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Various Annoyance stomping Hacks 1.55
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Topic: Various Annoyance stomping Hacks 1.55 (Read 42616 times)
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Various Annoyance stomping Hacks 1.55
2012 September 09, 21:05:09 »
No update needed for patch 1.55
>> All 1.50 hacks work fine with patch 1.55 <<
Inventing is fun + no more ice cream truck:
reply #23
No free painting/street art skills from comics writing + writing comics/novels is fun:
reply #22
Cats present stuff to sim tweak + less annoying Bonehilda:
reply #21
No Zombies:
reply #19
Kills the queue stomping freakout during full moon lunacy.
Sets the number of random sims turned into zombies to 0 (it was 3 for every full moon) and the spawning chance for zombies to 3% every 120 ingame
minutes instead of 40% every 90
ETA: Sorry for the brainfart - it's
, not
- checking for zombie spawning every 90 seconds would be a bit much, even for EAxis
No more lag due to the game trying to
phone home
send an alchemy potion to a friend when clicking on it in inventory.
Sets the chance of gem (/metal/whatever) spawning points to spawn as digging holes to 0. Because digging holes are ugly and useless unless your sims have dogs.
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Last Edit: 2013 July 14, 13:44:32 by sloppyhousewife
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
Breakfast of Champions!
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Re: Testers wanted: No Fullmoon Freakout + Extremely low Chance of Zombies
Reply #1 on:
2012 September 09, 23:17:24 »
I haven't seen the lunacy freakout, I'm assuming only non-supes get it? My household has four assorted supes and they get good buffs off moonlight and the full moon. As for the zombies in the garden, 40% every 90 seconds? What the fuck?!?
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 37
Re: Testers wanted: No Fullmoon Freakout + Extremely low Chance of Zombies
Reply #2 on:
2012 September 09, 23:45:52 »
"40% every 90 seconds" No wonder my game kept spawning zombies when it got stuck thinking it was a full moon. Had to abandon that save until there's a way of fixing it.
"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."
Mushroom Girl
Posts: 1506
Re: Testers wanted: No Fullmoon Freakout + Extremely low Chance of Zombies
Reply #3 on:
2012 September 10, 03:31:21 »
The big issue at the moment is a bug that occurs if you save between 4pm and 8pm on a full moon night. The game just keeps spawning zombie after zombie, regardless of the moon state. I personally want MOAR zombies.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Re: Testers wanted: No Fullmoon Freakout + Extremely low Chance of Zombies
Reply #4 on:
2012 September 10, 07:19:50 »
Quote from: witch on 2012 September 09, 23:17:24
I haven't seen the lunacy freakout, I'm assuming only non-supes get it?
Um... no idea ^^. My non-sup sims don't freak out every full moon, either, so I guess it's kinda random. They just act weird, like sleeping in evening wear and trying to slap random people.
As for the zombies in the garden, 40% every 90 seconds? What the fuck?!?
Heh. After playing my SN test hood for some weeks (half the population had turned to zombie already, or so it seemed), I let a new sim move in. All was fine until the first full moon. Then, they came - zombie after zombie after zombie. The house was surrounded by them. And they kept coming. Actually, it was pretty cool - like in a horror movie.
Quote from: Skadi on 2012 September 10, 03:31:21
I personally want MOAR zombies.
I could make an "Even MOAR zombies" hack
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
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Re: Testers wanted: No Fullmoon Freakout + Extremely low Chance of Zombies
Reply #5 on:
2012 September 10, 13:18:35 »
Do the random sims that get zombified turn back? I have an investigator quest that I can't finish because the person I report to turned into a zombie.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 71
Re: Testers wanted: No Fullmoon Freakout + Extremely low Chance of Zombies
Reply #6 on:
2012 September 10, 18:15:15 »
Quote from: jezzer on 2012 September 10, 13:18:35
Do the random sims that get zombified turn back? I have an investigator quest that I can't finish because the person I report to turned into a zombie.
They probably should turn back. I haven't seen zombified sims stay zombies for longer than a full moon night. Maybe you can try to heal this sim with a potion or a spell? Worked for that sim my witch turned into a frog while playing around with magic.
-Define "interesting"! - Oh God, oh God, we're all gonna die?
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Re: Testers wanted: No Fullmoon Freakout + Extremely low Chance of Zombies
Reply #7 on:
2012 September 10, 20:12:28 »
Quote from: jezzer on 2012 September 10, 13:18:35
Do the random sims that get zombified turn back? I have an investigator quest that I can't finish because the person I report to turned into a zombie.
No idea, but a cure elixir (alchemy level 2) works on them. I just cured a fairy who'd turned into a zombie (the first one I've encountered in about 7 ingame week, I guess that's the 3% I left in) by throwing the elixir at her. You can either research alchemy until you get the recipe (it's random which recipe you get during research, so it can take a while) or try the alchemy consignment store.
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: Testers wanted: No Fullmoon Freakout + Extremely low Chance of Zombies
Reply #8 on:
2012 September 10, 20:13:58 »
Quote from: jezzer on 2012 September 10, 13:18:35
Do the random sims that get zombified turn back? I have an investigator quest that I can't finish because the person I report to turned into a zombie.
You *should* be able to just quickly switch to that sim and remove the zombie moodlet, in theory.
Cupcakes Taste Like Violence
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Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Re: Testers wanted: No Fullmoon Freakout + Extremely low Chance of Zombies
Reply #9 on:
2012 September 10, 20:33:33 »
But throwing stuff at people is more fun
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Re: Testers wanted: No Fullmoon Freakout + Extremely low Chance of Zombies
Reply #10 on:
2012 September 11, 02:57:09 »
Quote from: kissing_toast on 2012 September 10, 20:13:58
Quote from: jezzer on 2012 September 10, 13:18:35
Do the random sims that get zombified turn back? I have an investigator quest that I can't finish because the person I report to turned into a zombie.
You *should* be able to just quickly switch to that sim and remove the zombie moodlet, in theory.
I was not able to select the zombie sims, even with AM.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 46
Re: Testers wanted: No Fullmoon Freakout + Extremely low Chance of Zombies
Reply #11 on:
2012 September 11, 05:47:12 »
I think the random zombified sims are only temporarily undead, but I don't know about the homeless spawns. Unless you bug it out by saving during a full moon (night?), which I hear makes the temporary transformations permanent for some.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Re: Testers wanted: Various Annoyance stomping Hacks
Reply #12 on:
2012 September 11, 20:38:22 »
Edit: Link moved to first post
For those who, like me, aren't amused by the recently introduced "send stuff to friend online" feature. I wouldn't have minded in the least if this hadn't caused a lag each fucking time I clicked on a potion in inventory. This hack kills the "send potion online" option altogether, so if you like the idea of sending stuff to people, don't use it.
Last Edit: 2012 October 02, 23:59:35 by sloppyhousewife
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 12
Re: Testers wanted: Various Annoyance stomping Hacks
Reply #13 on:
2012 September 12, 18:37:15 »
Thanks for these. Have definitely experienced less zombies than before, what the hell was EA thinking with that spawn percentage?
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 46
Re: Testers wanted: Various Annoyance stomping Hacks
Reply #14 on:
2012 September 13, 02:07:30 »
Quote from: Pixelen on 2012 September 12, 18:37:15
Thanks for these. Have definitely experienced less zombies than before, what the hell was EA thinking with that spawn percentage?
Zombie Apocalypse.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Re: Testers wanted: Various Annoyance stomping Hacks
Reply #15 on:
2012 September 13, 07:42:29 »
Quote from: Pixelen on 2012 September 12, 18:37:15
Thanks for these. Have definitely experienced less zombies than before, what the hell was EA thinking with that spawn percentage?
Glad to hear it's working. I take it you have zombies, then? That's great (maybe not for you, though
), because I'd like to clearify some points:
- Have you encountered any *new* zombies?
- The zombies you already have - do they spawn on the active lot* during a full moon and if so, how often?
* Active lot as in "The lot where the sim is at the moment". This doesn't need to be a residential lot. In my infested hood, I had them spawn on the fishing lot where I did some night fishing, and in Al Simhara, too (four of those things were waiting for my sim at the entrance to the Great Sphinx).
Quote from: akmpe on 2012 September 13, 02:07:30
Zombie Apocalypse.
You know, if zombies were handled like mummies, i.e. if they attacked people and infested them, they could actually be a lot of fun.
Last Edit: 2012 September 13, 08:36:42 by sloppyhousewife
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 46
Re: Testers wanted: Various Annoyance stomping Hacks
Reply #16 on:
2012 September 13, 20:48:34 »
Quote from: sloppyhousewife on 2012 September 13, 07:42:29
Quote from: akmpe on 2012 September 13, 02:07:30
Zombie Apocalypse.
You know, if zombies were handled like mummies, i.e. if they attacked people and infested them, they could actually be a lot of fun.
This should have been an option from the start, if you ask me. It's obvious they were thinking of overwhelming zombie hordes.
Twallan seems to have had the same idea, because he implement two zombie diseases in his Vector mod.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 46
Re: Testers wanted: Various Annoyance stomping Hacks
Reply #17 on:
2012 September 21, 04:39:54 »
Quote from: sloppyhousewife on 2012 September 11, 20:38:22
For those who, like me, aren't amused by the recently introduced "send stuff to friend online" feature. I wouldn't have minded in the least if this hadn't caused a lag each fucking time I clicked on a potion in inventory. This hack kills the "send potion online" option altogether, so if you like the idea of sending stuff to people, don't use it.
Any chance you could remove the wish that sims sometimes have to send potions online, as well?
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 148
Puny humans.
Re: Various Annoyance stomping Hacks
Reply #18 on:
2012 November 26, 19:17:19 »
Sorry for the necromancy (spork away!). I wanted to request that you please (with sugar on top) create a version of the zombie hack that makes it 0% instead of 3%. Zombies kill my game as I don't have enough RAM (or something--I'm not actually sure what the problem is, just that it makes the game freeze/twitch until I force it to quit).
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Re: Various Annoyance stomping Hacks
Reply #19 on:
2012 December 01, 09:28:03 »
Gah, that's typical. I'm not here for a few days, and someone replies to my thread just then
As for your question: Sure, no problem. I've changed the check interval to 300 seconds, too. Let me know if it helps.
ETA: Updated for 1.50
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Last Edit: 2013 May 15, 16:26:57 by sloppyhousewife
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 12
Re: Testers wanted: Various Annoyance stomping Hacks
Reply #20 on:
2013 January 02, 18:12:35 »
Quote from: sloppyhousewife on 2012 September 13, 07:42:29
Quote from: Pixelen on 2012 September 12, 18:37:15
Thanks for these. Have definitely experienced less zombies than before, what the hell was EA thinking with that spawn percentage?
Glad to hear it's working. I take it you have zombies, then? That's great (maybe not for you, though
), because I'd like to clearify some points:
- Have you encountered any *new* zombies?
- The zombies you already have - do they spawn on the active lot* during a full moon and if so, how often?
Sorry it took so long to reply to this. My save in the supernatural neighbourhood borked itself and I had to start again. Before I installed the mod, I had 3-4 zombies spawn on the active lot during a full moon, and even about 1-2 per normal night. I don't know if they were new or not because I would just delete or reset them with Nraas' Master Controller.
Since installing it I have had barely any zombie spawns; I think I had 1 on a full moon but that was about it.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Re: Various Annoyance stomping Hacks
Reply #21 on:
2013 May 20, 10:08:34 »
Testers wanted
Cats Present Stuff to Sim Tweak
When my cat presented a maple leave to his sim, I was all "awwwww". My idiot sim, on the other hand, was all "ewww" and got a relationship hit. WTF? Hello! Your loving, considerate cat brought you a GIFT, you jerk!
After an equally negative reaction to a crawfish (useful) and a pygmie hedgehog (valuable), I've had enough. I sent the crawfish to be mounted ("Kitty's first Kill!"), bought a terrarium for the hedgehog and made this mod.
What it does:
Changes the reaction to being presented with stuff to always result in a relationship increase (no matter how disgusting your sim might find it - you think a maple leaf is nauseating? Wait until you find a disembowelled mouse in your bed!).
It also lowers the increase to 1 (it was 10 for positive reactions before, which imho is a bit much).
In addition, sims will now always pet their cats as a "Thank you".
Less annoying Bonehilda
Changes "The amount of time that bonehilda will roam (WHERE roam = findAnnoyingStuffToDo && harassPet_priority = 100 // priority scale 0-100) around the house before she returns to her coffin" from 60 to 5 minutes.
This means that she will return to her coffin almost immediately after finishing work*.
*From what I've observed, Bonehilda routines work as follows:
- chores are generated (dirty dishes, unmade beds etc.) > BH leaves coffin (checkpoint 1)
- while outside the coffin, BH will do all work present at checkpoint 1, including stuff which doesn't trigger coffin leaving, like watering plants.
- chores generated while BH is outside (checkpoint 2) will
not always
be done immediately, because this mod doesn't leave enough time to look for work (or trouble). (Edit in blue: changed "not" to "not always")
- BH returns to coffin
- while still active, BH will leave the coffin again after 60 minutes (default) to do chores generated at checkpoint 2 etc.
So far, it seems to work fine. All work gets done, if not immediately, then an hour later. And much more important: Due to the short amount of time BH has left to wander about, she has been able to sneak in one single "Pet" action in three ingame days. Results may vary due to household setups. Use at your own risk.
ETA: Pet harassment can still occur when the pet is in the room where BH has finished her last task. She will not follow the poor critter around, though.
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Last Edit: 2013 May 23, 16:52:25 by sloppyhousewife
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Re: Various Annoyance stomping Hacks
Reply #22 on:
2013 June 12, 10:59:22 »
Writing Comics Overhaul
After ~30 comic books, my writer sim had maximised his street art skill without even getting close to a wall ever. Lolwut? In addition, his painting skill went from 3 to 8. I don't approve of my sims gaining skills unless I order them to, so I removed the painting/street art skill gain:
No more free painting/street art skills from writing comic books! (Note: writing skill is not affected)
As a compensation, writing comics now is fun:
Added bonus! Writing novels is fun, too:
Because writing *is* fun, why else would you do it? And yes, I'm aware that there are several similar hacks available already, but this one happened to sit in the same folder as the comics hacks, so I thought "meh"
Edited to correct skill name (it's street art, not street painting)
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Last Edit: 2013 June 13, 07:24:32 by sloppyhousewife
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Re: Various Annoyance stomping Hacks
Reply #23 on:
2013 June 14, 11:20:44 »
Inventing is Fun
Because how could messing around with a soldering iron possibly NOT be fun? Fun rate is the same as for the sculpting station.
No more Ice Cream Truck
Stops the annoying stalker truck from generating by setting the number of vehicles generated to 0.
Q: I put the hack in, but the truck doesn't go away. Why?
A: This hack doesn't delete ice cream trucks, but prevents them from being generated the next day. A truck already present will still be there and stay there until its duty is finished. Service times are cut down to 2 hours (10AM to noon), however, so the truck will leave your world at 12PM to never return.
Q: I saved at 4PM ingame time with the truck parking in front of my active lot. Will putting this hack in make my game explode, because the service times are now shorter?
A: No. The truck will "realise" that the service has ended and will simply drive away.
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"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
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