Recently on MATY, there was a huge and beautiful manor-type house offered for download. Unfortunately it was >50MB and many couldn't even install it. I've had it in the back of my mind to create a house in a similar style for some time, I've never tried an old-fashioned sort of house and I've never built one with fireplaces in almost every room. Although when I say old fashioned, it's really more of a shabby but comfortable home.
When I downloaded 'The Burrow' from Diwtay at MTS and threw together the Weasley family for my supernatural neighbourhood, I was very disappointed to discover the sims couldn't use the stairs. There is a bit of roof protruding over the stairs and I couldn't manage to change or grab it without changing the look of the Burrow. So the lot was functionally useless.
So in
a parallel an alternate simsverse the Weasleys now live in an large old manor house, except for Bill and Charles who have left home. What's more, in this
parallel alternate world, Harry and Hermione live in the house too. Because I can.
This is a 30x30 lot with the garden mostly unfinished. §190K (approx.). I plan to use it on a larger lot myself, but I want to give people the option of using the smaller lot. The house is 3 stories (including the ground floor); it has 6 bedrooms, a nursery, 4 full bathrooms and 2 toilets. Living, eating and entertainment on the ground floor; explosions and experiments on the top. The nursery is on the ground floor because I am sick to death of butlers, babysitters and random sims always bringing the toddlers downstairs where there are usually no toys.
Let me tell you about fireplaces now. Hur. I had no idea they were so prone to catching fire. There are 9 fireplaces, the Weasleys need them for the
flue Floo network after all, and I decided it would be a nice Seasons touch to have them all automatically lighting. I was hoping I could do multiple upgrades on fireplaces, but it turns out you get 1 of 3 options; autolight, change colour or fireproof. I actually want all 3. If a modder makes me a mod, I will build a house to spec for them. Anyway, I gave the sims all 10 handiness points and made the fireplaces auto lighting. Chaos ensued. I have included pictorial evidence. Heh. Incidentally, I called this lot 'Fire Hazard' right from the beginning, till I could come up with a better name. There isn't a better name for this lot!
Just as a side note - has anyone else had a play with the new blueprints for building a house? Cool concept, ginormous rooms, I hope modders can make new blueprints.
So, on to the pictures.

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FIRE! Every single fireplace went up, one after the other. My sims were running like maniacs to put them out and the fire truck spent all night running backwards and forwards from the fire station. It was total chaos. | 

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Download Fire Hazard sims3packDownload Fire Hazard package(I'm sorry about the masses of pictures, I just don't know when to stop.
