 Fixes a (Maybe not so) rare problem with juggling that would cause the random deletion of objects including portals. Any form of juggling will enter this code when juggling has finished, but the portion of the code with the problem only occurs under certain conditions. This code completely bypasses the removal code, because I have yet to find anything being deleted that was related to juggling. Install into downloads. This fix is for nightlife, although it may exist in previous versions or work correctly in previous versions. Includes the portal monitor for safety purposes.
« Last Edit: 2006 March 23, 11:50:11 by crammyboy »
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 342
GAH ~ you'd think Maxis would have fixed something like that in the patch!
Thank you for coming to the rescue.
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 110
We are all just monkeys...
I don't think I have this problem in my game. Should I install it anyway?
Since the act of juggling with anything in the game could potentially cause the deletion of something, I would say that you do have the problem.
This is just totally unbelievable. Thanks for coming to the rescue once again, Crammyboy.
J. M. Pescado
Good to know. Fortunately, I never juggle, but good to have.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
I don't juggle either. But these new Pleasure sims like to juggle, and occasionally you'll find a playful sim low on fun juggling bottles from the fridge or juggling espresso cups. So this is definitely good to have just to stop those random deletions. It's rather scary. What else besides portals can get deleted that could cause problems?
Basically anything can be deleted. The two I have had so far are the car service portal and a toilet cleaning brush. I have no explanation as to what maxis was thinking with this code.
Deformed Freak
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 840
Now with new and improved avatar!
Sometimes it seems that they don't think at all.
Smells Like Pee

Posts: 7367
Oh, wow, is that what happens? I had the dreaded "Warning! Portals have been accidentally deleted. Please exit the lot without saving" message just yesterday, and I could have cried. I had gotten sim me married and pregnant, and hadn't bothered to save the game after doing so. I figured it was gardener-related, since any portal deletion information I could dig up pertained to that. But now that I've read this thread, I realize the message popped up immediately after this little photo shoot:   I had just made them stop juggling when I got the message. I had no idea juggling was so dangerous! Sheesh! So they were actually juggling portals, then? LOL. Okay, I admit I don't get how this works, but I am definitely installing this. Thanks for yet another fix.
That's just it. Things like this that are totally unrelated. Just like the books that the children were being read to out of causing deleted portals. What will it be next time??? Where will it stop? If I didn't love this game so much, I would have thrown it out a long time ago because of all these stupid bugs. I'm just grateful for all these guys and gals who keep finding the holes and plugging them up so I can keep my Sims obsession going strong.
For a second there I thought I didn't read that right. Juggling? You've got to be kidding. Thank you CB for finding fixes for things I didn't even know could get broken by performing totally unrelated actions.
There was a problem with portals in Uni as well, I don't remember completely what that entailed, but I know that you were the one who came to the rescue then too. I think I saw that on MTS2. I have to go back and try to find that one, I'm going to read up on these damn portals.
Smells Like Pee

Posts: 7367
Why do I keep getting all these "rare" problems, anyway??? 
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 167
Obviously you're just special 
| you are actually juggling a big fireball every time you juggle...hell.
Smells Like Pee

Posts: 7367
Portal-juggling, apparently.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 9
 thank you so much for another much needed fix! I'll keep looking to see if I can find out why my sims have suddenly lost kicky-bag/pillow fight option(s, and if there's a fix for that. thanks,again! 
It's the loo brush that amazes me! What next - the stove? If something randomly disappears from the house, I guess we should just thank heavens it wasn't a portal! I was speculating a while back that there was some other rubbish coding in there deleting portals that we just hadn't recognised yet. I'm feeling prescient at the moment - though old and suspicious is more like it....
I think I fell over this particular problem yesterday because I did have my first ever portal problem and someone had been juggling. I guess we tell people the portal monitor is a must have and ask everyone to make a note of what they were doing and post if they suspect other actions caused a problem.
Please confirm that it is juggling that is dangerous in itself, not cancelling juggling. Yes I know that's what you said, but I was expecting it to be cancelling juggling and misread it the first 3 times through. Others might too.
« Last Edit: 2005 December 06, 19:40:03 by cwykes »
Sick of Bluewater? Try Sedona or Meadow Lawns instead. Meadow Lawns is a whole neighbourhood built to explore OFB. Sedona is a sub'hood you can install as a permanent alternative to Bluewater - it's an "out of this world" experience!
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 131
After installing the nightlife patch I took out your previous portal fix but left the monitor in. (Thinking that the patch was supposed to have fixed that bug.) Well, first house I went to after I played a while, the portal deletion warning popped up. I don't remember if anyone had been juggling at the time. I put your previous fix right back in assuming that the patch had not fixed it after all. Hasn't happened again. Yet. That particular household is a large one with lots of kids. Always someone leaving books laying around so I am frequently having them pick up books. Don't think I have ever instructed anyone to juggle but have had them do it autonomously and have also had them do it because I had clicked juggling when intending to click whatever is next to it on refrigerator. When I first installed your previous fix I had about a dozen homes in Pleasantview that had a missing portal. Always the one that allowed service vehicles to arrive. ]
So DID the patch fix the first problem you identified? Or not? I am definintly putting this fix in also but afraid to take out the other without being positive it's not still needed.
The patch did fix the problem with the books. They changed the way that the thought and speach bubble objects were used so that nothing needed to be deleted. The problem you initially had may have been this one. The book problem was more likely to delete portals because the values picked in error were usually very low (1 or 2 I think). This one is more likely to cause a lot of different errors.
Please confirm that it is juggling that is dangerous in itself, not cancelling juggling. Yes I know that's what you said, but I was expecting it to be cancelling juggling and misread it the first 3 times through. Others might too.
Is this right?
Sick of Bluewater? Try Sedona or Meadow Lawns instead. Meadow Lawns is a whole neighbourhood built to explore OFB. Sedona is a sub'hood you can install as a permanent alternative to Bluewater - it's an "out of this world" experience!
Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
As it says 'critical' I am downloading right away!  Thanks.
Please confirm that it is juggling that is dangerous in itself, not cancelling juggling. Yes I know that's what you said, but I was expecting it to be cancelling juggling and misread it the first 3 times through. Others might too.
Is this right? It is the cleanup code at the end of juggling that is faulty. Why would you think it was cancelling juggling? The word "Cancel" does not even appear in the first post. This code is always run when juggling is finished. The problem part of the code will run under certain conditions.
'cos it was cancel that was the problem last time and that's the way my poor old brain works. I was posting to someone saying "don't cancel juggling or readme" and thought... have I got this right....... Sorry to bother you and thank you. I've already pointed several simmers with portal problems at it......
Sick of Bluewater? Try Sedona or Meadow Lawns instead. Meadow Lawns is a whole neighbourhood built to explore OFB. Sedona is a sub'hood you can install as a permanent alternative to Bluewater - it's an "out of this world" experience!
Thanks yet again Crammyboy for being so quick to spot these Maxian Mistakes!
Personally, I think it's about time they offered you, TJ and Pescado a retainer!
Zephyr Zodiac