Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 362
I hate it when my sims juggle. How undignified for a grown peson to be juggling. I wish we could get a fix to stop them from ever juggling, like the one we got for them playing in the bathtub, also very undignified and unproper behavior for a grownup. 
How undignified for a grown peson to be juggling.
I juggle. I look like a grownup. Sometimes I even act like one.  I'm 56.  I haven't played in the bathtub much tho. At least not like the Sims do. Hook
If some is good and more is better, then too much ought to be just about right.
People also earn their living by juggling!
And maybe I'm just a kid at heart, but I love it when my sims play in the bathtub! I just make sure there's another bath or shower available for any of the other sims to use!
Zephyr Zodiac
Smells Like Pee

Posts: 7367
Aww, my husband juggles cans when we're grocery shopping. I find it very cute. But I too am just a big kid, myself.
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 108
How undignified for a grown peson to be juggling. Hey now, I'm a grown person (38) and I juggle. I even live in your lovely state of Ohio. You never know - your best friends may be jugglers. 
--- Torkle
I have never had my Sims juggle...I barely even knew it was an option. I downloaded the fix anyway though, so thanks for saving me from the Large Fiery Ball Visible From Space game, Crammyboy. 
They can also "Join Jugglijng" and get social form it. And outgoing funloving sims also get the option instead of "Meditate".
Zephyr Zodiac
Lipless Loser
Posts: 610
Don't look now but they're going to kill you.
|'re kidding me...the portal deletion is back?!
Will download. I don't have sims that juggle much but you never know.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 43
Careful there Lenny...
This is why we need creators like you! Thank you so much for this fix. I haven't had the problem yet, but I created my first Pleasure sim and he constantly wants to juggle!
julieanne4678 on TS2 site
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 929
Unrepentant Inteenimator User - Kitten Killer.
Crap on a stick.
Salutes - thanks CB.
Inteen for AL, yay!
Try pressing Ctrl while clicking on the download. Sometimes I have to do that in order for it to work. 
Cathy, are you clicking on the paperclip or the url? I've just tried it and it's working perfectly. If you are clicking in the right place and still get these messages, it may be worth refreshing. Sometimes I've noticed that when the net is very busy, it takes too long for something to load, and you get the message you got, but refreshing sometimes helps,
Also, if you still can't download, you could try to right click and then click on Save Target as.
Spladoum, is it any bookcase, or maybe just one that hasn't been updated?
Zephyr Zodiac
I was playing in windowed mode and stepped away from the game for a few minutes, and came back to find that a Sim was reading from a book that had been left out, and the portals were deleting like mad! I have both this fix and the official NL patch installed. Anyone else had a similar problem? I think that I'm going to throw out these people's bookshelf.  If that was a cloned bookshelf from somewhere, then it could contain the original error. You should inform the creator who should advise everyone that the problem exists.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 362
I just downloaded this to prevent this from happening again because I had a missing portal so I deleted the house.
what I need to know is I also installed your portal fix from MTS2 for NL. Should I have both of them installed version one and two or only the one here?
the way I understand from what I am reading here is the version2 only fixes the portal if it is messed up from juggling or does it just add juggling to the other things that you fixed in version 1?
i am sorry but I don't know exactly how this works? does it automatically tell me if I have a messed up portal or do I have to type something in the cheat box?
thank you.
You don't need portal fix 1 if you have the nightlife or university patch installed. You will need this fix to stop portal deletion from juggling. The portal monitor will let you know if a portal has been deleted, although with this fix installed it shouldn't happen.
So that's what caused the mailbox to vanish into thin air. I thought I was going bonkers. One second it was there, the next- gone. I have three pleasure sims in that household. I ending up moving them out, since the lot was undersized anyway. Am downloading this now.
Photobucket has a dirty mind.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 5
Thanks, Crammyboy. I didn't even know there was such a thing as portal deletion, and it took me a few minutes to figure out what "portals" were anyway. This does explain the disappearance of the mailbox on one of my lots, though.
Li'l Brudder
Lemme get this straight.
EVERY TIME you juggle, the game randomly implodes one object? Great, just great! I realized that if the game is eating objects when you juggle, what if it randomly selects Pollination Technition and Mrs. Crumplebottom? I can only imagine how big the fiery ball visible from space would be. D'you think that that could even happen? That could become as big a problem as the Love Potion 5.1 dissaperating sims.
Well, did you really expect Maxis to actually test the EP thoroughly before they marketed it? They could learn a lot from modders like JM, TJ and CB who spend a lot of time testing anything they make before they offer it to us! (And they aren't charging us anything!)
Zephyr Zodiac
Lemme get this straight.
EVERY TIME you juggle, the game randomly implodes one object? Great, just great! I realized that if the game is eating objects when you juggle, what if it randomly selects Pollination Technition and Mrs. Crumplebottom? I can only imagine how big the fiery ball visible from space would be. D'you think that that could even happen? That could become as big a problem as the Love Potion 5.1 dissaperating sims.
It only deletes things from the lot. So if Mrs Crumplbottom is on the lot and gets zapped, the character data will remain intact. It only really becomes a problem when something that is hard to replace is zapped. Portals being one of those things.
Annoying too, if it's the expensive car!
Zephyr Zodiac
Was this now /really/ patched by Maxis?
No idea yet, I haven't got around to looking at the code.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 174
It appears to be fixed from what I could tell.
Isn't it about time you did your part in God's plan? Go on, install InTeen today. What would Jesus do?
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 519
SL Diva or TS2 Drama Queen? Uh...both!
Jase, is this: a)inteem work avoidance or b)part of the grand scheme of things involved in updating your kitten friendly appliance?
happy now :-)