pieces in it. Guess it depends where you're from.
I am not a complete idiot, some of the parts are missing.
Breakfast of Champions!

Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Oops me bad, should have typed you're, instead of your, thank you Jezzer your absolutely right. Love you. Cheers
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 33
Added new version to add the new premium bakery recipies. No new fixes to the recipies themselves.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 7
Actually there are more EA mistakes, I just found it today.
Wood Stove: LasagnaLemonAndEggplant --> use wrong ingredient name (Eggplant), should be EggPlant (notice the capital letter "P")
Bakery Oven: CherryCobbler --> use wrong ingredient name (Cherry), should be Cherries CherryPie --> use wrong ingredient name (Cherry), should be Cherries