Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
By popular request. NoEmptyHack -- Brought to you by Phedge34
Credit Inge for the original " No Empty Pot"
Extract file into your Downloads folder and enjoy.
This hack is now compatible with Phedge34's NoMidStreamStop Fix. Note: Maxis didn't even program the potty right to begin with. Even without this patch a toddler who is potty trained can use a the potty when it is full.
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Version history ------------------ v2.0
NoMidStreamStop v1.0 -- Brought to you by Phedge34
Extract file into your Downloads folder and enjoy.
Toddlers no longer have the un-toddler like ability to stop peeing in mid stream. You can now que commands after the potty and they wont stop 'til the their tank is empty.
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Version history ------------------ v1.0 Realistic toddler urination(Edited to re-add hacks)
« Last Edit: 2006 June 17, 04:41:09 by BlueSoup »
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 449
Grilled cheese lovin' cyborg
Oh bless you  It aggravated me no end that they'd stop peeing just because I queued something else up for them! Jen
<Pescado> With ninja throwing breadsticks, YOU are the dipping sauce! | The Literate Sim
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 73
I have the Simlogical no empty potty this used in addition or a replacement?
Stressed spelled backwards is desserts.
I have the Simlogical no empty potty this used in addition or a replacement?
You must take out Inge's hack and use the one here that phedge modified to work with his no Midstream Stop hack. It's not compatible with the original one that Inge has at her site.
Deformed Freak
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 840
Now with new and improved avatar!
Are these NL compatiable?
"Are these NL compatiable?"
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 445
Thanks Phedge and might i say it's nice to see you at MATY.
Edit: Your seems to lack the readme and instead contain i don't think this was intended was it?
« Last Edit: 2005 December 07, 07:54:20 by LFox »
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
Thanks Phedge and might i say it's nice to see you at MATY.
Edit: Your seems to lack the readme and instead contain i don't think this was intended was it?
Whatever could you mean? *quickly reloads corrected zip file* Everything looks on the up and up to me.
Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
Thanks for this-no need to keep buying new potties all the time now 
Too, too great. I used to have that hack, but it got wiped out in the crash meltdown of my hard drive. I am so grateful for you putting it up again Phedge, it was one of the biggest annoyances in the game. Especially because I kept forgetting not to queue anything else up while they were doing their 'thing', and usually ended up with a very stinky and unhappy toddler.
Can you tell me why an adult sim would be able to still empty the potty while the toddler is sitting on it doing their "thing?" I've had this happen several times with this hack, but that was months ago. I quit using it because of this and went back to just Inge's no empty potty hack alone.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
Not sure. I will have to look into that.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 536
Can you tell me why an adult sim would be able to still empty the potty while the toddler is sitting on it doing their "thing?" I've had this happen several times with this hack, but that was months ago. I quit using it because of this and went back to just Inge's no empty potty hack alone.
I get that too and it's not limited to the neat freaks. It's really disturbing to see mom or dad wait until their sweet little toddler is settled to reach between their legs and yoink out the 'blue balloon'. Particularly weird when it interrupts potty training and the toddler's bar is stuck at the same level. edit: but not disturbing enough that I deleted it, heh heh
Remember first that the greatest inequality is to treat unequal things equally
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
Are you using both the no-empty and no-stop hacks?
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 190
I have no potty hacks installed in my game. I have Sims2, Uni, and NL. The parents will quite often do this when the toddlers are using the potty chair. I haven't noticed it while potty training, but they certainly do it when they take the child to the potty or if the child goes to the potty on it's own. I think it might be a "feature" of Maxi programing.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 536
Are you using both the no-empty and no-stop hacks? oops, sorry, apparently I didn't come back to this thread after posting. I am using both, and have even deleted custom potties regardless of how adorable they are because this doesn't cover them and I can't bear to be without it. but you can ignore me, I'm just on the base game and it really doesn't happen often (can't replicate it)
Remember first that the greatest inequality is to treat unequal things equally
Are you using both the no-empty and no-stop hacks?
I'm using neither and I have it happen all the time. It does not happen when pottytraining a toddler, but it happens a lot if an adult brings the toddler to the potty and end up standing in the room with nothing to do. The kid keeps doing their thing, and when they finally are done the potty is empty. I'm sure it's another maxis bug. I'll be downloading this when I get back to my computer, unless maxis has fixed it in the next EP (yeah, right).
It's those neat sims again! Catch Don doing THAT autonomously! But I've had them walk all the way upstairs JUST to empty the potty!
Any parents out there who do it the sim way? I thought the normal thing was to take the potty to the loo, empty it and wash it out!
Zephyr Zodiac
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 536
It's those neat sims again! Catch Don doing THAT autonomously! But I've had them walk all the way upstairs JUST to empty the potty!
Any parents out there who do it the sim way? I thought the normal thing was to take the potty to the loo, empty it and wash it out!
I believe that is the norm, but most real people don't have potties that regenerate little blue liners which turn urine into garbage if you drop them...
Remember first that the greatest inequality is to treat unequal things equally
Well, I suppose they don't have kids who produce blue pee either! 
Zephyr Zodiac
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 532
Just another shitty day in paradise
I just wanted to say thanks for this!
I just dl'ed it last night and it works great (post-NLP2). I had just plain gotten used to not giving another order for the toddler until he/she was done with the potty, but I had a real houseful the other night and forgot & queued up something else for the toddler, who was then grabbed by a parent and tucked in bed with a fairly full bladder (in the yellow quite a ways). Someone posted a note about this mod in another thread, so I came here and checked it out.
Love it already!
Werewolf?<br />There! There wolf! There castle!
I rarely queue anything else for toddlers now, as it makes it so problematic if you want a parent to give them a bath etc. So if I want them to learn a logic skill, I put the logic toy nearest the potty. Mostly they head for the nearest fun object, but if a parent is instructed to feed them, or bath them etc., then they stop and wait to be held.
Zephyr Zodiac
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 532
Just another shitty day in paradise
Yeah, I usually keep the wabbit close by for that same reason. I'm in a mode right now where I'm trying to see how close I can get my toddlers to maxing out the charisma skill. I've only had two so far that actually maxed it. (Should that be one 'x' or two? Looks odd either way.)
Werewolf?<br />There! There wolf! There castle!
I think it should be max'ed (since it's an abbreviation for maximised!)
I use the podium for kids to gain charisma - if they've had smart milk as toddlers then it's amazing how quickly they become proficient public speakers! But I honestly don't like my toddlers to get more than two or three points for each toy, I like them to have something to aim for all their lives!
Sometimes I just put the doll house nearest. I've just had a couple of twin girls in my game, who were nearly friends before growing up because they'd played together with the doll house.
Zephyr Zodiac
I love the Baby Controller for this. It keeps parents from obsessively feeding and bathing toddlers, and it frees me from having to micromanage the little ones so I can devote more attention to the older ones, especially the teens and children. I get bored playing smaller houses anyway. I can always turn it off if needed when I want the parents to play with the toddler, teach it to walk, etc., but it's not always necessary. With Inge's hack that enables them to get out of the crib on their own more often, they usually don't even have to wait for someone to let them out if everyone is busy, so they can take themselves to the potty after they are trained.  The correct spelling is "maxed." That's how I've always seen it, and just to be sure, I looked it up in the dictionary online. It would not be correct to put an apostrophe because it isn't actually a contraction. It is actually a slang/informal word. max (redirected from maxed) Also found in: Idioms, Wikipedia 0.01 sec.
max Pronunciation (mks) Slang n. The maximum: The car can seat five adults, but that's the max. adj. Maximal. adv. Maximally: We'll pay $250 max. intr.v. maxed, max·ing, max·es 1. To reach one's limit, as of endurance or capability: The weightlifter maxed out at 180 kilograms. 2. To reach a point from which no additional growth, improvement, or benefit is possible: The salary for this position maxes at $45,000.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2003. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.