Howling Hills House Link
http://www.mediafire.com/?s7ee2d2duhcxv57The Howling Hills House was a peaceful place that welcomed many of its neighbours, putting on shows and feasts for the poor and the rich they were loved by all.
There lived a family of 5; Husband Mr L.B.Gilbert (lawrence) and Mrs S.P.Gilbert (Sharon) youngest daughter Miss M.H.Gilbert (Mary) and oldest daughter Miss A.P.Gilbert (Anna) and the Middle aged son Mr J.T.Gilbert (Johnathan) of which all of them were close to one another, however one day would come where that would change everything.
It was a fine summers afternoon Mr and Mrs Gilbert were sat in the garden with Johnathan and Anna, they were preparing the outside for their summer garden party, while the cooks prepared the food in the kitchen and the maids washed the the floors and doors and butlers made sure their uniforms were clean to greet the guests. Everyone was looking forward to today as Mary was coming home from boarding school to stay over the summer, when all of a sudden without warning there was a massive explosion that came from the kitchen, it shattered the glass from the windows of the kitchen and dining room. Mr and Mrs Gilbert dashed to the house then Johnathan and Anna followed even though they were given strict instructions not to follow. None of them was not to know what was about to follow as Mr gilbert Opened the front door all he could see was that the house was up in flames which knocked all of them flying. They was all knocked unconcious, the flames then spread outside reaching the Gilbert family burning the family as they laid unconscious.
Mary was late to arrive to the house as the trains had been cancelled and that the boarding school had finished late, she finally got to the big steel gates of the house, Mary then walked up to the house only to see it was smouldering and scourched yet the house was still in tact, she also noticed that there was not a soul insight, she began to run up to the front door of the house and opened it where she was greeted but ash covered hands, she fell to her knees and began to cry, she was to turn 18 and have no family and the only place for her now was the work house, but she was expecting a bane. A fellow neighbour walked up and told her everything and gave there deepest regards and sympathy,the neighbour also told her it was too late for anyone to do anything, doctors annouced them dead at the scene.
Mary then locked herself away in the loft were she used to play with her brother and sister as a child, she was begining to show and knew she had to get help, she couldnt cope anymore. She hired a nanny and maid and soon the house was returning back to normal, but she didn't feel normal, she wasn't at ease ever since her family died over 8 months ago. She had so many questions and knew she would never have the answers to any of them.
A few weeks past by and she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl Dorothy, she knew the father wouldn't be around as he was a married man and would have nothing to do with his B*****d child and she too couldnt cope with motherhood, so she gave her nanny the duty of being the childs nurse. A year went by and she got no better she only got worse, but she faked a laugh and a smile to get by without anyone pestering her, Mary saw Dorothy unattended and picked her up and placed her in her push chair and took her for a strole in the grarden, she sat her down on the grass and played with a few toys with her, Mary seemed fine untill Dorothy cried out "Mommy" Mary told Dorothy "I am your mommy" the child shook its head as to say no, Mary felt upset and angry and placed Dorothy in her push chair and went to the pond to see the fish but Dorothy wouldn't stop crying, Mary screamed and out of rage pushed the pram in the pond, Mary stood there looking around as to look for help but didn't want to get any, so she tilted her head and watched she then walked away, slowly pulling her self up the stairs ignoring the nanny's question of "have you seen little Dorothy" Mary carried on up to the bedroom in the loft she lay down on the bed cried and said "I will be with you soon" Later that night the maid found Mary laying on her bed not breathing and a pillow over her face, she had suffercated herself.
Mr and Mrs Gilbert was buried together in the garden with a pot that was given to them as a wedding present for enternal love. Anna was buried with her ballet slipper and Johanthen was buried with his football.
From this day it is said that Mary still lays in the bed she was found in and that the maid was locked in the room with her with her nail marks on the door, the other staff are yet to be found, some even say you can see the ghost of the baby playing at the pond and that Mary haunts the house in search for answers.